The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2624: Is this a trap?

Chapter 2624 Is this a trap?

"Sister Liu, you said that we are able to kill many people in Baiyang Island this time?"

Next to a mountain.

There stood a young man in black, his eyes seemed to be like a sword, and he looked awkward.

The breath on him is even more fierce.

He looked at a few people around him and smiled: "The elders are sitting here, and Baiyang Island will probably lose a lot this time!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"If the people of Baiyang Island came to the valley, they found that the innocence was safe and sound, would they relax their vigilance?"

"Someone from the Soul Island will arrange the array, and all the people in the valley will die very badly."

"I really admire Liu Shixiong. When it comes to Lian Yun, it must belong to Liu Shixiong. It is really exciting to think about it."


Several people are looking at Liu Huan, and the look is envious.

They are very clear.

Lian Yun is the nine gods, the goddess of dreams of countless young talents.

At that time, the elders will inevitably reward Liu Huan.

Liu Huan laughed happily. He looked at a few people in front of him and said, "Don't worry about everyone. As long as I play enough, of course, there will be no less of you."

"Ah! That's really a thank you to Brother Liu!"

Several people heard the words, all smiles.

One by one, thinking of getting a good rhyme, it is really very happy, very excited.

"There are only a few people in the valley now. Obviously we haven't caught any big fish prawns. It's really boring."

Liu Huan looked at the valley in front, and the trees inside were very sparse.

At a glance, you can see the following situation at a glance.

"This is also true. I don't know if the people on Baiyang Island are very wasteful. When the time is up, it is really a massacre."

One person next to him said very excitedly.

"The elders and the elders of Xue, they are really amazing this time. It is simply going to kill Baiyang Island."

Liu Huan said excitedly.

"Sir Liu, you see, there is a group of people coming."

A young man points to the valley.

This group of people is Zhang Tianyou and others who were separated from Xu Feng.

They are also the same as Xu Feng.

Received a ventilated message from a dying warrior and told them that Lian Yun was besieged in the valley.

"Haha, yes, good!"

Liu Huan is very happy.


Zhang Tianyou took more than a dozen people around him and they entered the valley.

Zhang Tianyou frowned slightly.

"Elder Zhang, what happened? It is clear that the person who sent us a letter is already on the verge of death. Is this valley so quiet?"

Next to a character vigilant man, he asked directly.

Zhang Tianyou frowned slightly.

"Zhang elder, will not be a conspiracy?"

The person next to him said.

Zhang Tianyou looked around with his eyes.


Zhang Tianyou said: "We will go around and see what it is."

The voice of Zhang Tianyou fell, and one person said: "Elder Zhang, you look at the side, there is movement."

Zhang Tianyou looked at the distant place. He took more than a dozen people around him and quickly rushed over.

"Hey, Miss Lian Yun?"

Zhang Tianyou looked at the front not far, only to see the side of Lian Yun, there are three other women.

They are all warriors of Baiyang Island.

"Elder Zhang, how come you?"

Lian Yun and others looked at Zhang Tianyou and others, and the vigilance on their faces disappeared.

Zhang Tianyou looked at Lian Yun, and asked some strange questions: "Miss, are you in this valley, have you not met the danger?"

Four people, such as Lian Yun, are wrong.

"We are safe here, where is the danger?"

Next to a six-woman who was psychedelic, she spoke.

Zhang Tianyou swept his eyes around the valley.

"not good!"

He suddenly screamed, "No, we are all fooled. Some people take Miss Lian Yun as a trap and attract us to Baiyang Island. Come here to die."


Lian Yun stood up and said: "No wonder we walked to the valley and could not find a way out."

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Tianyou's face is changing.

The middle-aged woman who spoke just said, "We have come to this valley for almost two days. We don't know how to get out, every time we circle around."

"Oh, **** it!"

What is the savvy of Zhang Tianyou.

Of course, he knows that he and others are trapped in other people's formations, and they are very likely to have been surrounded.

"Don't be too scared, we will wait for more people to come and plan again."

Zhang Tianyou indicated that everyone is settled down.

However, since everyone knows that they are in crisis, how can they still settle down?


Xu Feng soon came to the valley where the other party said.

His eyes are all condensed.

Looking at the valley in front of him, he did not hesitate and did not carefully look around.

After all, Xu Feng’s inner concern at the moment is the safety of the innocent, and he has no time to examine it.

When he entered the valley.

A hidden place right in front of the valley.

There was a middle-aged man standing there. His face was calm and he looked at the man around him. He said, "Is he?"

The man was the survivor who escaped from the valley before. When he looked at Xu Feng, his face was full of fear.

"The elders are the ones who killed us from the island of Soul."

The man pointed at Xu Feng and hated his teeth.

"Since it is a good genius, then simply come back some people, lest we waste this opportunity."

Chang Chang’s face is a confident smile.

Next to the elder Xue, he said: "Let them go to the people of Baiyang Island as soon as possible, and then let more people report as much as possible."

Xu Feng walked inside the valley.

His face became a bit ugly.

The silence of this valley is somewhat beyond his expectations.

If it is really surrounded here, it should be a trace of a fierce battle.

However, it is very quiet here.



Xu Feng’s eyes floated, and he looked from the side of the grass gap next to him, not far away.

There are more than 20 people gathered there.

Some of them, Xu Feng is no stranger.

It turned out to be Zhang Tianyou and others.

Lian Yun is also there.

Xu Feng looked at this scene, and he suddenly understood.

"Damn, this is a trap."

Xu Feng understands that those who report are all people on Baiyang Island, but they are all people who are going to be killed.

They only know that the rhyme is in this valley, but they don't know what the other party is.

Therefore, as long as they meet the people of Baiyang Island, they will report.

"It seems that some people want to take us all over Baiyang Island."

Xu Feng is indulged in his heart.

He went straight to Zhang Tianyou and others.

(End of this chapter)

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