The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2529: Half of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2529 Half Alchemy Furnace

Xu Feng is warm inside.

I have to say that Lian Yun really cares about people's feelings.

He smiled at Lian Yun and said: "Do not worry, we are looking at the past, maybe we will find a treasure!"

When Xu Feng spoke, he squeezed his eyes at Lian Yun.

Lian Yun grinned.

"okay then."

The two walked toward the side that had just heard the sound.

This turned out to be a somewhat quaint street.

The two sides of the street look very old, and there are all kinds of strange things on the ground.

"Oh, this is not Miss Lian? Come and see, the old man has something good here."

"Look at it, my medicinal herbs are good good products, absolutely virginity."

Not far from the old man at a booth, the clothes on his body were ragged.

When he saw Lian Yun and Xu Feng, he suddenly said.

Xu Feng walked to the booth with a low spirit.

The old man looked at the infinite rhyme and said: "Miss Lian, we are not easy. Do you want to buy some medicine?"

Lian Yun’s face is also helpless. She doesn’t understand the quality of the drug.

"Old things, are you really deceiving like this?"

Xu Feng looked at the old man and said directly.

The old man was suddenly unhappy. He looked at Xu Feng with a beard and blinked his eyes. "The little guys don't talk nonsense."

"Miss Lian is so kind, how can I bear to lie to her? These remedies are good."

Lian Yun looks at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled.

"There are almost none of your medicinal herbs at this booth. They are almost all defective. I don't understand. How do you lie here?"

Xu Feng pointed to two kinds of remedies.

He said: "The only valuable thing about your booth is the two remedies here."

"Well, you are not letting us buy medicinal herbs? I bought these two remedies."

"Twenty Lingjing, for you."

Xu Feng directly took out twenty Lingjing.

The old man opposite is staying in place.

He looked at Xu Feng with some mistakes, and the wrinkles on his face suddenly piled up and said: "It turned out to be an expert."

"This little brother, it is not easy for us to eat in a mixed meal. You still have to go to the next one."

Before Xu Feng continued to speak, Lian Yun licked his lips.

She said: "Xu Big Brother, we don't want to marry them. After all, they are also small businesses."

The old man looked grateful at the face.

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled: "Yue, you are so kind, do you really think he is poor?"

Xu Feng pointed at the very worn old man.

Laughing: "Your booth, according to the flow of people here, you can sell dozens of medicinal herbs every day, that is, hundreds of Lingjing income."

"Even if someone is really lucky, buy the two medicinal herbs I just pointed out."

"These two kinds of medicinal herbs are only worth a hundred crystals. Therefore, your business is stable and you can't lose."


The old man heard that the wrinkles on his face were shaking.

The people around the booths are all misunderstood, with a sly smile on their faces.

Not far away, an old man directly said: "The little brother you said is good, this old thing is the most special pit."

"His remedy, the probability of one percent is good, the rest are defective products, it is simply mad."

Lian Yun is also a big eye.

She is kind and has never thought of so much.

After Xu Feng explained this, she suddenly understood.

"Oh, little brother, I am unlucky today, this spirit is my compensation, how?"

The old man took out a spiritual material.

It turned out to be a grass, and the leaves of the grass were strange, and the edges were all silvery.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed and smiled: “Hey, since you have said this, I am not good at rejecting it.”

Said, Xu Feng unceremoniously received the spirits.

"Let's say something..."

The old man’s face is smiling.

“Rhy, let’s go somewhere else.”

Xu Feng said to Lian Yun.

She is surrounded by Xu Feng.


As Xu Feng and Lian Yun walked toward the front of the street, those who sold the medicinal herbs all had their own good medicinal herbs in front of them, and the rest were defective.

"This kid is an expert. Just the old man was miserable by him."

"I don't know how he relates to Lian Yun. It seems to be very close."

"This will not be a futuristic husband."

Some people have talked about it.

On the beautiful cheeks of Lian Yun, there is a strong smile filled with sunshine, and the sun shines on her body, making her look more beautiful.

"Xu Big Brother, you are so powerful, they all seem to be afraid of you."

Lian Yun discovered that some of the booths around him were all afraid of hiding.

"These people who do business here are also Taobao. Of course, people with good vision can try it."

Xu Feng said to Lian Yun.

Lian Yun licked her lips and said: "I don't think Xu is so narcissistic, and his praise in disguise is good."

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng laughed haha.

Unconsciously, Xu Feng came to the center of the street, and his eyes stayed at a booth not far away.

I saw that there were only a few things on the other side of the booth, and they were all clearly marked.

Most importantly, the price is ridiculously high.

It was an old man with a slightly gray hair. He sat in front of the booth like this, his eyes twitching slightly, as if he was dozing off.

Xu Feng stared at the old man's face.

Above his booth, there is a broken alchemy furnace.

Then, there are only two-thirds of the alchemy furnace.

One piece is completely gone.

In such a broken alchemy furnace, the old man clearly marked the price.

A thousand spirit crystals.

Xu Feng and Lian Yun came to the booth of the old man. The old man opened his eyes and glanced calmly.

"The price is clearly priced, not the price, if you want to buy it, take it away. If you don't want to buy it, don't block me from doing business."

The old man said very directly that his voice seemed a little lazy.

Not far from a few people are laughing: "Chen Laotou, you don't pretend to be deep, and the young lady is kind and kind, you old guys don't want to hang her."

"You have sold these bad goods here for three months, and no one has come to visit."

"Yes, you should thank Miss Lian."

Several people around me laughed at the old man.

Chen’s old man’s face is not happy.

"Fart, you know a bird!"

Chen old man swings his hand.

"Oh, I think this broken Dan furnace is worth some research, but unfortunately... a pity..."

Xu Feng pointed to the alchemy furnace and stood up. He said to Lian Yun: "Rhy, let's go!"

"What a pity?"

Chen Laotou looked at Xu Feng standing up and was about to turn and leave. He suddenly asked eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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