The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2578: Strong victory

Chapter 2578 Strong Victory

Although the face of Zuo Leng Zen is very unattractive, he can't do anything.

After all, in the presence of so many people.

He is also not likely to publicly target Xu Feng.

Zuo Sihua stood in the crowd, and his eyes were all killing.

His heart was angry and shouted: "How can the uncle be so wasteful? Even Xu Feng can't kill."

I don't know if Zuo Lengchan knows the thoughts of Zuo Sihua's heart, and he will kill Zuo Sihua directly.

"It seems that I have to find a way to kill this kid as soon as possible. His talent is too much against the sky."

Zuo Sihua felt that he could not continue to rely on Zuo Leng Chan.

He also has to do something to complete the purpose of killing Xu Feng.


As the battle on the ring is constantly going on.

Until noon.

Finally, the last five people were beaten out on the ring.

These five people will start the battle for the first place in the assessment below.

A young man has not waited for the battle to begin.

His eyes fell on the responsible elders and said: "Elders, I want to withdraw from the next assessment."

"What, why are you leaving?"

The elders looked at each other and asked.

The guy looked at Xu Feng and said: "I am just a double-eyed peak in the spiritual world. I can be the fifth and I am satisfied."

"In addition, Xu Feng's strength I have seen before in the wind and thunder, I know that he is not his opponent."

Xu Feng looked at each other and was wrong.

His words rang.

Many people are shocked, Xu Feng is really strong to such a point.

Let a psychic double peak, have not yet begun to fight, have already admitted.

"Well, agree that you admit defeat, and the four of them will compete for the first place in the assessment."

The elders announced.

The young man walked under the ring.

Pu Chenxiang and Cao Yu are all three peaks in the spiritual world. They all look at each other and their eyes are powerful.

Zuo Lengchan said: "There are only four of you, and you will fight each other. The person who won the last one is the first place in the assessment."

The words of Zuo Lengchan sounded and everyone on the scene was shocked.

To know.

In the past, the assessment of the foreign disciples was that five people signed each other to fight, and finally slowly competed with each other.

Now, Zuo Lengchan directly modifies the rules, which is equivalent to letting everyone start the battle directly, without any rules at all.

Pu Chenxiang’s eyes are all killing.

His gaze fell on Cao Yu, who was opposite, and said: "Cao Wei, how do we beat the weakest people together?"

Xu Feng’s face changed slightly.

Zuo Leng Chan is really mean and shameless. This is to let the three people deal with him at the same time.

He seems to understand why the young man chose to abstain.

The other party is very likely to receive a warning from Zuo Lengchan before, and he does not want to participate in the fight against Xu Feng, simply directly admit defeat.

The other person is also the existence of the late three-way spirituality. His eyes are staring at Xu Feng, and they are mocking.

Cao Yu’s eyes fell on Xu Feng and said: “I don’t participate in your battle, I can watch it.”

"No matter who you finally win, I will fight with him. Isn't it better?"

When Cao Yu’s words rang.

Left cold Zen's eyes are full of anger.

He looked at Cao Yu’s eyes and showed a touch of undetectable killing.

Pu Chenxiang’s eyes are full of anger, saying: “Cao Wei, you are really good, you are very good!”

Pu Chenxiang bit his teeth, and he and Cao Yu had already reached an agreement.

Now, Cao Yu has temporarily changed her mind.

Cao Yu heard the words and said: "Pu Chenxiang, still a little lower limit, I advise you not to talk nonsense, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will not unite with Xu Feng and deal with both of you."


Pu Chenxiang's eyes are splitting, and the eyebrows are cold and cold.

"Oh, we have to deal with a waste of half a step through the peak of the spiritual world. We are two people."

Pu Chenxiang’s words rang, and the three peaks of his psychic spirits permeated, and eight clouds appeared on his head.

Xu Feng stood opposite Pu Chenxiang and another person, his eyes sparkling with hegemony.

"Two wastes, but two other dogs, do you want to beat me, dream?"

Xu Feng’s voice seemed very arrogant. The clothes on his body were all agitated with the wind and made a squeaky voice.

Many people are surprised to hear Xu Feng’s words.

They think Xu Feng is too arrogant.

Such arrogance, if not built on strength, is tantamount to saying something big, it will make people look down on it.

"you wanna die."

The other person, the spiritual flow of his body, the seven veins above his head, at the same time impacted.

The spiritual flow above the palms is a horrible palm print, which is directed toward Xu Feng’s chest and smashing.

Many people watched Zhang Tiangang display the Holy Spirit skills. Such a strong desire to suppress Xu Feng is to replace Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Only Xu Feng’s face was calm, and his mouth was slightly raised.

"If you are just such a waste, I advise you to hurry and roll away, otherwise the meeting will be really eye-opening, and the sword will be ruthless."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng began to flow.

There was no pause in the palm print, and the facing door was already attacked.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

As the image is swallowed out.

Above Xu Feng’s hands, it seems to form a horrible image, and the fierce fist shadows are filled with madness.


With the collision of the fist and the palm of the hand.

It was discovered by everyone that the peak of Xu Feng’s head was not six, but ten.


Zhang Tiangang made a scream, and he obviously did not expect it.

Xu Feng half-step through the spiritual peaks, can condense ten spiritual veins.

Even if I was sitting on the left cold Zen, I suddenly stood up at this moment.

Zuo Sihua's eyes are suddenly shrinking, and his face is an incredible look.

Inside the crowd.

Huo Qing looked at Xu Feng and even condensed ten spiritual veins. His eyes were crazy killing.

"Absolutely can't let this kid continue to live, otherwise I will not be able to kill him even if I shoot."


Zhang Tiangang’s arm broke directly and the bones shattered. The whole person flew a few meters away from the top of the ring.

When the cockroaches were on the ground, all the people on the entire square were open mouths.

They are shocked in their hearts, and their expressions are wrong.

They simply don't understand how Xu Feng did it?

Half-step through the peak of the spiritual realm, how to condense ten spiritual veins.

Is this really a human warrior?

Xu Feng’s face was very calm. Looking at Zhang Tiangang, the cold road said: “Do you want to kill me like this waste?”

Zhang Tiangang fell under the ring, and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

His face is blue.

(End of this chapter)

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