The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2634: Spiritual power

Chapter 2634 Spiritual Power

"Zhang Elder, Xu Big Brother will not have anything?"

Lian Yun asked anxiously.

Zhang Tianyou slightly brows his brow and said: "Miss, the character of Xu Feng's little brother, will not do things that are not sure."

Although Zhang Tianyou felt that Xu Feng was not an opponent of Yan Qiming, he still held a glimmer of hope.

after all.

This way down, he has seen too many Xu Feng to turn the tide, how to create miracles.

Moreover, even if he really wants to help Xu Feng, it will not help.

He is not Xu Feng, he can fight more and more.

Yan Qiming, who faced the seven-rehabilitation of the spiritual realm, must die.

Yan Qiming’s eyes are disdainful.

He looked at Xu Feng who became an ice sculpture.

The corner of the mouth rises and says: "You have a small waste like this, and you want to fight with me. Do you have this qualification?"


Just when Yan Qiming was happy.

The ice sculpture began to make a sound.

The body of Xu Feng, which had been frozen, and the surrounding ice, suddenly appeared a crack in the road.


Yan Qiming’s face changed dramatically.

The ice was all divided, and there was a figure inside, which contained a horrible boxing method and rushed toward his chest.

Yan Qiming’s eyes narrowed and his eyes narrowed. He stared at Xu Feng, who came from the front, and said, “How is it possible!”

Yan Qiming is very confident about his strength.


This time, Xu Feng’s fist and his palm, the collision of the scorpion, did not cause any injury to Xu Feng.

Some people have discovered that Xu Feng’s cultivation has been upgraded from the late three seasons of Tong Lingjing to the triple peak of Tong Lingjing.

"Ah, your repair has actually broken through?"

Yan Qiming almost did not vomit blood.

Xu Feng’s face is a smile, saying: “My repairs have indeed broken through, and this is all your credit.”

"If it weren't for you to freeze me, I still don't know when I can break through! Thank you very much!"

While Xu Feng spoke, he also expressed gratitude to Yan Qiming for directly holding the boxing.

This almost did not suffocate the blood of Yan Qi.

"Damn boy, I want your life!"

When Yan Qiming had suffered such a mockery.

This is a shameful shame for him.

His current spiritual flow of madness, the spirit of the top of the head are gathered together.

The ice is on his arm and becomes even more crazy.


When Yan Qiming stepped out, the attack on his arm became fierce.

The ice was on his arm and it was completely condensed, forming a heart-rending ice.

In the moment when his palm turned into ice, the sound of the eruption was a squeaky voice, which was inserted into the chest of Xu Feng.

Many people have replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

It is really that this ice is terrifying.

The ice above the palm is simply sharp.

"It's quite like a place."

Xu Feng, the only party, seems to have no feelings.

Instead, it is like a swallowing of a fist, and a fist is thrown out.


The two people's attacks collided one after another, forming a violent wind blowing.

Xu Feng broke through to the triple peak of Tongling, and with 20 ninth days of killing, there are still 20 spiritual veins.

As well as his cultivating to the realm of the fire, the savage heavens can be compared with Yan Qiming, who is full of spirituality.

Yan Qiming’s face is really hard to see.

From the beginning, he completely suppressed Xu Feng.

Now, Xu Feng is evenly matched with him, and no one can help anyone.

Yan Qiming stood there, his breath was somewhat floating, and said: "Xu Feng, since we can't help anyone, it's better to stop here. What do you think?"

Xu Feng’s mouth is raised.

"You are not qualified to say this to me."


The top 20 spirits of Xu Feng’s head floated, and the momentum on his body became even more terrifying, especially the golden light on his body.

"Great Nirvana Buddha Seal."

What Xu Feng showed is the first-order Shangpin spirit.

The Great Nirvana Buddha and India were displayed, and above his head, the Buddha was shining.

Twenty spiritual gatherings.

Yan Qiming’s look was taboo, but he still said: “Xu Feng, you can’t kill me.”


Yan Qiming’s body, a burst of spiritual power flowing wildly.

He is also the strongest attack on his own.

The powerful attack and Xu Feng’s Great Nirvana Buddha Seal are so smashing together.

It seems as if the whole void has erupted.


The collision of two people's attacks is awkward.

Both figures quit at the same time.

Yan Qiming's throat swayed, and a blood came out of his mouth. He forcibly swallowed blood into his belly.

His face was very calm, so he looked at the opposite Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, how about what I said, who can kill us!"

"Why must you lose both sides here, when others will take advantage of the fishermen?"

Yan Qiming’s words are very reasonable.

But Xu Feng is more clear.

At this moment, Yan Qiming is obviously at a disadvantage. If he persists, he can kill Yan Qiming.

However, Xu Feng seems to find a better way to kill Yan Qiming.

"Can't you kill you?"

Xu Feng stood there, his mouth raised and said: "I am afraid that all this is your own wishful thinking."

"Forget to tell you, my Xu Feng is not only a warrior, I am still a soul teacher who awakens the Holy Spirit."

The voice fell.

The golden Taikoo dragons on Xu Feng’s head are filled with horrible claws.

Everyone in Baiyang Island is dumbfounded.

Some onlookers are even more jaw-dropping.

"Is that human being?"

You must know that Xu Feng’s martial arts talent has already been so bad.

Tell everyone now.

Xu Feng is still a soul teacher.

And still awaken the soul master of the Taikoo Dragon Soul.

"Green inflammation!"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Yan Qiming and said: "I couldn't kill you, but you have been pretending to be forced, as if you are really powerful."

"I will tell you now, in my eyes, you are just waste."

Above the Taikoo Dragon Soul, the fifteen-striped roads all condense.

The moment when Qingyan Demonstration is displayed.

Many people feel their souls, as if they are burning in an instant.

Yan Qiming has the idea of ​​fighting at the moment. The only idea is to run quickly.


The speed of the soul is fast.

Qingyan Demonstration moves directly toward Yan Qiming's body.

Yan Qiming’s crazy resistance.

His attack wants to destroy the Qingyan Demonstration.


Unfortunately, he still can't resist the inflammation of the spirits.


At the moment when a blood spurted out, his face was remorseful and unwilling.

He is not reconciled, why is there such a genius between heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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