The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2485: Strong killing

Chapter 2485 Strong Killing

"is it?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, there was a faint smile.

The five spiritual veins of Ji Ming are constantly oscillating on the top of his head.

The spirits rushed out and formed a fierce storm.

The entire earth is shaking slightly.

"Booming the thunder."

Ji Ming stepped out step by step, and his body appeared not far from Xu Feng. His palm was like a thunder and lightning.

The violent spiritual power spread from the top of his head and above the five spirits, forming a hurricane.

The silver lightning that accompanied it became fierce.

However, those thunder and lightning are constantly criss-crossing.

"Ji Ming actually displayed the Holy Spirit skills, it seems that Xu Feng will be defeated."

An old man feels the spirit of Ji Ming's display, the momentum is too horrible, and the wind is constantly whistling.

The result is that the violent waves are surging, and the whole earth is filled with cracks.

The words of the old man rang, and several people around him, with a look of regret between them.

"Oh, unfortunately, Xu Feng's talent is very powerful. If there is a good chance, he will definitely be in the future."

"A peerless genius, haven't gone to Lingshen, have you died in Wangbeicheng?"

"It’s really a talented person. I knew that if I had this, he could leave Wangbei City earlier."

It’s too horrible to see the momentum of the thundering thunder, and the waves are stirring in the void.

Xu Feng’s eyes were calm. He looked at the opposite Ji Ming and said slowly: “What are you?”

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, the killing between the eyes of Ji Ming became even stronger. Above his palm, the silver-white lightning became more fierce.

"you wanna die."

Ji Ming's heart is full of anger, but it is only half a step through the spiritual environment, but he broke through to the existence of the spiritual environment, he will be afraid of Xu Feng.

There is no hesitation in the thunder of the thunder, and the spirit above the palm of the hand contains the momentum of terror.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Xu Feng's body, a horrible illusion, suddenly filled out, the whole world is shaking.

The people around him were completely stunned, and they saw Xu Feng’s head and the spirit of one after another.


At this time, everyone is open-minded and looks at the number of 16 threads on the top of Xu Feng’s head.

As the sixteen spirits emerged, the momentum of Xu Feng’s body was simply shocking.

"How is it possible? He is half-pounded through the spirits and condenses sixteen threads. Is this too shocking?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng's figure, and the eyebrows were shocked and incredible.

They have never seen such a situation.

Even the elders of the shadowless island elders, his eyes are now showing a dignified color.

He is the existence of the double peak of the spiritual world, and now it is only a collection of eight spiritual veins.

Now, Xu Feng’s existence of a half-step spiritual environment can actually use sixteen spiritual veins.

Moreover, he feels very clear that the intensity of Xu Feng's spirit is far beyond the intensity of Ji Ming's pulse.

"Now, do you still feel that you have any qualifications, are you proud in front of me?" In Xu Feng's eyes, the killings suddenly emerged.


Xu Feng’s body seemed to be like a sudden bombardment, and the head of the elephant became fierce.

The earth is constantly shaking, making the virtual air burst into a fierce collision and become even more terrifying.

This holy spirit has become more powerful.


Then, the next moment, Xu Feng's sixteen spirits, while squatting out.

The violent air waves directly bombarded and formed a fierce hurricane, as if it could tear the void.


Ji Ming suddenly spurted out a blood, and before he came back, Xu Feng hit a punch in his chest.

His body was heavily squatting on the ground, and his eyes were not reconciled, staring at Xu Feng.

"What of you are still doing something, don't hurry to kill him."

A few people who followed Ji Ming were the warriors of the spiritual world.

The strength of the elders is the strongest, and the spirit of his head is floating.

Several people surrounded Xu Feng.

"Hey, a few wastes, that is, to look at the life of the North City Yaowu, I think you are in the nine wilderness, I am afraid that it is difficult to stand."

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, just to say the key points of several people.

They are indeed in the sea of ​​nine ruins, and there is almost no place for them to stand.

For the elders who are the most powerful, he is just a few of the same spirits.

His position in the Shadowless Island is not high at all, just following the father of Ji Ming, who is very loyal and becomes an ordinary elder.

"Kids, even if we are not in a high position, it is more than enough to kill you," said a man with a big spirituality.

"With you? Five spirits?"

The image of Xu Feng’s body once again emerged. The sixteen spiritual veins above his head went out at the same time.

All formed a fierce hurricane, a violent attack, so fiercely attacked the opposite man.


Just a punch, the man can't resist.

The gap between the 16 spiritual lines and the five spiritual lines is really too great.

Moreover, Xu Feng's spirit is obviously more than the men's spirituality.


Xu Feng spit out two words, his eyes fell on other people, said: "Let's take a shot, don't let me down."

In the eyes of Elder's eyes, there were taboos. He looked at Ji Ming, not far away, and said: "Master, you have to flee, we will help you drag him."

Ji Ming heard the words and suddenly reacted.

The spiritual power of his body is going to flee toward the nine wilderness.

"Today, you don't want to run, you have to die here."

Inside Xu Feng’s voice, it’s cold and killing.


This time, Xu Feng did not give any chance to the person who blocked himself. It was like a fierce attack on the swallow.

A man with a heavy spirit in his opposite side, he was directly boxed by him.

Xu Feng's body space appeared, his speed increased a lot, suddenly appeared in front of Ji Ming.

"The person who was just so arrogant now escapes like a dog. Don't you think it is shameful?"


Not yet waiting for Ji Ming to speak, Xu Feng’s fist contains sixteen spiritual veins, which have been bombarded.

The sixteen spirits swelled from the void at the same time, and all that broke out were fierce winds, and the spiritual power continued to pervade.


A man without a shadow island wants to attack Xu Feng at this time.

However, the sixteen spiritual veins of Xu Feng’s body emerged at the same time, and they condensed on the image of the swallowing of heaven.

When you punch out.

The man's body flew directly out, and the heavy squatting on the ground, all around the body were cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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