The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2657: Five spirits

Chapter 2657 Psychic Five

Xu Feng walked in the direction of the front.

Just as he walked away, his eyes were flashing.

He suddenly found out that he did not know where it was.

He looked at the lost void around him.

There is a sudden picture of the scene in the distance.

"Ling Bingrong...a lot..."

Xu Feng looked across, the slim girl, the face of the other side, are cold killing.

That's right, that's Xu Duoduo.

As time passed, Xu Duoduo grew up.

However, Xu Feng looked at Xu Duoduo's eyes are all pity.

However, in Xu Duoduo's eyes, Xu Feng saw hate.

"A lot... what happened to you?"

"I am your father..."

Xu Feng looked at Xu Duoduo on the opposite side. His eyes were anxious. They were panic and there was some fear in the inexplicable heart.

"I want to kill you... you are my enemy!"

Xu Duoduo's cold voice came out, and a sharp sword appeared in her hand.

On the long sword, there is a cold and strong momentum. In her eyes, all the screams are horrible.

Xu Feng’s heart is shaking in the boundless end.

He really didn't understand what he was doing wrong.

Why did God punish himself like this, and let his daughter and himself turn against each other?

Xu Feng's eyes looked angry at Ling Xiaorong next to him. He found that his face had a strange smile.

"Ling Bingrong, it's all you... it must be you, I want to kill you..."

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the long sword that Xu Duoduo attacked, but the whole man went crazy and attacked Ling Bingrong.

I know, Ling Bingrong’s face seems to be a disdainful smile.

As if taunting Xu Feng's incompetence.

Xu Feng constantly wants to kill Ling Bingrong, but can't get close to Ling Bingrong.

However, Xu is much behind him.

But constantly chasing him crazy.

In the eyes of Xu Duodu, there is no emotion at all, and some are hatred.

Every time I look at Xu Duoduo's eyes, Xu Feng's heart is shaking, and he is full of fear.

He does not want his daughter to treat himself like this.

"Oh, no... no..."

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

At the moment when Xu Duoduo attacked him, the sword seemed to wear a broken heart.

His heart suddenly felt that something was wrong.


Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, a sudden burst of powerful momentum broke out.

He was crazy to avoid the attack of Xu Duodu.


Xu Feng took a deep breath, and his eyes looked at the front, and his eyes were all in vain.

The illusion just now is so real.

However, his eyes are at this time, not far away.

I saw that there was a group there, as if it were milky white, and that thing was constantly squirming.

Sometimes it changes into a child's appearance, and sometimes it changes into a kitten's appearance, and sometimes it changes to become Xu Feng's appearance.

It seems like a naughty.

Xu Feng is very clear, no accident, that is the origin of the stone tires that the mysterious woman said.

"How can we refine this stone source?"

Xu Feng asked the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman said: "For others, perhaps refining the origin of this stone, or surrendering, is a big problem."

"For you, this is not a big problem, because you have a real estate."

"Hua Ding can suppress all things in the heavens and the earth, and can refine everything in the heavens and the earth, and the power is endless."

Hear the words of the mysterious woman.

Xu Feng did not know how to use the Huading Ding to be able to suppress the origin of the stone.


Just when Xu Feng hesitated.

The opposite source of the stone tires turned out to be extremely rapid and attacked by Xu Fengqi.

The mysterious woman suddenly said: "Hurry and use the Huading Ding to suppress him. If he flees, he is crazy. You are not his opponent."

The words of the mysterious woman, with some tension.

In Xu Feng’s body, the creation of Ding suddenly flew out.


When the martial arts came out, the explosions were all powerful.


For the origin of the stone, Chenghua Ding flies directly out.


The origin of the stone tire seems to be a screaming scream, and he wants to struggle to escape from Xu Feng’s hand.

Above the creation of Ding, even the filled with mysterious atmosphere, as if it is a road of heaven and earth.

Subsequently, the source of the stone was directly tied.

Regardless of how the stone tires are struggling, the Huading Ding is forcibly bound to the origin of the stone.

With the sound of the singularity of the dynasty.

The stone-born source was suddenly swallowed into it by the dynasty.

Xu Feng directly will make the Ding income into the body.

He felt the breath of the ancients and others close.

His whole person suddenly turned to the next place, and quickly went out quickly.

Xu Feng constantly avoids.

He came to a very hidden place.

It is felt that in the Huading Ding, the origin of the stone tire is gradually being built and refining.

However, a trace of pure spiritual power, from the top of the creation, to the flow of Xu Feng's meridians.

His thirty-two spiritual veins are swallowed in madness, and those pure powers continue to grow.

Xu Feng hurryed to sit on his knees. He was running the spirit of the whole body and began to refine the pure spiritual power.

Xu Feng felt that the stone spirit was constantly peeling off from the source of the stone.

"I can't think of the origin of the stone, it is so powerful."

Xu Feng’s heart is a surprise.

"My Kowloon refinery?"

Xu Feng felt his own body of the Kowloon refinement. On the first floor, his body was actually improving.

As he ran through the Kowloon refinery, his body radiated golden light.

The horrible momentum, with the flow of spiritual power on him, continually erupted, screaming.

The first pillar of the Kowloon refinery was gradually merged with Xu Feng’s body.

According to the realm of the refinement of the Kowloon.

The first pillar, the first layer.

It is called the spiritual body.

His current body, reaching the point where the top grade is in the spirit of the body, the power that erupted is terrifying.

If compared to the power of ancient elephants, Xu Feng now has the explosive power of seven ancient elephants.

With Xu Feng constantly refining the spiritual power.

The breath inside the body is constantly changing.

At the same time as his meridians and body transformation, the cultivation of his body was unconsciously elevated to the peak of the four spiritual worlds.

Strong momentum fluctuations are emitted.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of glory.

In his body, the original thirty-two spiritual veins increased again.

I don't know if anyone knows, will it vomit blood.

"Practicing the Five Spirits!"

Xu Feng felt that he had made a breakthrough in his cultivation. His heart was expecting and he was excited.

"Old, even if you get the chance, I can kill you as well." Xu Feng's heart is a hero.

He now wants to fight again with Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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