The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2615: Tong Lingjing triple

Chapter 2615 Tong Lingjing Triple


Xu Feng felt that the red moon spirit liquid did indeed emit strong spiritual fluctuations.

Xu Feng walked over to the side of the Red Moon Spirit.

Chen visited the cave house.

He looked at the three people who died on the ground.

His face is full of awe, saying: "Xu brother, I can't think of your strength to such a point."

Xu Feng smiled undecidedly.

"It seems that these spirits are the red moon spirits you said."

Xu Feng took the red moon spirit liquid from the front.

He smelled it slightly with his nose.

His face changed slightly and said: "Hey, it’s really weird. These red moon spirits seem to be made of Lingjing, but there are other kinds of spiritual materials. How can we refine the red moon? What about the spirit?"

Xu Feng’s heart is very strange.

You must know that he has gained the inheritance of creation.

That is the entire spiritual **** continent, is the inheritance of the top alchemy division.

Ordinary medicinal herbs, just need to give him a look.

He knew how the medicinal herbs were refined.

Now, the configuration of this red moon spirit liquid, he could not be distinguished.

It is conceivable that he was so surprised at the moment that he was so strong.

"It's really interesting."

Xu Feng looked at these red moon spirits. He spoke to Chen. "When you found out here, did you find the formula of this red moon spirit liquid?"

Xu Feng wants to know how this red moon spirit liquid is configured.

The effect of Chiyue Lingye is really good.

If it can be configured in large quantities, it will be of great help to those in the southern continent.

Chen interview shook his head and said: "Xu Shixiong, when I found out here, Zhou Wei, they are already here."

"If the Red Moon Spirit is really formulated, it is very likely that you will look for them in Zhou Yu's storage ring."

After Chen visit, I was reminded.

Xu Feng is now in the storage ring, searching for the existence of the formula.

However, he still could not find it.

“It seems that here is just storing the spirits and there is no recipe.”

Xu Feng was somewhat disappointed.

He took a few bottles of red moon spirit liquid and handed it to Chen, saying: "These red moon spirits are for you."

Chen visited the red moon spirit liquid that Xu Feng handed over. The number is really quite a lot, and he suddenly feels shocked.

"Xu Shixiong, I have not done anything, you have divided me so many red moon spirits." Chen interviewed a little embarrassed.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "If you didn't lead the way, I wouldn't find these red moon spirits."

"In addition, there are a lot of red moon spirits, and you should get these for you."

Xu Feng directly said: "When I get the red moon spirit liquid, I can also configure the red moon spirit liquid sooner or later, you don't have to think too much."

I heard Xu Feng said that he configured Red Moon Spirit Liquid.

Chen visited some rumors of Xu Feng.

It is said that the toxins in Lian Yun are lifted by Xu Feng.

Moreover, the president of the Soul Masters Association, An Hang, is even more respectful to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng took out a drop of red moon spirit liquid.

He directly used the creation and refinement.

The red moon spirit liquid suddenly turned into a pure and incomparable spiritual power, flowing in his meridians.


Xu Feng only felt the inside of the body, and the spiritual power became very abundant.

All the spiritual powers are gathered toward his meridians.

"A wonderful magical red moon spirit."

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

He felt that the spirit of his body was floating, and his eyes sparkled with light.

"No, it is not safe to break through here. I want to find a safe place." Xu Feng's eyes are dignified.

When it is broken, if it is disturbed, it may have serious consequences.

Chen interviewed the volatility of Xu Feng's body. His eyes were all strange. He said: "Xu Shixiong, is your cultivation going to break through?"

Chen’s visit to his eyes is like watching a monster.

Xu Feng did not expect that he broke through so fast.

He refining some of the Red Moon Spirit, and he felt that he had to break through the general.

"Well! It seems to be, I need to find a more hidden place."

Xu Feng said to Chen.

"Xu brother, you come with me."

Chen’s eyes were bright.

He took Xu Feng and walked to the place where he had been hiding.

Not much time.

Xu Feng followed Chen to visit a large hall.

This hall is very empty, but it is unusually hidden.

Xu Feng looked at Chen interview with some surprises, and did not know how the other side found such a hidden place.

Chen visited a smile and said: "Xu brother, we are not as strong as you, you can be unscrupulous."

"People like us, if you can't find a real hidden place in the ruins of Jiuhuangmen, you will die very badly."

The words of Chen’s interview sounded.

Xu Feng did not agree very much.

"What you said is quite reasonable."

Xu Feng did not laugh at Chen visit.

This is the case in this world. It is very good to find a good means and place to save your life.

"That would bother you to help me protect the law."

Xu Feng said to Chen and the kitten.

Immediately, Xu Feng arranged some simple arrays.

Chen visit was even more shocked. What else would Xu Feng have?

Talent is so bad, it will also refine the medicinal herbs. The most important thing is that it will be arranged now, which is incredible.

Both the kitten and Chen visit are outside the battle.

The kitten stared at the surroundings with vigilance. Every time Xu Feng repaired a breakthrough, he would give Xu Feng a law.

I have long been familiar with the road.

Xu Feng sat cross-legged, and he took a deep breath and took out the red moon spirit liquid.

When the spiritual power of his body began to flow, the strong wind blew, and the twenty-eight spirits of his body emerged from the body.

Chen’s interview outside can’t see this scene.

Otherwise, I don't know what level he will be surprised.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

The Red Moon Spirit Liquid was directly refining and refining, and it was transformed into a pure and spiritual power that was integrated into Xu Feng’s body.

In his double angry sea, the spiritual power is constantly integrated into his body.

The four pillars of the Kowloon Refining Body are also constantly refining the excess spiritual power and integrating into Xu Feng's body.

"Tong Ling Jing two late."

Xu Feng felt the change of his body, and his face was full of smiles.

have to say.

This feeling is really amazing.

He continued to refine the red moon spirit liquid, and he also had a mistake in his heart. He said: "If the formula of the red moon spirit liquid can be obtained, it is really good."

If you can transform the crystal, all into a red moon spirit.

Then use it for cultivation, it is almost twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, the value of Chiyue Lingye is far more than Lingjing.

"The two peaks of the spiritual world."

The breath of Xu Feng is constantly improving.

The spiritual power of the whole body seems to be flowing, and it is violently surging.

(End of this chapter)

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