The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2631: Strong repression

Chapter 2631 Strong repression


Lian Yun spit directly from the mouth, her face is angry, the look is hate.

"I am ignorant of the despicable villain, you call me like this, I feel very disgusting." Lian Yun said directly.

Dai Heng did not care, but he smiled and said: "Xiao Yuner, for many years, you know what I really care about you."

"I really didn't think that your toxins could be lifted. I told you when I left Baiyang Island. If you encounter any irreversible difficulties, you can come to Soul Island to find me. Why don't you come?"

Dai Heng’s voice sounded as if he was tall.

It is really emotional.

"You know no, I am talking to you now, I feel sick!"

Lian Yun’s eyes are all disgusting.

Dai Heng does not mind.

"Xiao Yuner, you have to understand that I really like you very much. But we have different goals."

Dai Heng said that the righteousness is stunned.

As if, what he said is correct.

The eyes of Lian Yun are all resentful.

"If your nonsense is finished, you can now disappear from me."

Lian Yun said directly and coldly.

"Xiao Yuner, why are you so kind to me?"

Dai Heng went straight ahead.

Lian Yun retreats and maintains distance from Dai Heng.

"Dai Heng, I saw you being seriously injured in the sea of ​​nine ruins, so I will save you, this is my nature."

“In the beginning, I felt that your character was bright and open, much like the feeling of a big brother.”

"But you are envious of the enemy and poisoned me. If you say these words now, will your conscience not hurt?"

The words of Lian Yun sounded, and her eyes were all hateful.

In these years, after she was poisoned, she was only aware of the pain she had suffered.

If she didn't know she was not Dai Heng's opponent.

She is afraid that she will have rushed up and Dai Heng is desperate.

"My strength is not as powerful as you are. Otherwise, I will not talk nonsense with you, but use my sword to take your life."

Lian Yun said firmly.

Dai Heng stood there and he still wanted to continue.

"Yue, if you meet such a dog in the future, don't tell him what it is, just hit it right."

Xu Feng looked at Dai Heng’s hypocritical face, and his eyes were also disgusted.

In particular, this Dai Hengming is a kind of enemies, but it is incredible to say that such a big meaning is stunned.

Such a face is rare in the world.


Dai Heng did not react to himself.

The space field of Xu Feng’s seventh heaven is directly diffused.

His body appeared in front of Dai Heng.

Due to the attention of Dai Heng, all are in the low spirit.

He also did not guard against the sudden appearance of Xu Fenghui.

In this way, a slap in the face of Dai Heng's cheek.

The sound of the crisp palms rang through the ears of everyone.

Xu Feng appeared at the side of Lian Yun and said: "In the face of scum, either you kill him or you can avoid it directly."

"When you talk to people, it means you are talking to a mad dog, don't you feel bored?"

Xu Feng’s words are really words and hearts.

Moreover, each word is to make Dai Heng feel stabbed inside.

The words are very elegant.

However, it is more irritating than those swear words.

In particular, looking at Dai Heng's cheek, the red palm print.

Dai Heng felt the hot pain of his cheeks. His heart was full of anger and anger.

He really didn't think that he was actually tripled by a psychic spirit and slapped directly.

"You really get impatient, dare to wear the face of the brother?" A young disciple next to Soul Island, his face full of anger.

"Do you really think that killing the waste like Gu Yu, are you very good?"

"We are all core disciples from Soul Island, and we can also kill the six spirits."

Xu Feng looked at a group of people who were facing each other, and reached out directly, hooking a finger at several people.

"Come here... you guys are together, let me see, how powerful are you from the core genius of Soul Island?"

How many people have been so provocative.

The next one's body is full of six spirits.

They have a sly color in their eyes.


A burst of screaming sounds.

The spiritual power of several people flowed at the same time, exerting the Holy Spirit, and attacked Xu Feng at the same time.


The top 20 veins of Xu Feng’s head emerged, forming a criss-crossing power.

It’s like swallowing a fist, accompanied by the ninth day of killing.

There is also Xu Feng practicing the first floor of the Kowloon Refining Body.

His body strength has also become very powerful.

"Kid, dare to offend to wear brother, I will teach you to replace him."

A young man snorted.

His spiritual skills are very magnificent, and he has already attacked Xu Feng’s chest directly.


However, Xu Feng slammed out with a punch.

He hadn't had time to make a scream, and the whole person flew straight out more than ten meters and fell to the ground, his face full of embarrassment.


Xu Feng is on the job and takes the initiative to take the initiative.

A few young warriors from Soul Island were hardly the opponents of Xu Feng’s one round, all falling to the ground.

Blood ran out of his mouth, and all of them stared at Xu Feng with a blank face.

Even if it is Dai Heng, his face will become dignified at this moment.

Just now, he saw Xu Feng killing Gu Yu.

Just think that Xu Feng's strength is not bad.

However, with Xu Feng’s shot, he found that he seemed to underestimate the youth.

"You are really rich in waste from the island. Since one of them wants to teach me, don't blame me."

Xu Feng looked at other people in Baiyang Island and said, "Trouble you, let me know what is called a lesson."


Xu Feng’s words rang.

Zhang Tianyou is the elder of Baiyang Island. He has no hesitation.

Who is not willing to rush to this opportunity to beat the dog?

Departing the island as the first major force in the nine wild seas.

The disciples under the door are even more embarrassing.

Even some people who have no shadow islands are sneaking in the water at the moment.

Either kick a kick or kill someone.

In a blink of an eye.

A few people from Soul Island, only Dai Heng.

Xu Feng’s gaze fell on Dai Heng’s body and said: “The most hated thing in my life is the person who will enmity.”

"Since you took the initiative to come to the door today, you should also do what you have to do, paying the price you should pay."

The pulse of Xu Feng’s body flows.

The golden light flows from above his body.

Dai Heng bit his teeth and said: "Hey, the three seasons of the spiritual world, you are also qualified to be arrogant in front of me?"

Dai Heng’s spiritual power is stirring.

He is the sixth peak of the spiritual world.

The pulse of the top of the head emerged.

This guy is not bad, it is the seventeen spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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