The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2576: Deep sea red ginseng

Chapter 2576 Deep Sea Astragalus

"The deputy island owner, when he first came out, I felt that his breath was very strong."

“Even even makes me feel dangerous.”

"And, his cultivation should be a breakthrough to the peak of the spiritual level."

The elder said directly to the left cold Zen.

Left cold meditation on the face.

"You quickly go back to the entrance to the wind and thunder, so as not to cause other people to doubt." Zuo Lengchan said.

"The deputy island owner, then I am going down."

The elder turned and left.

Left cold zen quickly entered the room, he took out the jade symbol that he and Zheng Zheng contacted.

His spiritual power moved toward the jade.

His eyes are changing.

On the other side of Yufu, there was no response.

"What happened? Is it that Zheng Zheng was killed?"

Zuo Lengchan can only find such reasons.

He does not think Xu Feng can survive from Zheng Hao's hand.

Zheng Yi is the four-fold existence of the spiritual realm. In the realm of the wind and thunder, it is a very powerful existence.

Xu Feng returned to his yard. He looked at the jade in his hand and his eyes were blinking.

"Left cold Zen?"

Xu Feng knows that Zuo Lengchan let Zheng Zheng kill himself.

He felt the volatility that had just arrived. When he took it out, he also flowed into the jade symbol with spiritual power.

"Zheng Zheng, what are you doing? How can I let the people you kill go alive from the wind and thunder?"

On the other side of the jade, suddenly the voice of the cold voice of the left cold Zen.

Xu Feng did not speak.

He could not let Zuo Leng Zen know that he already knew that Zuo Lengchan would kill him.

In that case, Zuo Leng Chan will inevitably jump to the wall, even at all costs, will want to kill him.

"Zheng Zheng, do you not want to come out of the wind and thunder?" The coldness of the left cold Zen face, the voice is extremely heavy.

Xu Feng seems to understand.

Why, people like Zuo Lengchan can mobilize the desperate inside.

Who wants to be held in the wind and thunder in a lifetime?

If people like Zuo Lengchan really want to let them out, it is not too difficult.

"not good!"

Left cold Zen eyes are a condensation.

He knows that Zheng Zheng is always unable to talk all the time.

What is left now is a possibility.

Zheng Yu was killed and Yu Fu fell into the hands of others.


On the side of the jade, the breath of the left cold Zen disappeared, and the light above the jade symbol disappeared directly.

Xu Feng looked at the jade in his hand, he was pinching, trying to pinch the jade as a piece.

Yes, in the end, he still sent the jade into the storage ring, and his eyes were killing.

"Left cold Zen, you give me waiting."

"The person who wants to kill me Xu Feng will die very badly."

Xu Feng has already made a murder order for Zuo Leng Zen.

"Xu Feng, are you coming back?"

When Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng, he asked with some concern: "Xu Feng, you have disappeared for so many days, where have you been?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I am not a chance to go to the wind and thunder secrets? I went inside and went."

"Ah! Go to the wind and thunder!"

Lu Xuantian was shocked.

He looked at the intact Xu Feng and said: "You are really a pervert. It is said that the wind and thunder secrets can only be entered by the inner disciples."

"The biggest reason is that there are many dangers in the wind and thunder secrets. If you are a little careless, you will die inside."

Lu Xuantian said to Xu Feng.

Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng at this time and said: "Xu Feng, you will be back soon. You can know the assessment of the foreign disciples. Is it about to start?"

Xu Feng frowned, and he was not interested in the assessment.

"External door assessment is a discussion of foreign disciples. It doesn't mean anything."

Xu Feng knows his strength.

Now, no one outside of Baiyang Island’s disciples can afford him to die.

He went to such an assessment and battle, which was a waste of time and meaningless existence.

Lu Xuantian rolled his eyes and said: "Xu Feng, I know that your strength is very strong. You are not interested in fighting outside disciples."

Disciples outside the Baiyang Island are now known.

If Xu Feng participates in the assessment of the foreign disciples, it is very likely that he will get the first place.

However, during this period of time, everyone has heard that Xu Feng has disappeared.

They are very happy, just looking forward to Xu Feng not to participate in the assessment of the foreign disciples.

"But, you know, what is the reward for the assessment of the outside disciple?" Lu Xuantian asked.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over Lu Xuantian, but he was very curious. What kind of disciples will Baifa Island reward for assessment?


Lu Xuantian smiled and he knew that Xu Feng was very interested in the spiritual materials.

"Deep sea red Zhushen." Lu Xuantian directly said five words, making Xu Feng face is very strange.

Xu Feng did not expect that the first prize of the assessment would be the deep sea red ginseng.

This deep sea red ginseng, but used to improve the cultivation of a good spiritual material.

However, in Xu Feng’s mind, there is a first-order best of the Holy Spirit.

Chiyuan Yangdan.

The main spiritual material of Chiyuan Yangdan is the deep sea red ginseng.

Last time, when Xu Feng was at the Society of Souls, he asked about An Hang. Their Soul Masters Association did not have deep sea red ginseng.

He had long wanted to refine the Chiyuan Yangdan, which was used to improve the cultivation of the spiritual environment.

If he can take Chi Yuan Yang Dan, his cultivation will inevitably break through to the spiritual environment, and his strength will be greatly improved.

Even if he sees Long Aotian, he will have a battle.

"It turned out to be deep sea red ginseng, you will take me to sign up for the assessment." Xu Feng urged Lu Xuantian.

Lu Xuantian nodded and said: "You will go with me soon, and the registration time seems to be coming soon."

"I just heard people talk about it. When you come back, I will tell you soon."

Xu Feng heard the words.

"You can rest assured that if you get deep sea red ginseng, you will also get great benefits."

Xu Feng said.

Looking at Lu Xuantian and Xu Feng, they went to the outside disciples to participate in the assessment, and the place of registration quickly went.

Along the way, many outside disciples looked at Xu Feng's figure, and their faces were unwilling.

"Isn't that Xu Feng didn't come back? Is it difficult for him to sign up for the assessment?" Someone said unwillingly.

"He really is going to sign up for the assessment."

"His strength is so powerful that he can kill Tan Zijie and get the first chance. It is too big."

Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian came to the place of registration.

The elders who signed up just put all the things together.

Lu Xuantian went to the elders who signed up and said: "Elders, Xu Feng wants to sign up for the assessment of the foreign disciples."

It was a man with a goat beard.

When he looked at Lu Xuantian, he yelled: "You didn't see it, is the registration time already closed?"

"Ah... elders, don't you say that the registration lasts until the evening?"

Lu Xuantian asked.

The elder suddenly yelled: "Who said the registration time lasted until the evening?"

(End of this chapter)

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