The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2586: Nine wilderness

Chapter 2586 Chapter 9 The Vision of the Dead Sea

"Chaos is infinite."

Xu Feng is running chaotically, and his heart is somewhat regrettable.

As he came to the mainland of the Spirit, he discovered that the role of cultivation of chaos is infinitely strong, not as strong as in the southern continent.

His heart also carries regrets.

The mysterious woman told him.

Chaos Promise is divided into upper and lower parts. He is now practicing some of the connotations of the innate realm.

If he wants to make the chaos of the chaos, it is necessary to find the chaos of the next part.

"Forget it, let it be temporarily, let's talk about it later."

Xu Feng himself is also very clear.

It is not a wishful thing to want to get the next part of chaos.

The coincidence of gas transportation is indispensable.

He constantly refining the medicinal herbs of Chiyuan Yangdan.

The pure spiritual power gathers in his meridians, and the spiritual power in him is constantly stirring.

In the double angry sea, the strong spiritual power constantly fluctuates, forming a fierce wind that is dancing.

Time goes by.

It is not very difficult for Xu Feng to refine Hongyuan Yangdan.

In particular, he has the help of Chenghua Ding.

The speed at which he refines the red yuan and the efficiency of refining and chemicalization are all the best.

If the red yuan Yangdan is replaced by other people's refining, it is already a good result to be able to digest two-thirds of the spiritual power of refining and refining.

However, Xu Feng has the help of Chenghua Ding, and he refining the red yuan Yangdan, the efficiency is really terrible.

Almost all of the spiritual power, all toward his sea, toward his meridians.

The powerful wind rushed around.

Xu Feng sits cross-legged.


early morning.

The entire Baiyang Island is a sensation.

The most powerful martial artist in Baiyang Island, Huarong was killed.

Also killed by the soul of the four soul divisions of the Soul Guild.

The strength of these four soul divisions is not weak.

The death of such five people is naturally a sensation.

"Are you talking about who is it, can you kill Huarong at the same time and kill four soul masters?"

"It's really incredible. Is it because these five people have offended what a powerful existence, are they not dead?"

"I heard that the Society of Souls is a great anger for the death of the soul master."

"The president, An Hang, personally came out to preside over the overall situation, and even had to thoroughly investigate it. What happened?"

"No one knows the heavy rain last night. What is going on, otherwise you can go to the Soul Association to receive credit."

Soulist Guild.

On the face of An Hang’s old man, all the anger appeared.

Standing in front of him is Yue Fuzhen.

"Fuzhen, why do you think the soul teacher of our Soul Masters Association will be killed?"

An Hang looked at Yue Fuzhen and asked directly.

Yue Fuzhen said: "Master, what I am thinking about now is whether Xu Feng’s little brother has been injured."

"In our Soulist Guild, there is only one person besides your old man who can mobilize the soul teacher."

"And, according to the analysis, it was really a coincidence that Xu Feng left our Soulist Guild yesterday and the time of the battle."

When Yue Fuzhen’s words rang, An Hang suddenly stood up.

"Huo Qing, it seems that he really forgot my president."

Yue Fuzhen went forward and said: "Master, we have no evidence of this matter, don't scream the snake first."

"As a matter of urgency, the disciple first went to the house of Baiyang Island to visit the little brother of Xu Feng to see if he was injured?"

An Hang nodded and said: "You go quickly, and bring the best healing medicine for the teacher."

An Hangsheng is afraid that Xu Feng will blame himself.

You must know that the soul guild's people will kill Xu Feng, which is a big test for his president.

"Master, you can rest assured that Xu Feng's little brother is not the kind of person who cares."

Yue Fuzhen comforted Huo Qing and turned away from the Soul Guild.


The entire Baiyang Island was immersed in the rainy nights yesterday.

However, as the initiator of Xu Feng.

He took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes, a thick smile appeared on his face.

I saw that his head was filled with twenty-six spirits.

I changed to other warriors and looked at this scene. I don’t know if I would be surprised to vomit blood.

To know.

Twenty-six spirits, even if they are strong in the virtual world, may not be able to condense.

Now, Xu Feng is only a heavy cultivation of the spiritual world.

"I have gone from a half-step to the spiritual peak, and I have broken through to the spiritual realm. Is it just four spiritual veins?"

Xu Feng is somewhat dissatisfied.

If you let other people hear his dissatisfaction, I am afraid that he will vomit blood and die.

To know.

Half-step through the spiritual environment to the spiritual environment, Xu Feng is equivalent to condensing ten spiritual veins, which is how enchanting.

Xu Feng came out of the room.

He discovered that the deer Xuantian and Lian Yun outside the room were all anxious.

"Hey, Xu Feng, are you okay?"

Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng, some strange.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Feng did not understand why Lu Xuantian said this.

Lian Yun came forward and said: "Xu Da Ge, last night, the **** battle in Baiyang City, is it related to you?"

Xu Feng doesn't want to be honest and worried about himself, and he is safe and sound.

He smiled and said: "Rhyme, what **** battle?"

"I have been practicing since I came back from the Soulist Guild yesterday."

Xu Feng said directly.

Lian Yun heard Xu Feng’s words and was obviously relieved.

"Hey, it’s just that you and Lu Xuantian are here. I have a remedy here, which will allow you to break through the realm."

Immediately, Xu Feng took out the red yuan Yangdan that was refining yesterday.

"Ah, Xu Feng, what do you mean, can I break through to the spiritual environment?" Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng with some surprises.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, this is the red yuan Yang Dan, who can help the people who have been trained in the three spiritual levels to break through the realm."

Lian Yun looked at the medicinal herbs in his hands and his face was smiling.

"Xu Big Brother, I will work hard, thank you."

Lian Yun took the remedy and quickly left.

Xu Feng looked at the back of Lian Yun, and some strange words: "What kind of ghost is this little girl doing?

Xu Feng naturally did not know, Lian Yun listened to his father after yesterday.

She decided that she had to work hard to cultivate, in order to keep up with Xu Feng's footsteps.



At noon.

The entire nine wilderness areas were sunny.

It can be said that the sky is clear on the clouds.

Unexpectedly, between the sudden, on the sunny day, an earth-shattering thunder and lightning suddenly exploded from the inside of the clouds.

The lightning flashed out instantly.

The waters of the entire nine ruined seas seem to be turbulent, madly rising above sea level.

The waves swept the sea, and some of the spirit boats were like this. The huge waves that were born were directly picked up and covered in the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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