The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2595: The death of Teng Xin

Chapter 2595 The Death of Teng Xin

"Ha ha ha... Teng Xin, are you telling a joke?"

Xu Feng did not expect that Teng Xin could say such a brazen discourse.

He slowly said: "You have no shadow island, from the North City to kill me, all the way to the nine wild seas, now is the wind and thunder secret, do you think our hatred, can still stay in the line?"

"If you don't do it, then die."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng was stirred up.

In an instant.

He directly showed eighteen spiritualities.

With the appearance of the eighteen spirits, the violent violent waves swept wildly, forming a fierce hurricane.

In his eyes, Senran’s killings broke out.

For those who have no shadow island, he does not have any good feelings.

This time, he will kill Teng Xin.

Above the nine ruins, if his luck is good, he will meet the words of Lian Yun.

He and the kitten will die in the nine wild seas.

"Get together."

Teng Xin screamed, he really did not expect, Xu Feng's spirit has turned into eighteen.

If Teng Xin knows that Xu Feng’s current spirituality is not eighteen, but twenty-eight, I don’t know if he will vomit blood.

The other few people in Shadowless Island naturally know.

Teng Xin is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

If you don't do it together, you will find death.

"Double fists are hard to beat the four hands. If you don't understand, you really have to die here."

A man with a four-pronged spirit, the pulse of the spirit above his head broke open and came toward the impact of Xu Fengqi.

"The pulse is colliding with me, are you funny?"

Xu Feng looked at the other side and wanted to use the pulse to touch himself. His face was ridiculous.

He knows better than anyone else, the intensity of his own spirituality, to what extent.

"come on."

"I like people like you who are not good at it."

Xu Feng cracked his mouth and smiled.

His eighteen spirits, while going out in the vertical and horizontal direction, toward the other's spiritual veins, slammed out.


In the moment of the impact of the spirits, the man who was full of spirits, his spirit was directly shocked and broken.

At the same time as his blood spurted out, Xu Feng’s fist had already slammed into it and erupted toward his chest.

His whole person fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and his eyes were not reconciled.

He does not understand.

Why is there such a strong strength when the other side is repaired by the two souls?

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Xu Feng smashed out with a fist, and the opposite Teng Xin's feet continued to retire toward the back.

Every time I stepped back, I left a footprint. He only felt the blood of his body rolling.

Xu Feng stood there, his face with sarcasm, said: "Teng Xin, it seems that you are really waste!"

Xu Feng did not expect that Teng Xin was so vulnerable.

Teng Xin bit his teeth, he did not expect that he now even Xu Feng's punch, then will feel the blood rolling, it is a shameful shame.

"Xu Feng, don't be too arrogant. The four of us will deal with you at the same time. You can retire and say it."

Teng Xin attacked Xu Feng's back.

The other three people also showed their own holy spirit skills, and the whole body's spirits also broke out.

"It's good."

Xu Feng screamed, and the double fists became savage, magnificent, and extremely horrible.

The whole void was bursting with a screaming sound. Above his fist, the golden light was terrible.


Blood spurted out of a man's mouth, and his body was hit by the image of Xu Feng, slamming on the chest.

The strong wind is constantly blowing.

On Xu Feng’s body, eighteen threads are criss-crossed.

The power of the Holy Spirit, which is condensed by the eighteen spirits, is really terrifying.


Xu Feng's constant display is like a swallowing of heaven, and he is becoming more and more proficient in this first-order sacred spirit.

The power of the explosion will also become stronger and stronger.

Joe cherished the look of Xu Feng’s battle, and his look was infinitely emotional.

"I don't think Xu Shidi is such a genius. In just over ten days, his strength has increased so terrible."

Qiao Weiyuan and Xu Feng fought side by side last time. He knows that Xu Feng’s strength is still a big gap compared with the present.


Lian Yun Chang Jian suddenly stabbed the arm of Mao Qiu, blood flowing directly from his arm.

Mao Qiu’s face became incomparably ugly, and he really didn’t expect that the strength of Lian Yun would be so great.

The most important thing is that no matter what kind of words he has, there is no way to change the emotional changes of Lian Yun.

Lian Yun did not give Mao Qiu any chance to breathe. She only knew that she was crazy to show her sword.


"It's quite like a place."

Xu Feng screamed, and the fist was like a gallop, and the powerful hurricane gathered around his fist.


Another warrior fell to the ground, but he was not fortunate enough to be directly beaten by Xu Feng.

His face is not reconciled, and his expression is a deadly expression.


It is like a swallowing of heaven, accompanied by the power of eighteen spiritual veins, it is too horrible.

As Xu Feng’s fist continued to fall, only Teng Xin remained.

Xu Feng’s face was sneer and said: “Teng Xin, I am innocent and enmity with you. In the past, you were chasing after the nine wild seas.”

"At the beginning, I was only repaired by the Emperor of the Peak, and you can let it be slaughtered. Unfortunately, you are still too wasteful."

The voice of Xu Feng became awesome.

The kitten stood not far away and said: "Brother, he is a complete waste. If his brother was poorly trained at the time, he would be a waste dog."

The kitten said with great excitement.

The kitten himself is also very clear, he and Xu Feng almost died in the nine wild seas.

"Xu Feng, what do you want to do?"

Teng Xin stared at Xu Feng and asked.

"Haha, don't you think such a problem, is it really an idiot?" Xu Feng's eyes sparkled and said: "Of course it is killing you."


"Great Nirvana Buddha Seal."

Xu Feng directly displayed his first-class Shangpin spirit, and the Great Nirvana Buddha Buddha became more horrible at this moment.

On Xu Feng’s body, 18 spirits merged into a horrible Buddha seal, and his body was glittering.

Teng Xin’s face was screaming and roaring: “Xu Feng, you can’t kill me. If you kill me, it’s really not dead!”

"I have never died."

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and the Great Nirvana Buddha Seal was directly suppressed.

The golden Buddha light became extremely shocking, and the Buddha's seal was like this, and it was unstoppable.



Teng Xin wants to block Xu Feng's Buddha seal, but he is Nirvana Buddha, from the above one inch of shock.

His whole body bones were all squeaky, apparently suppressed, and the whole body shattered.

Such pain caused Teng Xin to fall to the ground, his cheeks were deformed, and he was already dying.

(End of this chapter)

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