The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2628: Complete extinction

Chapter 2628 is completely extinguished

Xue You’s face changed slightly.

Xu Feng’s hands waved in an instant.

I saw a place not far away.

Between the jungles there, a figure is constantly swaying everywhere.

The other party is the elder of the soul island.

"There was a set of methods that he had arranged. It was previously impossible for us to leave the valley. But unfortunately, he himself could not go out of the line. Such an idiot would be a lot of you."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The people on the opposite side of the Soul Island, all of them are full of mistakes and surprises.

Xu Feng is still calm.

Zhang Tianyou looked at Xu Feng, just like watching a monster.

He did not expect.

Xu Feng will still be in the process.

He seems to understand.

When Xu Feng took them with four people, he was in the valley and arranged the array.

However, they did not understand how Xu Feng arranged the array.

Do not say they don't understand.

Even the elders who are away from the soul island are often elders and do not understand.

Xue You’s face became ugly.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all killing.

"Since you are away from Soul Island and want to use the array to deal with us, then I will let you know what is the real battle."

"Don't think that mastering a little fur can be called a battle. It's just a slip of the world."

Xu Feng stood there, his robe on his body began to dance.

His spiritual strength is floating wildly.

As his words rang, it was shocking.

His hands are constantly changing.

The traces of the roads condensed directly.

The original people of Baiyang Island, they all felt that the changes in the surrounding valleys, but everything has nothing to do with them.

Everyone from Soul Island, but their faces are hard to look.

Because the people in Baiyang Island in front of them disappeared.

Xue You’s face became gloomy and panic.

He felt that the array of Xu Feng's arrangement was not simple.

"You are all members of the Soul Island, please enjoy yourself, and then your life and death."

The sound of Xu Feng sounded through the valley.


Then, in the entire valley, a towering tree was moving, forming a violent wave.

Chang Chang looked at Xue You not far away, his face became extraoriously ugly, saying: "What is going on?"

Xue You is full of anger, said: "Alternative elders, I still want to ask you, what is going on, are you not confident in your own formation?"

Among the elders of the elders, they are also angry.

"I really didn't expect that Baiyang Island would have such a character, can you arrange a battle?"

"I really want to know, what exactly is the other person who invited him?" The elders had awe on their faces.

Xu Feng appeared not far from Xue You and smiled. "You, it seems that you all died here today."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Inside the valley, the towering trees rolled over completely.

Blocks of boulder are all moving toward Xue Yuzhen's impact.

"It's him?"

"how is this possible?"

The elders have big eyes and his face is an incredible look.

He really didn't understand, how did the other party do it?

The formation method needs to be studied for a longer period of time.

At such a young age, how can we arrange such a formation?

"Nothing is impossible. It seems that all of you will die here."

Xu Feng’s face has a confident smile.


Xue You, who is full of spirituality, spurted his blood out of his mouth, and his face became extremely pale.

"Kid, you are really mean and shameless, have the ability to fight with me."

Xue You's face is not reconciled, his blood is rolling.

The towering tree of a plant, accompanied by huge stones, came towards his body and smashed.

He didn't know how to get out of the game, and his face was unwilling.

Xu Feng heard the words, almost did not laugh out.

He said slowly: "Don't you think it is ridiculous? You are a seven-pronged master of the spiritual world. I am three-way in the spirit, how can I fight with you?"

"If you are only a three-way cultivation of the spiritual world, you are not qualified to practice with me."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

He did not hesitate any more, saying: "How is the seven-pronged spirit, it is not the same death."

Xue You’s face is full of regret.

I knew this before.

He should not obey the words of the elders, they should kill these people early, why should they be exhausted?

"Want to run?"

Xu Feng looked at Liu Huan in the formation. His figure appeared in Liu Huan's not far away. He smiled and said: "You seem to be the core disciple of the Soul Island. I am very curious. In the end, you are more powerful, or I compare. What awesome?"

Liu Huan bit his teeth, he looked at Xu Feng opposite.

"Xu Feng, we have the ability to come to the battle of the bright and the big!"

Liu Huan said directly with the radical method.

"It's right for me!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng simply agreed to it.

The killings in his eyes are coming out, and the field of killing in the ninth heaven is even more **** red.

“It’s like swallowing a fist!”

"Twenty spirits."

Everyone is full of stunned faces.

They looked at Xu Feng's gaze as if they were watching monsters.

Xu Feng did not hesitate.


A punch followed by a punch.

At the beginning, Liu Huan was able to cope.

However, as the fist became more and more fierce, his body and blood rolled, and the whole person's meridians broke.

A slammed fell to the ground.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Liu Huan and smiled: "I don't think you are so wasteful. It seems that you are really rich in waste from the island."

Liu Huan did not expect.

I was actually killed by a young man with a three-pronged spirit.

His heart is unwilling.

Xu Feng directly stayed up and ended Liu Huan’s life.


The array is constantly floating.

The people who left the soul island fell one by one.

Xu Feng looked at the woman around Lian Yun and said: "Talk about it, why do you want to be a traitor?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Lian Yun and others all changed their faces.

That woman is even more confused.

"I understand!"

The female elder suddenly snorted.

She finally understood why this woman had tried to get them to the valley.


The woman knows that her traitor is exposed, and she knows that she is not long-lived.

The female elder next to me took a shot and directly vomited her blood, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Inside the valley.

The people who left the island of Soul fell one by one.

Everyone on Baiyang Island is excited.

They look at Xu Feng's eyes from time to time, all in awe.

Everyone knows that this young man dominates all this.

Otherwise, they are dead in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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