The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2523: Abundant and shameless

Chapter 2523 The ultimate shameless


The people on the scene are all open mouths.

Even some elders are stunned.

No one expected that this Zuo Mingpeng was on the spot and made such a thing.

Many people who are also participating in the assessment are wrong.

"How did Zuo Mingpeng suddenly go crazy, wouldn't it be that he suddenly became unconscious and suddenly went crazy?"

Someone looked at Zuo Mingpeng’s great joy and couldn’t help but look at the people around him and asked directly.

The person next to him is also full of doubts: "This Zuo Mingpeng actually has such a hobby, I think he likes to run in front of everyone!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Many people looked at Zuo Mingpeng and even reached out and moved to their own place.

Some women were completely stunned, and they all turned around, and one could not bear to continue watching.

It is really the behavior of Zuo Mingpeng, it is simply not suitable for children.

However, Xu Feng swayed toward the hole.

When he appeared next to Zuo Mingpeng, he was stunned.


Xu Feng vomited directly, his face full of smiles.

He appeared in the elders who were responsible for registration, patted the elder's shoulder and said, "Elder, have you not seen enough?"


The elders came back and looked at Xu Feng in front of him. His eyes were full of surprises and doubts.

He absolutely does not believe that Zuo Mingpeng is such a plain dance, and he has made those things.

"Boy, tell me the truth, is it your hands and feet?"

The elders asked Xu Feng gently.

Xu Feng’s smile on his face said: “Elder, are you too high to see me? If I can do this, do you think I will come to the assessment?”

The elders heard the words, but they nodded more agree.

"Yes, the time for your assessment is shorter than the shortest person before, and your score will be very good."

The elder nodded with satisfaction with Xu Feng, and he began to register Xu Feng’s time.

After registration is completed.

Xu Feng stood in the hole not far away, he looked at Zuo Mingpeng's "dance", and his heart was an irresistible smile.

However, looking at the place of Zuo Mingpeng, it is really small and amazing, it is simply earth-shattering.

I don't know where Zuo Mingpeng came from, but he made such an action in front of everyone.

"The elders are so prepared to appreciate Zuo Mingpeng's dance, what is the point?" Xu Feng asked the elders who were not far away.

The elder spread his hands.

He said helplessly: "I don't want to stop, but when I take the test, I don't dare to intervene without the command of elder Dechang."

"Otherwise, with his temper, I am afraid I can't eat it, take it."


It was at this time that the crowd was commotion.

Many people have let a road open.

It turned out that Hua Dechang came from afar.

After all, there is such a hot thing here, he spent Dechang as the general manager of the assessment, naturally it is impossible to not know.

When Hua Dechang appeared in the hole, he looked at Zuo Mingpeng’s eyes and looked disdainful.


Hua Dechang screamed as if it was a thunderbolt bombardment on the head of Zuo Mingpeng.

He suddenly recovered from the dance.

His smug smile on his face looked at Hua Dechang and said: "Flower elders, I am the first place in this assessment, hahaha..."

However, his laughter sounded.

He found that the people around him looked at his eyes as if they were looking at an idiot.


A gust of wind blew from his body, and he bent his head and looked at himself.


Zuo Mingpeng suddenly stunned his mind, recalling the scene just now, he clearly remembered himself in a dream.

How could it be here?

At the moment when Zuo Mingpeng screamed, he quickly put all the clothes next to him.

At this moment, I only feel the sense of self-confidence, my face is shy and angry.

His eyes fell on Xu Feng not far away.

"You...must be you..."

"Do you dare to yin me?"

Zuo Mingpeng’s angry face, he stared at Xu Feng.

He felt that it must be something weird by Xu Feng, and he was caught in such a fantasy.

"Zuo Mingpeng, don't give your left family a shame here."

After the flower Dechang finished, walked outside the hole.

When he came out, his eyes looked at Xu Feng with some doubts.

In the name of Hua Dechang, it is not difficult to see.

The reason why Zuo Mingpeng dances so unscrupulously is definitely a certain fantasy.

Otherwise, unless Zuo Mingpeng is a pen!

Zuo Mingpeng was so angry that he rushed out of the hole.

He came to the opposite side of Xu Feng, and said: "Boy, your luck is so good, can you come out alive?"

Not far from Hua Dechang, he heard this sentence, his face became gloomy.

How could he not understand the meaning of Zuo Mingpeng?

It must be that in the process of the assessment, someone created difficulties for Xu Feng.

However, the initiator of all this is naturally Zuo Mingpeng.

"My luck is not good for you, but in front of everyone, so bold, so powerful, even staged a perfect striptease, you ask if you are very satisfied?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Many people are holding their mouths and holding back their inner smiles.

Some women are still red-faced at the moment.

Zuo Mingpeng bit his teeth, he almost did not spurt out.

"Kid, I am not dead with you."

Zuo Mingpeng said.

Xu Feng slowly said: "Don't worry about whether you and I are not dead, I think you should first fulfill your gamble."

"If I remember correctly, you take the initiative to bet with me. If anyone loses, he will sneak out from the other side."

"Now, you can drill."

Xu Feng said, walking to a place not far away, just raised his feet.

He reached out and pointed to his armpit.

He said faintly: "You don't want to regret it. Just now, you have vowed to take the initiative to make a gamble?"

Zuo Mingpeng is very clear.

Today, I have made such a thing, no more than three hours, the entire Baiyang Island will be spread.

His face has been lost, and there is still a place to keep his promises.

He bit his teeth and said, "Hey, when will I bet with you? I don't know."

"Do you have any evidence to prove that I bet you?"

Zuo Mingpeng’s voice is righteous.

His eyes swept away with anger and swept the people around him.

That is very obvious. Who dares to come out to testify?

Xu Feng put down his feet. He smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I know no one dares to testify for me."

"For those brazen people like you, I have been prepared for a long time. But I believe that your face is thick, and I admire the five bodies."

(End of this chapter)

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