The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2561: Weird scroll (12 more)

Chapter 2561 eccentric scrolls (12 more)


Along with the hurricane cultivation platform, a burst of gusts of wind whizzed past.

Xu Feng, holding the kitten, left the outside of the cultivation platform.

He appeared outside the cultivation platform.

The other two people in the practice station also came out from the inside.

When they looked at Xu Feng, they all had big eyes.

“Half-step pass to the peak of the spirit?”

They are incredible, some can't believe what they feel.

To know.

In the three days, even with the help of the hurricane cultivation platform, it is simply incredible to be able to upgrade from the early stage of the spiritual period to the peak.

Some people look at Xu Feng's eyes and are awe.

They simply did not dare to provoke Xu Feng.

You know, the Hurricane Training Station will be closed this time and will continue to open in two days.

Of course, they are going to stay and continue to compete for the hurricane cultivation platform, such a good opportunity for cultivation.

No one came to provoke Xu Feng.

He is not a person who actively provokes others.


Xu Feng said to the kitten, one person and one cat, walked outside the hurricane cultivation platform.

Some people from the Soul Island and the Shadowless Island, they looked at Xu Feng’s departure, they were all gasping for a big mouth.

With the strength shown by Xu Feng, if they really shot them, they will die.

Now, watching Xu Feng leave, they are certainly relieved.

Xu Feng is now a lot of understanding of the wind and thunder.

He won't be like a headless fly.

However, he does not know where he should go?


Xu Feng heard the front, a burst of footsteps came, and he quietly hid in the jungle.

"I don't know what happened in the place. It seems that some people have disappeared inexplicably."

"No, it's amazing?"

"This thing is really what I saw with my own eyes, because of a very weird picture."

"What an odd scroll, can it be so amazing?"

"On the edge of the cliff in front, we can see what it is now."

Several people have talked about it one after another.

Nothing was found, Xu Feng hiding in the grass not far away.

Xu Feng heard that his eyes were also blinking.

"What kind of scrolls can make people disappear, but it is amazing, I follow them to see."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng has completely converged.

With Xu Feng's ability, he wants to hide. It is really difficult for a few people in front to find him.

The first few people are still walking on the unscrupulous side while discussing each other.

Xu Feng is not far from them, and their words are clearly heard.

In Xu Feng’s eyes, curiosity has become even stronger.

A scroll can make people disappear, this is a magical existence, he is really unheard of.

"Do you say that the picture is a very strange place?" asked a man.

"Is this not nonsense? There must be mystery. The scroll can make people disappear, and it must contain a very powerful power."

Xu Feng is not far behind a few people.

As they came to a cliff.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over and found that there were also many warriors around.

These people are coming to watch this picture.


Several people heard the sound behind them, and they were all shocked. They all turned around and stared at Xu Feng with anger.

"Who is you, are you always following us?" The man who was opposite to the spiritual world, his eyes with killing.

"I just followed you, don't panic, I am only interested in that picture."

Xu Feng pointed to the edge of the cliff in the distance, as if it was descending from the sky, so it was hung on the edge of the cliff.

"Kid, you follow us, should this account count?"

The psychic language that I just spoke said.

"It really should be calculated, but unfortunately you are not qualified to count with me."

Xu Feng’s voice is extremely arrogant.

His face is full of strong spiritual fluctuations.

"court death."

The man who was a double-minded man, he suffered such humiliation when he was away from Soul Island.

At the moment, when he came to attack Xu Feng, his palm seemed to be a sharp blade, which could tear the void.



Several people thought that Xu Feng would definitely die.

A figure suddenly flew out and slammed on the ground, and all the sounds were slamming.

Xu Feng did not continue to look at a few people, slowly said: "You are not qualified to be against me, let alone kill me."


Xu Feng has gone to the far side, the side of the cliff, that is, the place where the scroll hangs.

Several people looked at the back of Xu Feng's departure and did not dare to continue chasing Xu Feng.

"Who is this person, half-step through the soulland is so horrible?"

“It’s really strange to look at the face. Is it a disciple of the other two islands?”

"No, there is such a genius disciple, we need to report to the island of the soul."

"He seems to be going to the painting, and we will keep up with it."

Xu Feng came to the bottom of the cliff and looked at the snow-white cliff. His eyes were full of horror.

Just because, from the picture, Xu Feng actually felt the existence of vitality.

It seems that the painting has the same life.

"Well? These people?"

Xu Feng looked at the rest of the people, and they all fell into the picture, and their eyes were sluggish.

They all stared at the picture like this, as if the eyes had never been licked.

Even if someone is on them and directly stabbed a sword, they may not be able to find it.

“It’s really interesting. What is the magic of this picture?”

Xu Feng looked up in an instant, and also looked directly at the scroll that descended from the sky.

I don't know what to expect.

Xu Feng’s eyes are uncontrollable, so they stare at the opposite picture.

Before Xu Feng returned, he only felt his own mind, and he followed the picture and disappeared.

"What is this place?"

Xu Feng opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding sky as if it were all gray-blue.

"Is it inside the picture?"

Xu Feng suddenly remembered, just a moment when he looked at the picture, he found that the picture was almost exactly the same as the place where they were at the moment.

"Hey, the texture of my Taikoo Dragon Soul is changing?"

When Xu Feng continued to meditate, he found that his soul power seemed to be increasing in madness.

"The lines of my Taikoo Dragon Soul seem to be changing."

Xu Feng’s eyes are all wrong.

The power of the soul in him is constantly improving.

Xu Feng stared at everything in the scroll, his heart was as rock-solid, and his soul was constantly tempering.

"Twelve striped roads appear."

Xu Feng’s heart is an expression of excitement.

The more powerful his ancient dragon soul becomes, the more powerful his secret skills are, which is the biggest killer he hides.

(End of this chapter)

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