The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2488: Encounter Ling Zhou

Chapter 2488 encounters the spirit boat

Whirring whirring……

Xu Feng looked at the rising sun on the horizon.

In a blink of an eye, it is another night's time.

Ling Zhou is above the nine wild seas, as if it is a leaf boat, constantly floating up and down, forming severe fluctuations.

Xu Feng looked at the nine wild seas of the sky.

It can be said that the size of this sea area is really so that Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

His spirit boat is constantly floating, and he does not know the specific position. He can let the spirit boat float continuously at sea.

Simply, he has a lot of Lingjing this time.

The time of the day, it actually consumed more than a thousand Lingjing.

You can think about how terrible the consumption of Ling Zhou is.

"Oh, I don't know who the father sent. If I reach the North City, what will happen when I meet me?"

Xu Feng’s heart is helpless and sighs. The plan is that the plan can’t keep up with the changes. He didn’t expect that there would be a second group of people in the shadowless island.

Even more unexpected, even killed the third elder's son Ji Ming.

Of course, Xu Feng has no regrets about his behavior.

Xu Feng’s Ling Zhou continued to rise and fall in the sea level. He simply sat down on his knees and began to race against time.


Until noon, the burning sun shines from the top of the head.

Xu Feng suddenly found that when he was in the southern continent, he could not feel the cold and the heat, and he could feel very strong in the mainland of Lingshen.

If it was in the southern continent, such a light would have no effect on Xu Feng at all.

However, after the spirit of the mainland, such a hot sun, he will feel dazzling.

Moreover, there will be fever in the body, obviously not like the southern continent, so that the response is free.

Just at this time……

The waves of the waves are constantly spreading.

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all dignified.

Above this vast sea, there is no place to escape.

Jumping into the sea, he believes that it will be worse than the death of a warrior.

In particular, in this seawater, I don’t know how many monsters are hidden, and they are all very powerful sea beasts.

Above the soul boat, standing a few figures, a middle-aged man headed, his waving arms, approaching Xu Feng.


He snorted and Ling Zhou had quickly come to Xu Feng's side. His face was a faint killing.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Ling Zhou. There were seven people in total. Among them, except for the headed man, after the peak of the spiritual world, there was another old man who was psychic. The other five people were half-stepped.

"Who are you, why are you sailing on this sea?"

In the eyes of Shang Kun, there is a cold killing.

He also recently received news from the shadowless island that a young man killed the three elders’ sons and provoked the authority of the shadowless island.

Whoever catches this young man can get a lot of rewards and can directly promote it to the Shadowless Island.

Xu Feng heard the words, a faint saying: "You brother, under the slogan is a mess, it is too big in this sea area, causing me to get lost, I hope you can give pointers, how can you get close to the shore?"

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed and he spoke to a few people.

"I asked what is your name?"

Shang Kun looked at Xu Feng, he asked directly.

Xu Feng knew very well that this group of people could not know their name. After all, he had just escaped from the North City for a day.

"Xu Feng."

Xu Feng said slowly: "I just came from a mainland below, can you tell me how to be a big brother."

Xu Feng’s voice is very low. It’s a full expression of fear. No one can imagine that he is the one who dares to kill the three elder sons.

"What continent do you come from?"

Shang Kun asked Xu Feng.

The order issued above, but rather kills a thousand, can not let go.

Of course they dare not care.

"Donghuang continent."

Xu Feng did not say that the southern continent, he is very clear, said that the southern continent is very likely to reveal stuffing.

After all, the place where the southern continent appears is the direction in which North City is located.

"Elder Shang Kun, a monk of the peak of the emperor, only how can he kill the three elders?"

Next to a middle-aged man, he is a half-step warrior, with a disdainful color on his face.

"This is not bad."

However, Shang Kun waved his hand and said: "Don't say it, it is said that the person who killed Ji Ming is a young man, and it is still the existence of the Emperor."

Shang Kun’s words rang, and several people were full of surprises.

"You release your breath, let me see."

Shang Kun continued to ask Xu Feng.

"Why are there so many things? If you kill directly, you won't have it." The old man who has never spoken, his eyes look at Xu Feng, slowly.

Shang Kun said: "You don't know. If you can catch the person who killed Ji Ming, the reward will be huge."

Otherwise, with Shang Kun’s personality, he does not need to ask so much.

"Everyone, I really don't know what you are talking about... I beg you, let me live a life?"

Xu Feng pleaded with a few people.

The breath on his body was released.

Shang Kun was somewhat disappointed, saying: "It really is the breath of the Emperor of the Peak, there is nothing special."


Shang Kun made a look at the man who was surrounded by a half-step spirit.

His eyes are very obvious.

That is to wait for the opportunity to solve this person directly at the fastest speed.

"Since you are not the person we are looking for, you can leave."

Shang Kun said nod to Xu Feng.

However, the person who received the suggestion from Shang Kun, the spiritual power of his body continued to surge, waiting for the moment Xu Feng turned.

"You brother, thank you..."

When Xu Feng turned the spirit boat and turned around, he would leave in front of him.

"It's him!"

The old man looked at the back of Xu Feng’s driving spirit. His eyes were all condensed. There was a special mark on the island without a shadow.


However, the man who walked halfway through the spiritual world, at the moment, showed three spiritual veins on his head, and went out toward the impact of Xu Fengyu.

"Purple blood is not good."

The total of Xu Feng's refining system is three purple bloodless dan, the last time I used one, and there are two left.

At the moment, he did not hesitate, and when he swallowed the purple bloodless dan, he breathed his breath to the half-step spirit.

The powerful momentum of his body suddenly broke out, and the middle-aged man who jumped and attacked was shocked.

However, he saw Xu Feng turning around for a moment, his face was a mocking smile.


Before he could react, the huge fist slammed in his chest and flew him directly to the place where he was dozens of feet.

He was directly squatting at sea level, and was swept away by huge waves.

(End of this chapter)

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