The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2499: Island hunt

Chapter 2499 Chapter Hunting

In the spiritual **** continent.

Whether it is a medicinal material or a material for refining Lingbao, it is called a spiritual material.

The spiritual materials correspond from the first order to the ninth order.

Each level is divided into low-level, intermediate, advanced, and top-level.

For example, the first-order intermediate spiritual value is thirty Lingjing.

That first-order high-level spiritual material can be worth three hundred crystals, even higher.

However, the top spirits are rare and rare, so they are more precious.

Xu Feng heard that his face was full of smiles.

"I am only a monk of the peak, and I have no credit for you."

"After going back to Xiuwen Island, I hope that you can get a lot of credit. I prefer low-key."

Although Xu Feng does not know what Qiu Chen has to do.

However, he felt that he still could not pit Qiu Chen.

Since the other party treats themselves as brothers.

He said this now, it is equivalent to telling everyone that by then you can say that your credit is greater.

In this way, Xu Feng will not become the focus of everyone.

Qiu Chen’s eyes are full of smiles, and he said: "This guy is the same as I thought."

Qiu Chen himself is very clear that the rest of these people are all willing to go back to Xiuwen Island.

The greater the credit, the better. At that time, he only needs to hint at a few of them, and those few will naturally take credit.

However, he Qiu Chen can pretend that he does not know this thing.

At that time, even if Xiong Tai and others discovered Xu Feng’s identity, they had no relationship with him at all.

After all, the thing that robbed the credit was not what he told them to do. He did not know that they would rob the credit.

After Qiu Chen returns, he will choose to practice retreat.

At that time, two people with a lot of spirituality will inevitably find ways to win more credit.

Seeing everyone is satisfied.

In the small island where pirates generally appear, there will be a vein of Lingjing.

Of course, in the entire nine wilderness areas, the huge known Lingjing veins are controlled by the three major forces.

However, there are also a lot of Lingjing veins on such small islands.

Everyone is divided, and a single person can get dozens of pieces.

"Everyone, let's go back."

Qiu Chen screamed at everyone.

Everyone is walking outside the island.

Sitting on the top of the spirit boat.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of smiles. There is no doubt that after the previous events, everyone is afraid to underestimate him.

Even the existence of the Emperor Fengdi of the peak began to have a relationship with Xu Fengpan and wanted to make friends with Xu Feng.

They are all very clear that the strength and talent that Xu Feng shows will be extraordinary in the future.

Maybe going to the Shadowless Island is just a matter of morning and evening.

For such a potential stock, they are certainly not willing to offend.

Even a few people who questioned Xu Feng had apologized to Xu Feng.

On the contrary, Xu Feng’s face was modest. He looked at everyone and said: “You, this is not my own merit. Everyone is a team, and credit should belong to everyone.”

"Do you think that what I said is justified?"

Xu Feng is subtly letting these people, and then they will continue to take their credit to themselves.

There is no doubt that these people want great credit and naturally will not tell Xiong Tai and others.

About Xu Feng on the island.


Xiuwen Island.

Still burning, the lights are bright.

As Qiu Chen took everyone, he came to the port.

Those who guard the port are full of surprises.

"Five elders are out, it really is the hand to come!"

Someone looked at Qiu Chen, admiring his face.

Qiu Chen himself is very clear. If it weren't for Xu Feng, they would be on the small island. I am afraid that it would have been completely wiped out.

Dark night.

Return to the mansion of Xiuwen Island.

Qiu Chen told two men who had a big spirituality. His cultivation was a breakthrough and he needed a retreat.

Let two people tell Xiong Tai that they want to hurry and practice.

As for the other things, let them both look at it.

Both of them are excited inside.

The two went to see Xiong Tai, and after reporting everything, they would have to wait until dawn.

After Xu Feng returned to the yard, his eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "It is really unsafe for me to stay in this house."

Think of it here.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten above his shoulder and said: "Kit, we will leave the house later."

Said, Xu Feng actually began to refine the mask.

For him, the gadgets like refining masks are simply a breeze.

After a while, a mask appeared on his face.

I am afraid that no one can recognize him if he is not judged from the breath.

Immediately, he continued to refine a cloak.

At midnight.

The entire mansion is very quiet.

Xu Feng and the kitten, quietly left the house.

Xu Feng did not go to any restaurant.

He lived directly in a family in Xiuwen Island.

He spent some Lingjing, and it is not difficult to find a family to stay for one night.

Xu Feng was quietly practicing this night.

Early morning hours.

Xu Feng wore a mask and left the family.

He came outside the endless treasure house.

He saw the middle-aged man who gave him the auction token that day, and the other party apparently did not recognize him.

If he is in the endless treasures, he seems to be looking for the medicinal herbs he needs. The middle-aged man next to him has no doubts.

After he came out of the Endless Treasure, he went to the yard where he participated in the auction, as if he was unintentionally approaching.


At noon.

The mansion of Xiuwen Island, annihilated pirates yesterday, on the end of merits.

Xiong Tai returned to his yard.

After a short time, a figure appeared outside his yard.

"The island owner, this is a portrait of a wanted man from the Shadowless Island!"

Xiong Tai took the reel from the other hand.


Bear Teddy opened the scroll, his eyes suddenly rounded, staring at the portrait above the scroll.

"It's him?"

"Is it really him?"

Xiong Tai’s face was stunned. He looked at the old man opposite and said, “Hurry and catch the wind!”

The old man went to the place where the disciples of Xiuwen Island lived and went to the courtyard of Xu Feng and found that there was no one inside.

"The island owner, the wind is not!"

The voice of the old man sounded.

Xiongtai’s cheeks have become squatting, and he said: “Good! Good! Very good! I can’t think of the old man’s swaying for so many years, and he’s been playing under the eyes, I must catch him.”

"The order is passed down. The whole island is chasing this son, copying his portrait and distributing it in the entire Xiuwen Island."

"But anyone who can provide this news will reward 10,000 Lingjing. If you can catch him, reward Lingjing 50,000."

Xiong Tai’s words rang, and the old man was full of mistakes.

He said: "The island owner, a kid of the peak of Emperor Lingdi, is the cost of such arrests too high?"

(End of this chapter)

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