The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2669: Corner encounters "love"

Chapter 2669, the corner meets "love"

"Want to run?"

Qu Kun is not someone else.

He will not let Xu Feng escape.

He himself knows that Xu Feng’s horrible talent, living for a day, is a huge threat.

No one knows what will happen to him in the next moment.


If you want to kill a peerless genius like Xu Feng, you must be decisive and determined.

There must be no hesitation.

The spiritual flow of Qu Kun was directly chased toward Xu Feng.

The space field of Xu Feng emerged.

His speed is extremely fast.

The outbursts of the meridians are all strong fluctuations.

Xu Feng also fled in front.

His spiritual power is moving toward his feet.

Xu Feng himself knows that if he breaks out all the spirits, he will definitely be able to defeat Qu Kun and even kill him.

However, it is not a very wise choice to kill Qu Kun and expose his biggest card.

Xu Feng’s card is the last means of life.

Qu Kun could not kill him at all.

He also does not need to show all the strength.

Qu Kun is chasing Xu Feng in the back.


Zuo Lengchan’s face was full of smiles. He looked at the yellowed scroll on the opposite side, and it was full of horror.

He knows that this scroll is the second-order Holy Spirit, the legend of the Styx.

Once the Swordsmanship is successfully cultivated.

His strength is bound to be a huge improvement.

"Ha ha ha... I can't think of my luck so well, get the catalogue of the Styx."

Zuo Lengchan’s heart couldn’t help but smile.

He went straight to the yellowed scroll.

Just in the cold, Zen is about to catch the scroll.

A powerful momentum has invaded.

The gust of wind suddenly broke out.

I saw, a figure, the legend of the Styx, directly in the hand.

The face of Zuo Lengchan is cold and angry.

His eyes stared at each other.

It turned out to be the four elders of Soul Island, Wang Yongcheng.

"Ha ha ha... The catalogue of the Styx is mine."

Wang Yongcheng’s face is full of smiles.

Left cold Zen face cold and fierce, the gods are killing, said: "Wang Yongcheng, do not want to die, and quickly handed me the Styx catalogue, otherwise I will let you know, what is called death is very miserable."

When Wang Yongcheng looked at Zuo Lengchan, his eyes were indeed taboo.

As the four elders of the Soul Island, his cultivation is the peak of the eight peaks of the spiritual world.

Of course, he knows that the strength of Zuo Leng Chan is terrible.

However, watching the Stories of the Styx has already arrived.

If he wants him to surrender like this, he is certainly not reconciled.

"Left cold Zen, I know that your strength is very powerful. However, the description of the Styx is in my hand, if you are in a hurry."

"The big jade is burned, and when this time the river catalogue becomes crushed, you may not be able to kill me."

When Wang Yongcheng said, the flame on the palm of his hand burned, and it was possible to burn the Styx catalogue directly at any time.

The spiritual power flowing on Zuo Leng Chan became settled, and his eyes looked at Wang Yongcheng opposite.

"Wang Yongcheng, let's talk, how are you, will you be willing to hand over the Styx catalogue?"

Zuo Lengchan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He knows that Wang Yongcheng is a man who is profitable.

"Ha ha ha... Left cold Zen, are you when I am a three-year-old?"

Wang Yongcheng laughed directly.

If he handed it out to the Stories of the River.

I am afraid that if he has not had time to get the benefits, he will be directly killed by Zuo Lengchan.

"I am now surrendering the catalogue of the Styx, isn't it necessary to die?"

Wang Yongcheng said.

Zuo Leng chan is biting his teeth, he is still staring at Wang Yongcheng, saying: "Wang Yongcheng, I advise you not to force me."

The heart of Zuo Leng Zen is a stern color.

He knows that as long as he kills Wang Yongcheng himself, the other party may not really be willing to smash the catalogue of the Styx.

However, he did not want to force Wang Yongcheng too eager.

Wang Yongcheng laughed haha.

"Left cold Zen, can you try?"

Wang Yongcheng said, really want to smash the catalogue of the Styx.

"Slow... slow..."

Left cold Zen eyes are full of anger, he was actually Wang Yongcheng, completely led the nose.

"Oh, don't force me."

Wang Yongcheng said, turning around and moving toward the side of the passage, quickly disappeared.

Of course, Zuo Leng Chan will not let Wang Yongcheng easily.

He went straight to Wang Yongcheng.

"Wang Yongcheng, since I can't get the book of the Styx, then I will kill you." Zuo Lengchan's face is cold and killing.

The spiritual power in his body, the moment he chased Wang Yongcheng, the cold wind on the palm of his hand.

The spirit of his head broke out.

Twenty-two fluctuations in the spirit.


Wang Yongcheng’s heart is full of anger: “Zuo Leng Zen, I **** your ancestors of the 18th generation! You really do it!”

Wang Yongcheng felt that Zuo Leng Zen was afraid that he would destroy the catalogue of the Styx and would not do it.

I know, Zuo Lengchan not only started, but also rushed to kill him.

"Wang Yongcheng, let me record the Styx, maybe I can let you go."

Zuo Leng Zen stared at Wang Yongcheng opposite.

"You dream!"

Wang Yongcheng’s eyes are unwilling.

Look at the book of the Styx, so give the left cold Zen.

This is simply too heartbreaking.

"Let me die."

The moment when Zuo Leng Zen rushed out.

His palms were shot out and formed a fierce hurricane.

"Left cold Zen..."

When Wang Yongcheng roared out, his palm collided with Zuo Lengchan, and the whole person flew straight out.

Blood spouted from his mouth.

"Left cold Zen, I can't get a catalogue of the Styx, don't even think about it..."


Wang Yongcheng screamed. He grabbed the reel inside his hand and threw it away at the dark alley that was not far away.



Xu Feng was constantly chased by Qu Kun, and he did not know where to escape.

I know, suddenly, the sound of screaming came.

Xu Feng has not had time to react.

A yellowed scroll fell into his arms.


Xu Feng just saw Zuo Lengchan and Wang Yongcheng.

Even Wang Yongcheng was stunned. He just wanted to throw out the Stories of the Styx.

Unexpectedly, I would like to throw the Stories of the Styx to Xu Feng.


Xu Feng’s first reaction, of course, was to escape.

He slammed out in the dark passage on the left hand side.

"Xu Feng, I want you to die!"

Zuo Lengchan did not expect that he and Wang Yongcheng would compete here for a long time.

In the end, Xu Feng had no effort at all, and he took the Styx catalogue into his arms.

"Qukun, are you?"

Left cold Zen chased out, just to see Qu Kun who chased Xu Feng.

Qu Kun’s eyes are killing.

"Xu Feng?"

"You are also chasing Xu Feng?"

Zuo Lengchan and Qu Kun are looking at each other.

"Over there! Quick chase!"

Both of them reacted violently, and this was the place where Xu Feng fled and quickly chased them out.

Xu Feng’s heart is excited at the moment.

Is this a corner that encounters "love"?

(End of this chapter)

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