The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2532: President An Hang

Chapter 2532, President An Hang Hang

"you again!"

Zuo Sihua appeared on the opposite side of Xu Feng, and his eyes were filled with anger and his face.

Xu Feng did not pay attention to Zuo Sihua. He looked at Lian Yun and said: "Well, I have found the purple fog spark. Let's go check out and leave."

"Okay, Big Brother."

Lian Yun nodded to Xu Feng.

Zuo Sihua looked at this scene, and his heart was burning with anger.

He really did not expect that Xu Feng and Lian Yun developed so fast.

Now, Lian Yun directly calls Xu Feng as Xu Big Brother.

Zuo Sihua blocked Xu Feng’s way.

He said directly: "I let you get out!"

Xu Feng slightly frowned, he really did not understand, this left Sihua, where is the enthusiasm, so arrogant?

"Zuo Sihua, what are you doing, here is the Soul Masters Guild." Lian Yun's eyes are full of anger.

"Cousin, are you kidnapped by this kid, what am I going to do with you, don't you understand?"

Zuo Sihua’s eyes are all blood red.

"Xu Big Brother, let's check out and ignore him."

Lian Yun took Xu Feng and walked to the side.

Not far away, standing a young man, it was the former Huo Yuan.

"Hey, don't kill you, I am not Huo Yuan."

He quickly appeared in the side of Zuo Sihua.

"Hey, isn't this the left brother? How can it be so mad?"

Huo Yuan Yin Yang asked strangely.

Zuo Sihua’s face was full of anger, saying: “Huo Yuan, don’t think I don’t know, don’t you like my cousin?”

"Hey, a beautiful woman like Li Yun, is a man who likes it, but she is going to be someone else."

Huo Yuan couldn't help but stand there and sighed.

"Never impossible!"

Zuo Sihua bit his teeth.

Huo Yuan was in the ear of Zuo Sihua, gently said: "Zuo Xiong, I have a plan, you may wish to give it a try."


Huo Yuan said directly in the ear of Zuo Sihua.

Zuo Sihua heard the words, and his eyes were always bright.


"If the left brother is not going to perform, they will have to leave the Soul Guild. I will have no way at that time."

Huo Yuan’s smile on his face looked at Xu Feng, who was not far away and walked with Lian Yun. The corner of his mouth rose slightly.

When Xu Feng came to the checkout place, he paid the price of the medicine directly.

The total medicinal material is 899 pieces of crystal.

Xu Feng and Lian Yun came to the outside of the Soul Masters Association and were about to leave.

Zuo Sihua appeared opposite Xu Feng.

He was followed by a fierce middle-aged man.

"Zhang Hufa, that is, he, I saw him just now, on the medicinal shelf over there, stealing the spirits."

Zuo Sihua pointed to Xu Feng and said slyly.

Zhang Ben is the protector of the Soulist Guild. At the same time, he is also the person of Huo Qing, and it is the existence of the four peaks of the spiritual world.

Zhang Ben heard the words and pretended to be very just and asked: "Zuo Sihua, you don't lie to me. In our Soulist Guild, stealing the spirits, he is probably a leopard."

"Zhang Hufa, how can I lie to you? If you don't believe it, you will let him hand over the storage ring and you will find it for you."

Zuo Sihua stood on one side and his face was a proud look.

Xu Feng's look is full of anger.

He really did not expect that Zuo Sihua was despicable to such a point.

However, his eyes fell not far away.

There was a young man sitting there, staring at him with a burning gaze at the moment, and there was ridicule and disdain between the looks.

Isn’t this young man Huo Yuan who had a conflict with Xu Feng before?

Xu Feng is curious in his heart.

How can Zuo Sihua mobilize the protection of the Soul Guild.

It seems that it is another person.

Zhang Ben looked at Xu Feng and said: "Boy, you dare to steal the spirits in our Soulist Guild, what should be sin?"

A lot of soul masters around, as well as many warriors who came to the Soulist Guild, have come together.

Li Yun's face is full of anger.

"Zhang Huo, Xu Feng can't steal the spirits. He was just looking for the spirits with Yue Chang."

"Yue Chang can testify to Xu Feng." Inside the crisp voice, it is all anger.

"Yue Changlao?"

Zhang Benton suddenly said: "Then ask Miss Lian, let the elders of Yue come out and testify to Xu Feng?"

Xu Feng swept his eyes around, but did not find the middle-aged man just now.

He was angry with him.

"You can't be good people."

Lian Yun said to Zhang Ben and others.

"Miss Lian, even if you are the daughter of the island, you can't do what you want at our Soul Masters Guild."

"We know that your relationship with him may be very unusual, but I also give you a piece of advice."

"This kind of character is inferior, and people who steal chickens and touch dogs are really not worthy of you." Zhang Ben said slowly.

"I have not stolen your spiritual materials. Of course, if you want to smear me, I am afraid that no one will come to the soul division to buy spiritual materials."

Xu Feng's tone is very calm.

But it also caused a lot of people to be a commotion.

After all, some people are also like Xu Feng, come to buy spiritual materials.

Now, Xu Feng is said to be stealing spiritual materials. If they are to be punished, they really don’t dare to come again.

Zhang Ben slowly said: "Since you said that you have not stolen the spirits, can you have any evidence?"


Xu Feng swept around and said: "I just picked the spiritual materials, and everyone followed them. I can't steal."

"Where is the person?"

Zhang Ben asked.

Xu Feng’s heart is wrong, and he said: “It seems that I am still too big, and I was designed to be a set.”

Xu Feng is really an elder of Yue Yue.


At this moment, the elder of Yue, is in the courtyard of the president?

"Yue Fuzhen, what did you say about the purple fog spark and the conflict of water and seaweed?"

It was a white-haired old man.

He looked around the alchemy furnace in front of him, and there were discarded medicinal herbs everywhere, splitting in fives.

A burst of burnt smell came from these dead dan.

He took out the purple mist sparks that Yue Fuzhen said, as well as the seaweed.

Immediately, the hands floated and the flame burned for an instant.

Sure enough, the two spirits are completely incompatible with water and fire.


He is the president of the Soul Masters Association. He grew up and looked at Yue Fuzhen. He said, "Fuzhen, how do you know that this fire flower is called a purple mist spark, and you know the conflict between these two spirits?"

"Master, there was a young man who came to buy spiritual materials. I saw the spiritual material on his list."

"I don't know what the purple mist spark is. I took him to look for it, so he told me that this fire flower is called a purple mist spark."

Yue Fuzhen said directly.

"Well? Is this purple fog spark and the conflict of water and seaweed, are you comprehending yourself?" An Airways smile.

Yue Fuzhen shook his head and said: "No, it is the young man, let me tell you."

"Where is the youth?"

An Hang directly stood up, he felt that he could not go further, I am afraid that all the opportunities are in the youth.

(End of this chapter)

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