The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2589: Tong Lingjing double

Chapter 2589 Tong Lingjing Double

The cold war quickly reacted.

He screamed and said, "Hurry up and catch him."

Several elders responsible for heating, this reaction, and quickly rushed to catch Xu Feng firmly.

If they didn't catch it, Xu Feng would have to fall into the boiling hot water below.

Everyone discovered this time.

Xu Feng's face was pale and deadly pale.

They discovered that in the body of Xu Feng, the spiritual power was completely dry.

Their hearts are shocking and heart-warming: "What is the perseverance of this, can we achieve this level."

Several people's faces are shocking.

They found that Xu Feng was really exhausted at the moment.

Xu Feng passed out.

The kitten jumped to Xu Feng's side and he was anxious.

Looking at the pale kitten, he talked to his mother-in-law: "In the mother-in-law, you must take the lady to rest."

The Cold War found that the injury of Lian Yun has been stabilized and will no longer be in danger.

On the contrary, Xu Feng is now at risk.

"Several of you, come with Xu Feng and come with me."

The Cold War spoke to a few people.

Not much time.

The Cold War brought Xu Feng to the back mountain of Baiyang Island. I saw that there was a lot of spirituality and criss-crossing.

"What is the island owner doing?"

Someone can't help but ask questions.

The Cold War opened the door to everyone: "Take Xu Feng to the place in our Baiyang Island. He is physically deficient and may die at any time."


Several elders are stunned.

To know.

For the entire Baiyang Island, that place is everything in Baiyang Island, connecting all the Lingjing veins of Baiyang Island.

It can be said that there is the source of the Baiyang Island Lingjing vein.

"The island owner, we have not many Lingjing veins in Baiyang Island. If we do this, it is very likely that it will lead to the future of the entire Baiyang Island."

An old man stood up and said.

In the eyes of the Cold War, they are all firm and said: "Hey, a peerless genius with a sense of righteousness, it is only a Lingjing vein, even if it is the entire Baiyang Island, it is not as precious as him."

The integrity of the war is very clear.

From the behavior and performance of Xu Feng, he knows that if Baiyang Island is helpful to Xu Feng, Xu Feng will grow up later.

For the entire Baiyang Island, that is definitely a great thing.

It’s just a loss of some Lingjing veins, nothing.

"Is the island owner... you are doing this, I am afraid it is not right."

Just at this time.

A figure with a few people, not far from the clean battle.

The person who came is the left cold Zen.

Followed by him is Zuo Sihua, and some other elders.

Lian strategy slightly frowned, when he swept through Zuo Sihua, his face was cold and killing.

Zuo Sihua did not dare to look at the eyes of the Cold War, but his heart was resentful. He refused to let Xu Feng die.

"Left cold Zen, this island of Baiyang Island is me, not you." The voice of the Cold War is definitely incomparable.

He spoke to a few people around him: "Take Xu Feng to the source of the Lingjing vein, if anyone dares to stop, kill innocent."

The voice of the Cold War is powerful and unquestionable.

Even if Zuo Lengchan appeared here, he is still affirmative.

The face of Zuo Leng Zen has become somewhat ugly.

He said slowly: "Is the island owner, even if you want to repay the favor of Xu Feng, don't you sacrifice our entire Baiyang Island?"

"Baiyang Island does not belong to you as a person. If there is a problem at the source of the Lingjing vein, then we will produce Lingjing in Baiyang Island."

Zuo Lengchan continued.

It seems that he is really thinking about Baiyang Island.

"Nobody needs to say more, I have made up my mind."

The Cold War waved at the left cold meditation.

His face is cold and stern, saying: "With Xu Feng to the source of the Lingjing vein, no one can interfere."

Several elders standing next to the low-cost war, they are also very admired for Xu Feng.

It’s really not easy to be able to do this at a young age.

They are holding Du Feng at the moment.

Not far away, where spiritual power is like a liquid.

However, the entire Lingyan vein of Baiyang Island is derived from here.

The constant spiritual power, continuous penetration into the surrounding, has produced the Lingjing vein for a long time.

Left cold Zen a sleeve, he looked at the fight.

"Is the island owner, you are the owner of an island, how can you be so impulsive?"

The clean war did not continue nonsense.

With the body of Xu Feng, at the source of the Lingjing mine.

Everyone's eyes are a condensation.

Just because Xu Feng’s body seems to be a whirlpool, it is actually absorbing the infiltration of spiritual power.

Many people are shocked inside.

Xu Feng has already had such a state, and it is an incredible thing to be able to absorb spiritual power in such a large extent.

The Cold War personally guards not far from Xu Feng.

No one can get close.

Time goes by.

Xu Feng's body seems to be a bottomless abyss, so that the continuous refining and liquidization of the general spiritual power.

Three days to shake the eyes.

Lian Yun has awakened from the coma.

She knew that Xu Feng had almost no tears in her face in order to save her and almost died.

"Father, isn't Xu Dajie still awakened?" Lian Yun came to the front of the clean battle, and some worried about it.

Nod and nodded, said: "Rhyme, you don't have to worry, he used to consume too much. Now, his lack has disappeared and his physical condition has improved. I believe that it will take a long time to recover completely."

Lian Yun knows the source of the Lingjing mine, the importance of the entire Baiyang Island.

She looked at the war and said: "Father, thank you!"

The Cold War heard the words, the faces were all smiles, and the eyes were full of tears.

"I can't think of my daughter, I have experienced two life and death, I really grew up."

The Lien Chan is gratified to say.

Xu Feng only felt the warmth of his body, as if he was in the warm and hazy sunshine.

When he slowly opened his eyes, the heavenly grass in his body was integrated into his body.

His face is full of smiles.

"Tong Ling Jing Duo?"

Xu Feng felt the improvement of his cultivation, and his face was changed.

He swept his eyes around the confused place.

"What is this place?"

He stood up and saw the incorruptible people and others not far away.

He is a surprise inside.

"I don't think I broke through to the spiritual environment twice, and my spirit has even condensed twenty-eight."

Xu Feng was rebuilt from the spiritual realm and upgraded to the second level of the spiritual environment, which actually condensed two spirits.

If you let others know, I don't know if I will be surprised.

Xu Feng felt that his body was full of strength.

He clearly remembers.

I used to display the means of returning to life.

Although I changed the injury of Lian Yun, I was exhausted and dying.

(End of this chapter)

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