The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2491: Island owner Xiong Tai

Chapter 2491 Island Master Xiong Tai

"It’s bustling!"

Xu Feng’s heart can’t help feeling.

He walked on the streets of Xiuwen and found that this was not a small island at all, or a small kingdom.

Most importantly, the people above Xiuwen Island are very strong.

It is much stronger than the North City.

"Endless treasure house?"

Xu Feng looked at a huge shop in front of him. He walked to the site in the center of the city of Xiuwen Island.

Looking at a huge shop not far away, the store looks very grand.

"I hope there is a map I need here!"

Before Xu Feng walked into several small shops, there was no complete map of the nine wild seas, only a small part of the map.

Xu Feng came outside the store.

He walked in toward the endless treasure.

A figure appeared in front of Xu Feng, a middle-aged man with a smile on his face.

"This little brother, do you want to buy something, medicinal herbs or Lingbao, or herbs?"

“Our Endless Treasure House is the largest store in Xiuwen Island. As long as you can afford the price, we can get you what you want.”

Xu Feng heard the words and said to the middle-aged man: "You are sure, as long as I can afford the price, can you get me what I want?"

"Not bad!"

Middle-aged man's face full of confidence.

The Endless Treasure House is the largest store in Xiuwen Island, with a lot of goods inside.

Xu Feng spoke to the middle-aged man: "I need a detailed map of the nine wild seas."

The middle-aged man heard the words and suddenly changed his face. His eyes looked around and he found a no-man's breath.

He looked at Xu Feng and smiled bitterly: "I said little brother, do you want something bad, even want a map?"

Xu Feng looked at each other's look, it seems that this map, it seems very difficult.

"This big brother, what do you mean?"

Xu Feng asked a little strangely.

The middle-aged man said: "How can we have a map of the nine ruins?"

"We must know that the area of ​​the nine ruins is vast and innocent. The most important thing is that this is the site of the three major forces."

"The detailed maps are not in our stores, and we are in the hands of the three forces."

"It's almost impossible to buy a map of the nine maritime waters, unless you have a chance to find a treasure."

The words of the middle-aged man rang and Xu Feng was shocked.

No wonder the shops he went to before.

The maps are all around the island of Xiuwen, and they are not the entire island of the shadowless island.

"Little brother, you don't want to think about it. If you have a detailed map, who is still on the site of the Shadowless Island?"

"The most important thing is that if such a map falls into the hands of the other two forces, it is not equal to telling each other."

"Where is my people, where are my things, are you afraid that others will not **** them?"

The middle-aged man said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words and nodded.

It is not uncommon for the three forces to fight each other constantly.

Moreover, resources on the nine seas mean everything.

Maps are naturally essential things.

"Thank you for your big brother."

Xu Feng expressed gratitude to the middle-aged man.

"That's the first thing to say."

Xu Feng said to the middle-aged man that he would turn and leave.

"Little brother, can you speak in one step?"

The middle-aged man said gently in front of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng slightly frowned and nodded.

With the middle-aged man and Xu Feng, came to a somewhat remote place, the middle-aged man spoke to Xu Feng: "Little brother, if you really want the map of the nine wild seas, I can give you A message."

"Oh, please say!"

Xu Feng asked the middle-aged man.

"After two days, we have an auction at the Endless Treasure House, and there will be a precious news at that time."

"That is, the place where the big pirates, the pirate pirates, died in the nine wilderness areas."

"You may not know, this dark crow pirate, but once in the nine riddled waters, the three forces took the big pirates that he could not do."

"The reason why he can criss-cross in the nine riddled seas is that he has a pair of nine wild seas, the most detailed map."

The middle-aged man said.

"You know, there are a lot of mysterious places in the entire nine riddled seas, even if they are the tyrannical powerhouses, they dare not go deep."

"Therefore, when the Dark Raven Pirate was being chased, he would be able to escape safely. The three forces have no way to take him."

"Recently, news of the location of his death is said to have appeared, and some people have publicly auctioned the news of the location of the death of the Dark Raven Pirate on our upcoming underground auction."

"If you are really interested, this underground auction will be held in the evening two days later."

"This is the token to participate in the auction. The location is turned from the left hand side and there is a yard."

"By the day, you will see two guards standing outside the yard. You only need to show the token and you can go in and participate in the auction."

Xu Feng took the token inside.

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Brother, why would you tell me this news?"

The middle-aged man smiled faintly and said: "The desire to get a map of the nine wild seas is very strong."

"That's gone!"

Xu Feng turned and left in the distance.

“Remind the little brothers, when you have enough Lingjing, the competition will be fierce.”

The middle-aged man said.


at dusk.

Xu Feng followed Qiu Chen and others and walked toward the mansion of Xiuwen Island.

"Qiu Big Brother, is the island owner talking?"

Xu Feng asked some hesitation.

Qiu Chen said: "Do not worry, the island character is very good, he likes young talented geniuses like you."

Xu Feng looked at the mansion of Xiuwen Island and it was really luxurious.

The two guards standing at the door are actually half-stepped through the spirit.

Qiu Chen took Xu Feng and entered the house.

Xu Feng found that the people in the mansion are really quite a lot.

There are also a large number of warriors in the spiritual world, especially the existence of a half-step spiritual environment.

Not much time.

Just came outside a yard.

"Five elders, are you having something?"

Outside the yard, stood an old man, he looked at Qiu Chen.

Qiu Chen said: "If you have trouble telling the island owner, I will say that I have something to look for."

"The island owner lets you in!"

The old man glanced at Xu Feng and said to Qiu Chen.

Qiu Chen took Xu Feng into the yard.

Just seeing the place not far away, an old man with white hair, his face is wrinkled.

However, among the eyes, they are all sharp, and they are magnificent.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

"A very strong island owner."

He felt very clear, and the other person's eyes made him feel some heart.

(End of this chapter)

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