Chapter 2610

The elders of Soul Island almost did not vomit blood.

He did not expect that his elders were so ridiculed and despised by Xu Feng.

However, the strength of these two individuals is not weaker than him.

He wants to kill each other, it is hard to go to heaven.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. He looked at the woman who was following him. He said, "I really do it. You don't have to follow me."

Xu Feng does not like someone to be with me.

The woman’s eyes are grateful, “I’m called Cheng Jiao, don’t know the name of the benefactor?”

Xu Feng looked at the attitude of Cheng Jiao, he is also very helpless.

"My name is Xu Feng."

"Better, I am by your side, I must repay your kindness." Cheng Jiao said firmly.

Xu Feng said: "If you want to follow, just let me go, but next time there is danger, I may not save you."

Xu Feng knows that in this Chiyue Dong House, if he himself is difficult to protect himself, he will not save others.

"Thank you for being a good man."

Cheng Jiao's face is full of excitement, she seems very happy.

that's it.

Those who can persist in resisting toxins are moving toward the inside of the passage and continuing to move forward quickly.

Some people can't resist toxins, they fall directly on the ground, and they are not reconciled in their eyes.

Many people are also mourning to Xu Feng, want to get Xu Feng's rescue.

However, Xu Feng did not look at it.

For Xu Feng.

These people do not know him, he does not need to save.

Moreover, when you enter the Red Crescent, everyone knows that it will be very dangerous.

Although he can resist these toxins, he can't help others to save others.

Finally, there are more than ten or twenty people left.

The scent is getting richer and stronger.

Everyone felt the spiritual power in the passage, and their eyes were shocked.

Just as everyone came to the end of the passage, I saw a central rocky beach not far away, it was a dark stone.

Even a flower with a green scent grows, and the scent is diffused from the flower.

Everyone can see that the flowers are very unusual.

In particular, there is plenty of spiritual power around the flowers.

The liquid around it is not water, but spirit liquid.

When Xu Feng stared at the flower, his eyes were all in vain.

His heart is full of horror, and he said: "It turns out that it is no wonder that the fragrance can turn into a toxin."

"Second-order spiritual material, Braun black lotus."

The name of this medicinal material emerged in Xu Feng’s mind, which is a very uncomfortable medicine.

Bailing Black Lotus can refine a variety of second-order medicinal herbs. There are several kinds in Xu Feng's mind.

Moreover, this Bailing Black Lotus is the main spiritual material for refining the second-order Holy Spirit Dan, and the others are some auxiliary spiritual materials.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all blinking.

Other people do not know Bailing Black Lotus.

It’s a pig. I can see at the moment that this growing black lotus is really unusual.

Everyone's breathing became dignified, their eyes were excited and said: "Hey, I want to see who dares to **** me?"

The spiritual power of Zhou Wei was soaring. He had already taken a step and walked directly toward the black lotus of Bailing.

Xu Feng is also bound to win this black lotus.

His eyes are all solid colors.

"This flower has no use for you, why not give it to me?"

Xu Feng went out a few steps, he blocked Zhou Wei's footsteps.

Originally, Qin Xiaolei and others would not give up this spirit. They saw Xu Feng and Zhou Wei once again, and naturally they are happy to see it.

Zhou Hao’s eyes are round and round, and he is screaming at Xu Feng. “You want this kind of spiritual material. Why should I give it to you?”

"Today, I will let you see, is it that I am very good at you, or are you powerful?"

The spiritual power of Zhou Wei was stirred up, and the sixteen spiritual moments permeated, and the spiritual power of his body surged.

The violent wind rushed out toward the impact of Xu Fengqi. Above his hands, the sixteen spirits were interlaced.

Xu Feng’s eyes are extremely calm, and the ninth day of his body kills the field, and there are eighteen spiritual veins.


It is like a swallowing of a heavenly fist, and the shadow of the image is constantly erupting, along with the collision of the palm of the hand.

The two figures constantly confronted and constantly retreated.

Xu Feng’s eyes are also killing.

Zhou Wei is not the core disciple of Wuying Island. The strength that broke out is really strong.

It is almost impossible for him to swallow a fist and want to defeat Zhou Wei in a short time.

Although his eighteen spiritual veins are crushed, Zhou’s cultivation is a six-pronged spirit.

Seeing that Xu Feng and Zhou Wei’s battles are evenly matched, Qin Xiaolei and others are standing on one side, and they are not in a hurry to shoot.

Some smart people.

They know this black word and they can't be behind them.

Just a few small passages to the side, they left directly.


As the entire Dongfu government broke out, it violently fluctuated.

Everyone's face changes slightly.

Xu Feng rushed out toward Bailing Black Lotus.

His speed is very fast.

"you wanna die."

The figure of the big man is very burly, and he rushes out toward Xu Feng.

Cheng Jiao moves in the footsteps and she appears behind Xu Feng.

"Benefit, I will help you capture the black lotus."

Cheng Jiao’s words rang.

Xu Feng suddenly said: "Thank you."

At the same time as Xu Feng and the opposite Zhou Hao fighting, he really did not guard against Cheng Jiao.

"You give me to die."

I know, just in the moment when Xu Feng relaxes his vigilance.

In the moment when Cheng Jiao roared, the dagger became very sharp in her hand.

Even the kitten on Xu Feng’s shoulder did not respond.

"Brother, be careful!"


Unfortunately, neither the kitten nor Xu Feng had time to respond.

The dagger directly rushed into the back of Xu Feng.


Xu Feng's whole blood spurted out, and his body was directly hit by the opposite Zhou, and a palm was bombarded in the chest.

His body was not far from the ground, blood was flowing from him, and his eyes were angry.

He stared at Cheng Jiao and said: "You are a curse! I saved your life, you will be envious."

The delicate color of Cheng Jiao’s face, the cruel smile: “Only an idiot like you will save people in such an environment.”

"Ha ha ha, Cheng Shimei, you are doing perfect."

Zhou Xiao’s face smiles.

He cracked his mouth and took a step and walked over to Xu Feng's body.

"Kid, have you been arrogant? Now I have to look at it, how do you arrogate?"

The spiritual power of Zhou Wei was stirred up, and the sixteen spirits broke out. His eyes were all killing.

Xu Feng bit his teeth, and Cheng Jiao’s dagger was completely the key part of his body.

His heart is angry.


(End of this chapter)

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