The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2538: Killed all!

Chapter 2538 is all killed!

"Ah... I hurt so much..."

"I hurt!"


Huo Yuan the whole person, directly fell to the ground, madly screaming.

His eyes are bloodshot, his body is more chaotic, his body is constantly struggling.

Xu Feng stood next to him. He appeared at the side of Lian Yun, took out several kinds of medicinal herbs and sent them directly into the mouth of Lian Yun.


Lian Yun woke up from the coma, the rosy on her face gradually disappeared, she looked at Xu Feng in front of her, and her mother-in-law.

She didn't know what was going on, but she heard Huo Yuan's constant screams.

Her mind suddenly recalled what she had just done.

Her tears suddenly flowed out and said: "Xu Big Brother, I... I really don't know what's going on..."

Xu Feng reached out and licked the head of Yan Lianyun.

"Nothing, there is me, who dares to hurt you, I will make him die very badly."

Xu Feng looked at the ground and was still smashing Huo Yuan.

Xu Feng did not mean to detoxify Huo Yuan.

He walked to Huo Yuan’s side and squatted on Huo Yuan’s body.

I saw that Huo Yuan’s body flew out of the room and was heavily squatted in the yard.

Many people look at Huo Yuan’s miserable appearance. One by one, they feel that they have a lingering sorrow. They are all goose bumps.

At this moment, Huo Yuan’s body seemed to be festering. It seemed to be like a million worms that wriggle in Huo Yuan’s skin.


Huo Yuan’s miserable snoring made Yang Cheng and others shudder.

Their eyes are full of fear, and many people's eyes are also looking at Xu Feng.

In their eyes.

This youth seems to be very approachable, but did not expect such a side.

"Since you like to use poison, let you take the poison and slowly enjoy the taste of life."

Xu Feng looked at Huo Yuan who was struggling on the ground.

He actually doesn't like to use poison.

However, this Huo Yuan has repeatedly provoked him three times and five times, and there is no bottom line.

This time, if it is not for me to come in time, I am afraid that the consequences of the integrity of the rhyme will really be unimaginable.

At the moment, An Hang and others are shocked. They just felt the sacred soul of Xu Feng, which is really scary.

"What is the identity of this young man? How old is he, he is still a soul teacher."

"His holy spirit is just too horrible. I feel my own sacred soul. It seems to be a feeling of surrender for a moment."

Their hearts are all doubts.

"I beg you...I beg you...kill me..."

Huo Yuan’s eyes are all **** red tears flowing out.

His voice was intermittent, and his face was ashamed, and he seemed to forget to threaten Xu Feng with his father.

Most people understand that only those who are painful to the extreme will ask others to kill themselves.

It is also called the birth is not as good as death.

Xu Feng looked at the ground and was still struggling with Huo Yuan.

"Kill you? Isn't it too cheap for you?"

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “You are not making a noise, do you want me to die? Now, do you know what it’s better to die than to die?”

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and many people were erected in their pores.

His eyes fell on Yang Cheng and others.

"I need a fact, not to say, the next step is this."

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over the arrested Yang Cheng and others.


Yang Cheng and others are swallowing swallowing water, one by one pale face.

They suddenly fell down against the air.

"The president of the adults, Huo Yuan forced us, they let them do this, I beg you, let us go..."

An Hang said: "According to the requirements of the Xu Feng brothers, you will tell me the passing of things.

Therefore, Yang Cheng and others are accounted for by the 1510.


The beauty of Huo Yuanzhen’s Lian Yun has been around for a long time.

Seeing that Xu Feng and Lian Yun are so close, the heart is heartbroken.

I want to use poison, let Lian Yun have a relationship with him. After raw rice is cooked, I am not afraid that the rhyme will not be given.

As for the black men who are entangled in the mother-in-law.

It was the cost of Huo Yuan’s cost.

He also promised those people that once the matter is over, he will send those people to leave Baiyang Island.

"Ha ha ha..."

An Hang directly laughed. He looked at Yang Cheng and others and said, "It’s very good. It turns out that in your eyes, there really is no president of me."

"It’s ridiculous to have a hairy boy, and you have to obey his orders."

"President, what happened?"

Just at this time.

Huo Qing rushed in from the outside. He came to the yard and looked at An Hang.

However, Huo Qing’s eyes fell on Huo Yuan.

"Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

Huo Qing’s eyes are killing.

" him...he poisoned me..."

Huo Yuan reached out and pointed to Xu Feng.

Huo Qing frowned and said: "You are a very good means, even if children make mistakes, they don't need to be so cruel."

Xu Feng heard that he did not have any good feelings for this Huo Qing.

"Do not teach, the father has."

Xu Feng slowly said: "What he is doing, you can ask him slowly."

"However, unfortunately he is dying, I am afraid I have no time to answer your question."

Xu Feng’s voice is very calm.

Huo Qing stood up and he looked at An Hang.

"President, for so many years, I have been paying for the Soulist Guild. There is no merit and hard work. I beg you to save my son."

An Hang shook his head.

"Huo Qing, this poison is under the Xiaofeng brothers. I don't know what poison it is. You ask me if it doesn't work."

"And, what your son did this time is a bit too much."

Xu Feng looked at the mother-in-law not far away.

"In the mother-in-law, rhyme, let's go."

Xu Feng took a step and walked outside the yard.

An Hang found Xu Feng very dissatisfied, and immediately asked: "Xu Feng brothers, how do these people deal with?"

Xu Feng turned his head and swept his eyes over Yang Cheng and others.

"All killed!"

When Xu Feng spit out four words, he followed his mother-in-law and went to the outside of the Soul Masters Association.

Huo Qing stood up and he said: "The president is an adult, no, they are all important figures of our Soul Masters Association."

Air China has no hesitation.

"Yang Cheng and others, all dead crimes."

An Hang’s eyes fell on the ground, and Huo Yuan, who was already dying, shook his head.

He looked at Huo Qing.

"Huo Qing, I will give you a piece of advice, don't go to provoke Xu Feng, some people are destined to be you, I can't afford it."

After that, Anhang walked outside the yard.


Huo Yuan’s blood spurted out, and the body was struggling like this, completely dying.

Huo Qing looked at Huo Yuan who was dead in front of him. His eyes were full of madness and they were all horrible.

"Yuaner, you can rest assured that the father will give you revenge and revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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