Chapter 2509 Teng Xin

"No... I am not willing!"

The elders felt six water dragons, like six storms, fiercely tearing the void.

The sea level is a wave of water that has been smashed by dozens of feet. All of them are heading towards his place, and the bombardment comes.

The six water dragons directly pierced the void, and the hurricane blew from the void to form a fierce air wave.

The wind blew over the sea, the whole world was rolling, and the waves became more fierce.


Along with the roar of the elders, the six water dragons slammed from his body and from different places.


When he spurted out the blood, the old eyes were unwilling, and he stood on the spirit boat.

His heart is hateful, he does not understand.

Why, the strength of a young man of the peak of the Emperor, the horror to such a point.


His body suddenly burst open, and the body was broken and completely swallowed by the waves together with the spirit boat.

The other people above the Lingzhou were also swallowed up by the Liulong Shuizhu, without any figure.

Ling Zhou gradually emerged from the sea level.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and his face was pale.

The control of such a horrible array of successive attempts to deal with so many people is really terrible for his consumption.

He almost did not stand firm, and the whole person fell directly on the spirit boat.

The half-step man in the side of the world, full of horror.

When he stepped forward, Xu Feng was directly supported.

Xu Feng took out some medicinal herbs and quickly swallowed them.

He looked at the sea level around him and said: "The next two people are handed over to us. We leave this sea area and try to leave the site of the shadowless island and go to the other two major forces."

Xu Feng is very clear that he must leave the site of Wuying Island as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be caught up by the strongest of the shadowless islands sooner or later.

This time, if he is not lucky, he can use the whirlpool of the sea, and the words of the people.

Once he is surrounded, he is really dead.

Even if he takes the purple blood of the Promise, it is not likely to be the opponent of the elders.

With his current strength, the most is to deal with the three spiritual conditions.

"You can rest assured that the next flight will be handed over to us."

The two did not expect Xu Feng's strength to be so powerful. They felt that they would follow Xu Feng and there would be good development.

Xu Feng sits cross-legged and begins to practice directly. His own consumption is too serious and needs to be restored as soon as possible.

"It's a pity that if I can get Soul Crystal, I can restore my soul power as quickly as possible."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of emotion.

Unfortunately, Soul Crystal is really precious and more precious than Lingjing.

When he was above Xiuwen Island, he wanted to ask about the price of Soul Crystal.

He also asked when he was in the endless treasure house.

Did not get the soul crystal.

Almost any soul teacher needs Soul Crystal. Therefore, even if someone gets Soul Crystal, it will not be easily traded.

Can give some soul teachers, but also can be exchanged for great benefits, why not?

Of course, this is also because there is no soul teacher in Xiuwen Island.

Xu Feng’s one-soul Taigu Shenlong Holy Spirit is now just a ten-striped road, trying to condense more lines.

It is necessary to obtain the soul crystal, in order to be able to continue to become stronger, his holy soul can continue to progress.

His claws are too ancient dragon souls, need soul crystal, constantly enhance the soul power, he believes that his holy soul can also change.



Xiong Tai was sitting in the yard, and he suddenly stood up, his eyes were crazy killing.

The table in front of him was all shattered, and the man in the yard who was reporting was terrified.

"What do you say, say it again!"

Xiong Tai’s face was shocked. He really felt that he had got it wrong.

"The island owner, we sent people to chase down Xu Feng, the whole army was annihilated, and there was no living mouth..."

The person who reported the news suddenly slammed on the ground. He said: "We went to the scene to investigate, found traces of blood, and some bodies, apparently a fierce battle."


Xiong Tai’s face was screaming, and he screamed, “What the **** is going on, who can tell me?”

"There are so many warriors in the spiritual world, tell me now that they have been annihilated by a martyrdom of the peak, are you sure you have not lied to me?"

Xiong Tai’s voice is incredible.

He felt that this was really unbelievable. It was totally impossible. Why did it happen?

Qiu Chen was sitting not far away, and his face was shocked.

His inner secret said: "Is that kid really so powerful? Can you kill so many people?"

Xiong Tai brow slightly screwed up and said: "Hurry to report this matter to the shadowless island. I think there must be some high-ranking people who help Xu Feng in secret. Otherwise, such a thing cannot happen."

Xiong Tai really can't believe that the Emperor Feng Xing is a man who can kill one of the many strong people in Xiuwen Island.

"Okay, the island owner."

The person reporting the news turned and left.

Xiong Tai suddenly slammed and sat down on the chair.

He seems to be getting old and old for a moment.

His eyes looked at the sky in the distance, all bitter.

He has been operating in Xiuwen Island for decades, and his life has been devoted to Xiuwen Island.

Now, all the achievements he has created have been completely destroyed.

His subordinates are dead and wounded, and then Xiuwen Island will become one of the few islands of the shadowless island.

Qiu Chen still did not speak, but slowly sat down.


"From the side of Xiuwen Island, I found that Xu Feng appeared in Xiuwen Island. We are now rushing to Xiuwen Island and hope to arrive."

Teng Xin's eyes are full of light.

Several people around him, the speed of driving the spirit boat is very fast.

Their spirit boat rushed out in the direction of Xiuwen Island.

"No, how do I feel the traces of the spirit boat sailing?"

A man looks at Teng Xin and he speaks directly.

Teng Xin heard the words, suddenly his eyes were condensed.

"You have been sailing in the sinuous waters for decades, where the traces are, we hurry to catch up."

Teng Xin looked at the man who spoke.

The voyage experience of the other side in the nine wild seas can be said to be unique throughout the shadowless island.

"This side!"

When the middle-aged man swept across the sea, his eyes stared at the place not far away, saying: "This side."


As the middle-aged man pointed out the direction, Teng Xin directly ordered, Ling Zhouyi's pursuit.

Xu Feng is still practicing on the knees. The two half-steps around him are full of fear.

"No, we seem to be caught up."

One of them looked at the sea level behind him.

"Yes, we are being chased, and then we must speed up."

Another person said.

(End of this chapter)

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