The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2504: Escape from birth

Chapter 2504 escapes birth day

"I will let you stand!"

The voice of the elders of the elders came out as if they were thundering.

His face is awkward.

"I don't think the old man is being teased."

He is very clear that during the day, he was directly confused by Xu Feng from under the eyes.

At the moment, the spiritual power of his body stirred up and rushed out to the front of Xu Feng.

The four elders are also full of mistakes, said: "The middle-aged man just turned out to be a wind?"

The four elders are very clear. Today, the day is dark, and the entire Xiuwen Island people are chasing the wind.

He even did not expect that the wind is under his own eyes, and this person can still be so calm.

Even if he is, he has admiration in his heart.


Xu Feng went straight to the warehouse of the endless treasure house next to him, his eyes were a condensation.

I saw him in the palm of his hand, a flame suddenly smoldered, he was going to the goods, let the flame directly permeate.

After all, Xu Feng is completely fearless about the flame.

"Get out of my way!"

At this time, a sound like a thunderous sound made Xu Feng’s head a shock.

The voice seemed to contain a powerful momentum, and the flame that had just burned in his hand was extinguished instantly.

Before Xu Feng reacted, his body was thrown out of the warehouse and directly by the mysterious forces.

Xu Feng's face was full of anger, and said: "One day, one day, I will find you personally."

Xu Feng knows that the strength of the other party is very strong and it is completely overwhelming.

He also seems to understand.

Why, in Xiuwen Island, the huge shops like the Endless Treasures are allowed to exist. It seems that the old man’s strength is very strong.

He looked at a lot of people around him, his eyes were full of killing, rushing toward the edge of Xiuwen Island.

"Kill... hurry, he is here!"

Someone saw the moment of Xu Feng's figure and made a snoring sound.

Suddenly, a group of people came to chase Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the figures in front, and there was still a half-step through the spirits, before he annihilated the existence of pirates.

"Xu Feng, let's just let it go!"

The man who was half-stepped through the spirit looked at Xu Feng, and he spoke.


However, Xu Feng did not hesitate any more, and the strong waves of his body instantly rolled out, as if the hurricane was surging.


At this moment, Xu Feng is completely dedicated.

A punch, the man who was half-stepped through the spirits, fell to the ground in an instant.

However, Xu Feng’s body has already rushed out to the front.

The man's eyes widened and his face was annoyed.

He is very clear about Xu Feng's strength, but did not expect Xu Feng to be so strong.

If he knew this, he should avoid Xu Feng directly.

Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world.

There are still a lot of figures behind him, and Xu Feng’s face is awkward.


"Go back and tell Xiong Tai, if he wants to come back to my endless treasure, then don't blame me."

The voice of the old man rang in the endless treasure.

Make the elders and others feel dizzy.


The figure of the road, from the endless treasure, as if it were a stone, was thrown directly.

Even the elders are squatting on the ground, and blood flows from his mouth.

Of course, everyone is not injured, and the other party just wants to warn them.

He stood up and looked at the people around him. He said: "Some people hurry to chase me and must catch up with him."

"The rest of the people, to inform the island owner, and then we Xiuwen Island, but wherever you can enter the nine seas, you must be strictly guarded."

When the elders ordered the order, he also chased out to Xu Feng in front.


Xu Feng’s constant escape, the area of ​​Xiuwen Island is not very large.

However, Xu Feng at the moment, I feel that the day is like a year.

"Kid, I have to see, how far can you run?"

Just at this time.

Not far from the front, suddenly a half-step old man who passed through the peak of the spiritual world, his head is floating.

"Get out, or die!"

However, Xu Feng is very clear that the opposite of the old man obviously does not want to leave like this, so he stands there.

"I want to delay the time, I will kill you first."

Xu Feng’s body, the killing field of the seventh heaven, spread directly.

In an instant, the powerful power of his body is accompanied by golden light.

Above his body, the golden light is simply shocking.

Like a stormy, huge wave, screaming away.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Xu Feng knew that the situation was urgent and he did not dare to delay the time here.

It’s like a swallowing fist that is directly displayed.

The power of this holy spiritual skill is thoroughly revealed.

The field of killing is integrated into the imagery, and the bombardment of his fists is as if it is surging.


A fist is so embarrassing to go out, it is like swallowing everything in an instant, the fists formed are filled with the sky.


The old man who was half-step through the peak of the spiritual world was only bombarded by Xu Feng’s three punches, and the whole person crashed into the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, he snorted and said: "Xu Feng is here...he is here..."

Originally Xu Feng was not prepared to kill this old man, who knows that the other party actually wants to report?

He felt a few breaths and gathered toward it.

"you wanna die!"

Xu Feng suddenly rushed up, punching his chest and smashing it directly, and the whole person rushed out toward the front lane.

Time of day.

Xu Feng has already prepared for it. He has spent a full circle in Xiuwen Island and is familiar with the entire site of Xiuwen Island.


The figure of the road is still constantly chasing after him.

Xu Feng fled while killing each other.

He appeared on the west side of Xiuwen Island, a dense forest, and it was a dark night.

The bursts of water vapor filled the front of the jungle, becoming even more mysterious.

Xu Feng knows that from this jungle, you can find a place to land in the nine wild seas.

He knows that if he wants to land in the nine seas from other ports, I am afraid it will be more difficult.

"Everyone will come over soon, Xu Feng is here, on the jungle side." The snoring came from behind.

In the distance, Xiuwen Island, the figure of the road, constantly inciting.

This time, the people who chased them are almost always the existence of the spiritual world.

Xu Feng’s face also became dignified.

He did not hesitate and rushed straight out of the jungle. His eyes were cold and killing.

Not long after, he came to the edge of the jungle.

However, the footsteps behind him are already very close.


Xu Feng’s Ling Zhou appeared instantly. When he boarded the Ling Zhou, he rushed straight out into the distant waters.

(End of this chapter)

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