The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2517: Outside disciple assessment

Chapter 2517 External Disciples Assessment

Xu Feng said this.

If the low-cost war does not understand, he is probably not qualified to take charge of Baiyang Island.

He appeared opposite Xing En.

In the eyes of the Cold War, they are all killing.

"Xing En, I asked if you are not thin, why do you want to do this. My daughter is kind, she is innocent, why do you want to harm her?"

The voice of clean war is low.

He is such a daughter.

It is important to know that when her talents were small, her mother died because of her hard-fought and other people’s struggles.

Since then, the Cold War has sworn.

In any case in this life, let the rhyme be happy and happy.

In recent years, I have seen poisoning in my life and my life is in danger.

He paid a lot of money to get rid of the toxins.

However, no matter what kind of refiner he invited, there seems to be no way to help Lian Yun to remove toxins.

However, Xing En is a person who believes in honesty and integrity. He makes Xing En the chief refiner of Baiyang Island.

Give Xing En countless resources, even the biggest privilege of the entire Baiyang Island, no matter what kind of spiritual material he wants.

As long as the clean war can be obtained, it will be sent to him.

Just to let Xing En help his daughter to remove toxins, even if it can not remove the toxins, it is good to control.

However, what he never imagined was.

Not only did Xing En not help Lian Yun to remove toxins, but instead made the toxins of Lian Yun become more ingrained.

How can it be anger at the moment of clean war?

Xu Feng looked at the clean war and said slowly: "Do you still need to say more? He is not your Baiyang Island."

"And, if I expected it to be good, people who are poisoned by Lian Yun, if they don't have Xing En's cooperation, the mixed poison may not be able to be so seamless."

"The most important thing is, I want to ask you, have you caught the poison?"

Cold war shook his head.

His eyes are all condensed, he looked at Xing En.

"Well, you, Xing En, I finally understand why I was chatting with you when I was poisoned by my daughter that day."

"Later, the people of Baiyang Island went after the pursuit of Dai Heng, only to find that there is a strong person to support the island."

"It turned out that all of this was planned long ago..."

"You **** it!"

In the eyes of the low-cost war, there is a cold killing.

The powerful momentum of his body permeated.

Xu Feng looked at the war and said: "The island owner, you can't kill him now, maybe only he can help to remove the toxins from the rhyme."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Xing En suddenly laughed.

He looked at Xu Feng with his eyes.

"Kid, you dare to be against us from the Soul Island, you will die very badly."

Xing En directly admitted his identity.

"Integrity, you don't have any hope, he may be a coincidence that can help the low-sounding relief."

"But the toxins in Lian Yun are a mixture of countless poisons, and it is impossible to detoxify."


Xing En’s words have not been finished yet.

The clean war suddenly rushed up, and a slapped face fell on Xing En’s old face.

His mouth is full of blood, his teeth are sprayed from the mouth, and even his cheeks are almost deformed.

If I heard Xu Feng say that Xing En and his daughter have a relationship with detoxification, he is afraid that Xing Ensheng will die soon.

Xu Feng’s face was with a smile.

He walked up to Xing En and said: "You can rest assured that the soul of your waste, if I can't cope, do you think I am still qualified to speak here?"

Xu Feng’s face is full of confidence.

He took out two medicinal herbs and swallowed them directly.

"The two poisons, if you want to commit suicide after you take it, you will fall into the illusion of suicide, not only can not commit suicide, but will suffer the pain of death countless times."

Xu Feng's eyes are calm.

Xing En’s heart really gave birth to the idea of ​​death.

I know that his heart is trembling, and it seems that he really has to fall into a illusion.

"You... How do you know that I am a soul teacher, who are you?" Xing Encang's old face is full of fear.

Xu Feng looked at the war and said: "Is the island owner, then I will give you a task."


Many people around him heard Xu Feng’s words and were shocked.

In the entire Baiyang Island, there are really not many people who dare to speak to the Cold War with such a tone.

"Master Xu, please say!"

Lian Zhan saw that his daughter had a chance to live, where did he still have the status and status?

"You can find a way to let him record all kinds of poisons and all kinds of medicines that are served by Lian Yun."

"The order and quantity of the poisons under these services must be fully documented."

"I believe that you can do this task well."

Xu Feng’s face is a smile.

Lian Yun is such a kind person who has a life-saving grace for Xu Feng.

Xu Feng certainly wants to give Xing En gas.

"Ha ha ha... This kind of thing, I believe we have Baiyang Island, there are many people who can do it."

The face of honesty and warfare.

no doubt.

The meaning of Xu Feng is obvious, that is, to let Xing En suffer the pain of life.

"No... cheap, you can't do this to me, you should kill me directly..."

Xing En looked at the face of the Cold War and Xu Feng, and his heart was shaking.

"Come on, grab Xing En, and hold it in the groundwater prison. Every time, people take turns to entertain him, let him write the ingredients and quantity of poison. If he dares to say a lie, you can use it. All means to greet him, as long as he does not die."

Integrity is a hate in the heart.

You must know that Lian Yun has suffered in the past few years. His father is looking at his eyes and hurts in his heart.

Looking at Xu Feng in a clean and honest war, "Master Xu, as long as you can help my daughter to remove toxins, you can do whatever you want."

"I want the island owner of Baiyang Island?"

Xu Feng looked at the clean war and said suddenly.


Everything is in peace.

Before he even talked about the fire, Xu Feng laughed and said, "I will make a joke, don't take it seriously."

"I had offended the shadowless island before, and I was almost killed by them. Thanks to your daughter's life, I will try my best."

"However, I want to ask, can I participate in the assessment of your foreigner disciples on Baiyang Island?"

Xu Feng’s words rang and the people around him were wrong.

No one thought of it.

Such a good opportunity, Xu Feng actually just want to participate in the assessment of the foreign disciples.

This is not a condition at all.

Looking at Xu Feng in a clean war, said: "Master Xu, are you sure you really want to participate in the assessment of our foreigner disciples in Baiyang Island?"

"You must know that this is not a condition. You can participate in the registration of your Emperor."

"Of course, can you pass the assessment, even if I am the island owner, I can't lead."

(End of this chapter)

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