The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2526: First treatment

Chapter 2526, First Treatment

The ancient hall.

Bai Xiaoshu's face is ugly.

Standing opposite him is Xu Pang, and Nan Gong Xue, and A Luo and others.

These people are the closest people to Xu Pang.


Xu Peng looked at Bai Xiaoshu, and he smiled and said: "Xiandi, this thing can not blame you."

"No one expected that the stinky boy was chased and killed in Wangbeicheng. He apparently left the city of Wangbei."

Xu Pang is helpless inside.

He originally wanted to take Xu Feng to his side.

I know that such a thing happened.

Xu Pang may not believe anyone, but he will believe Bai Xiaoshu.

Bai Xiaoshu's face is shy.

"Big Brother, I am sorry for this matter. If I can go to the day early, I might be able to meet the Virgin."

When Bai Xiaoshu spoke, his voice was self-defeating, and his face was also very difficult to see.

Xu Pang stepped forward and patted Bai Xiaoshu's shoulder and said: "Xiandi does not think so."

"Maybe the stinky boy has his own chance. It is not necessarily a good thing to come to me too early."

"Our current priority is to find a way to deal with Ziyan Pavilion. Recently they are just around the corner."

Xu Pang himself did not find out.

When he said Ziyan Pavilion, Bai Xiaoshu’s deep eyes were complex and contradictory.

However, the meticulous reason that he only appeared will be completely overwhelmed. He simply cannot tell Xu Peng the truth.

"This is the end of the matter. We will definitely have a chance to find him later."

Xu Pang said slowly to Bai Xiaoshu.

"Big brother, if there is nothing else, I will retire first."

Bai Xiaoshu is struggling inside.

His soul was completely controlled by the purple purple clothes of Ziyan Pavilion.

His relationship with Xu Pang.

He will not frame Xu Pang at all, but he is now incapable of controlling himself.

After Bai Xiaoshu left.

Nangong snow face color has become a little pale, she looked at Xu Pang, said: "Pang Ge, you said that the peak will not be any danger?"

Xu Peng frowned, he smiled.

"Do not worry, the stinky boy is very smart, and his strength and luck are good. It may not be so easy to be dangerous."

Xu Pang said to the comfort of Nangong Snow.


early morning.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and his face was shining.

His cultivation is a half-step pass, and it is really getting closer.

He felt that he was about to break through to the half-step spirit, and the difference was just a little chance.

He got helplessly got up from the bed and opened the door directly to the outside yard.


The noise of the noisy came.

Many people have gathered in front of them.

Xu Feng is very clear that these people, who are about to become outside disciples of Baiyang Island, will have to change places to live.

He also has some expectations in his heart. After all, becoming a foreigner disciple of Baiyang Island means more opportunities.

His current goal is to make the repair as a breakthrough to the half-step spirit.

To know.

There are sixteen veins in his body, because his cultivation has not broken through to the spiritual realm and cannot be used at all.

This is like a person holding a huge treasure, but only able to see it every day, can not spend, is simply tormenting people.

Many people's eyes are looking at Xu Feng.

Some people are deeply whispering.

From their eyes, Xu Feng saw awe and curiosity.

Not much time.

Hua Dechang came to the front of everyone.

His face is full of smiles.

"Everyone, welcome you to become a foreign disciple of Baiyang Island. Please follow me to the outside door."

After the flower Dechang finished, walked toward the front.

The people followed closely behind Hua Dechang.

Along the way, many people are looking at it.

Xu Feng's face is very calm.

Hua Dechang took everyone to a huge yard.

Some people's eyes are looked at with carelessness.

Hua Dechang looks at Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, you are the first place in the assessment, you are coming out now."

Xu Feng does not know what Hua Dechang wants to do.

He still went out to the outside.

"This assessment is so unbearable, and it is a pity that a good spirit can win the first place."

Someone looked at Xu Feng who came out and couldn’t help but say with contempt.

"You said that if seven days later, can his yard still be able to keep it?"

Some people are excited on their faces.

Hua Dechang said: "Xu Feng, you get the first place in the assessment, that is, you can get a privilege."

"Other people come here and can only choose to live in these small rooms around."

"And you can live in the yard over there, you can pick a yard and live."

Xu Feng followed the place pointed by Hua Dechang.

His face is strange.

He felt very clear that the gardens pointed by Hua Dechang had a beautiful environment and the most important thing was the incomparable spiritual power.

"Of course, you can only live in it for seven days. No one can challenge you for the seven days."

"But after seven days, someone will challenge you. If you can't cope, you will be taken away by the yard."

Hua Dechang said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocked. It seems that in Baiyang Island, the competition is also very intense.

Even a good cultivation environment needs to compete for each other.

Xu Feng looked at Hua Dechang and asked: "Flower elders, if the people who are through the spirits challenge me?"

Xu Feng is very clear that in seven days, his strength may become a lot stronger.

However, he is not an opponent of the spiritual world.

Hua Dechang shook his head.

"You can rest assured that if the people in the spiritual world challenge you, you can refuse, of course, you don't need to give up your yard."

"However, if you break through to Psychic in the future, they can challenge you."

Hua Dechang explained to Xu Feng patiently.

"I am relieved if there is no psychic warrior challenging me."

Xu Feng thought secretly.

"As for other people, you can choose in these rooms, of course, you can also choose to challenge the owner of the yard."

“If you challenge to win, you can get a separate yard to live.”

The words of Hua Dechang sounded.

Many people are helpless.

Just kidding.

The owner of the yard over there is a long-time existence of the outside disciple, their strength.

Even if it is a half-step spiritual environment, at least it will condense three threads and even more.

Are these people going to challenge each other, isn’t it too long?

However, many people's eyes are gathered in Xu Feng.

no doubt.

Xu Feng, who has just become a foreigner, is a good choice.

After all, he only has seven days of protected time, and his strength is not even greater.

(End of this chapter)

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