The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2495: Encounter pirates

Chapter 2495 encounters pirates

"Qiu Chen, you have to hurry to summon everyone, and then go to the pirates in person and solve them directly."

After Xiong Tai finished, he said: "If you guys have nothing to do, today's meeting is over here."


The meeting ended directly.

Qiu Chen came to the place of Xiufeng Lingdi of Xiuwen Island. When he came here, many people looked at Qiu Chen.

Qiu Chen said: "You, we need to go out and perform a mission to kill a group of pirates."

"Now, some warriors of the Emperor Fengdi need to exist. I don't know who among you is willing to go together."

Qiu Chen’s words rang, and he said: “The spirit of the pirates is not required to turn in.”

As Qiu Chen’s words came out, the scene suddenly became boiling.

Many people have come out to sign up.

At the side of Qiu Chen, a man with a peak in the spiritual world, when he looked at Qiu Chen, said: "Five elders, is this person too much?"

Qiu Chen nodded.

Start picking people now.

Finally, Qiu Chen’s gaze fell on Xu Feng’s body and smiled: “Wind, you will go with us to kill the pirates.”

Seeing that Qiu Chen’s selection is over, many people are indignant. They feel that their strength is stronger than Xu Feng.

Now, Xu Feng is able to get the chance to annihilate pirates, and these people have no chance.

Many people are full of faces, and they are disdainful in their eyes. "I don't want to be the person brought by the elders of Qiu Chen. It is obvious that this guy will get a lot of spirits when he annihilates the pirates."

However, although their hearts feel unfair, they dare not speak out openly.

Everyone knows that Qiu Chen is an elder. Now speaking this way, it is equal to offending Qiu Chen. It is really worth the loss.


Above the nautical spirit boat.

Qiu Chen stood at the forefront of Ling Zhou. He looked at more than twenty people in front of him.

Among them, there are four people who walk halfway through the spiritual world.

The two spirits are one heavy.

The rest of the people are repaired by the Emperor Fengfeng.

A little pirate, it is not too difficult to destroy the other side.

Qiu Chen’s face is full of confidence.

He looked at everyone, and sighed: "Everyone, some of you have performed tasks with me before, and some people have not."

"My rules are very simple, that is, whether you are a monk, or a half-step spiritual environment."

"You just need to kill your opponent. Of course, you get all the spoils that belong to you personally."

"lets go."

As Qiu Chen ordered, the nautical spirit boat sailed from the port to the distant sea.

Qiu Chen appeared next to Xu Feng and said: "Wind brothers, you don't look at the vast sea where we are, it seems very calm."

"But, in this sea, it is really dangerous. Some powerful sea beasts are even more terrifying than the spiritual world."

"Therefore, in the nine wild seas, even if it is a strong spiritual person, it is not dare to be rampant."

Qiu Chen said to Xu Feng's constant explanation.

In Qiu Chen’s view, Xu Feng just came to the nine ruins, and he needed to explain to Xu Feng more about the nine seas.


Qiu Chen explained a lot to Xu Feng, an important rule for survival in the nine seas.

The people of the whole spirit boat can see it.

Qiu Chen is very good for Xu Feng.

Some of the people of the peak of Emperor, their faces are envious look.

You must know that Qiu Chen is the five elders of Xiuwen Island, and he is the strongest person in the peak of the spiritual world.

There are people like this who are behind the mountain. Of course, if they want something that they can't do, who wouldn't want it?


Until the sun sets.

Qiu Chen looked at the crowd and said directly: "Everyone is careful, we are almost ready to reach the pirate site."

Not much time.

In front of the sea level, a small island emerges suddenly.

I saw that there are quite a few figures on the island moving around.


The gust of wind whistling.

Qiu Chen’s eyes are dignified. He said: “Next, everyone will start to kill and die.”

With the small island not far away, the group of pirates is very obvious, and they have already found Qiu Chen.


Above the island, above the right cheek, there was a man with a knife in his hand, holding a knife in his hand.

"Hey, the speed of the shadowless island is very fast, but they are afraid that some of them underestimate our strength."

He is the boss of this group of pirates. The knife in his hand is all sent out by Sen Han.

At the side of the knife, three men stood, and they all smiled with their faces. "They are really weak, we can have a pot."

"A peak of a spiritual environment can be handed over to the boss to deal with it. The other two passers-by are heavy and handed over to us three people."

"As for the rest of the group, how could they be our opponents."

This group of pirates is very confident.

These pirates are all desperate, and once they fight, they are desperately fighting.

"Ha ha ha... We will kill them all, and then the spiritual crystals on the island will be mined and we will be able to leave."

Knife is very clear, they can kill Qiu Chen and others, but it is impossible to be the opponent of the shadowless island.

The only option is to finish the things that you should do, and leave here directly, and Shadowless Island can't kill them at all.

"Boss, let's go out to fight directly, or let them come to the island and fight."

Next to a man with a heavy spirit, he looked at the Ling Zhou, which is not far away.

The eyes of the knives are all killing, saying: "Of course let them come to the island and then put them in a pot."

"Go down and inform all the brothers, ready for the **** battle." The voice of the knife, with a sigh of anger.

Qiu Chen’s eyes are calm. In his opinion, a group of small pirates is nothing worth mentioning.

He looked at the people behind him and said: "After you will be on the island, everyone will be careful."

"Pirates are fierce and sinister, and they are extremely vicious. They fight and they will be desperately desperate."

Qiu Chen and the pirates have fought many times.

There are not many others on the nine riddled seas, and the number of pirates is really many.

After all, when pirates are free, without any restraints, and able to get enough resources for cultivation, why not?


Ling Zhou constantly advances, the sound of running water, constantly flowing from the surrounding places.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder. His eyes were full of sorrow and his two big eyes, constantly flashing.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Brother, I feel that there is something on the island."

Xu Feng heard the words, they are all surprised.

He is very convinced of the kitten's intuition and perception.

(End of this chapter)

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