The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2197: The last winner

The winner of the 2197th chapter

Throughout the nine songs, countless people are now jaw-dropping.

In particular, I feel that the horrible momentum of Xu Feng has gone beyond the scope of spiritual skills.

Seeing that Xu Feng was confined to the Dafa by the red lotus, it was about to be blocked.

However, it is on the occasion of the millennium.

The momentum of Xu Feng’s body broke out.

The momentum is really earth-shattering.

The Promise Emperor suddenly stood up, his old eyes with shock, his face was strange.

His heart is stunned and his heart said: "How did this kid do it? He actually cultivated the three-armed and six-armed magical power."

Seeing the response of the Promise Emperor is so big.

The opposite Confucian spirits are strange.

Immediately, he stared at Xu Feng and found the violent momentum of the road, and it was extremely violent in all directions.

"What a terrible momentum, what is going on?"

The Confucian spirit emperor is very clear, Xu Feng is now only the six spirits emperor.

How could it be such a powerful momentum?

Not far from drinking alcohol, he is also wide-eyed, and the old look is incredible.

"The Promise of the Promise, what kind of ghost is that kid, why do I even feel my heart?"

The Emperor of the Confucianism was very clear that the Emperor of the Promise was so shocked that the change was related to the Promise.

The Promise Emperor heard the words, his eyes flashed and said: "He seems to have succeeded in practicing the three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers."


The Confucian spirit emperor suddenly opened his mouth, and he was somewhat wrong.

At the same time, he swallowed.

"How is it possible? So many of the legends of the Emperor, can not understand and cultivate the magical powers, he succeeded in the cultivation of a six-character spirit?"

The voice of the Confucian spirit is unbelievable.

He knows very well that the three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers, many of them are known.

That is the creation of the spirit of the emperor seems to be brought back from the southern continent.

The entire ancestral spirit of the vast land of Shenzhou has been studied.

However, almost no one can understand the existence of that supernatural power.

Not to mention the success of cultivation.

Now, Xu Feng has successfully cultivated and applied it. This is simply too unbelievable.


"A horrible young man, the future of this child is really limitless. He has succeeded in cultivating the magical genius."

At this moment, in the midair, faintly visible.

There was a kneeling figure sitting on his knees, his eyes were calm.

At the same time, the face was a little surprised and flashed.

Undoubtedly, Xu Feng showed three supernatural powers with six arms and six arms.

He is also very surprised.

If anyone sees this monk, he will be shocked.

Just because this person is one of the three chiefs of the Genesis College, his title is the Nine Lights Emperor.

"The three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers are similar to the laws recorded in some Buddhist scriptures, but they are somewhat different."

Inside the eyes of the Nine Lights Emperor, there was a glimpse of surprise.

He is naturally very knowledgeable, but he does not know how the three heads and six arms are successfully cultivated.


"You feel no, why do I feel that my momentum is not suppressed at all, as if the blood has become unsmooth."

A warrior of the Six-Principal Emperor, he looked at a few people around him, with a shock on his face, and asked to those people.

The people around him heard the words and nodded.

"You said it is good, I feel this kind of pressure, it is completely suppressed."

"It's incredible. What Xu Feng is doing, why do I find that the heavens and the earth around him are very volatile?"

"It’s hard to be the white-browed son who broke out of the blood of the present, and still can’t beat Xu Feng’s words. It’s interesting.”

"The white-browed son is second only to Long Aotian, and the genius of the Dark Hall mysterious man. If you can't beat Xu Feng, then it is equal to Xu Feng's talent is not worse than him."

"And, Xu Feng is so old, that is to say, Xu Feng's talent is not only stronger than the white-browed son, but a lot stronger."

Seeing Xu Feng’s phantom floating constantly, the people at the scene were discussing it insanely.

They know that the battle is nearing the end, and in the end who can get a real victory.

Who is the last winner?

Bai Meigong also felt the mighty momentum of Xu Feng, but he did not think that Xu Feng could defeat himself.

"Xu Feng, let's lose."

The white-browed son's gaze fell on the opposite side of Xu Feng, and the red lotus around him was banned from the proliferation of Dafa.

"I admit that your talent is indeed stronger than my white-browed man, but now you are just a six-pronged emperor."

His words sounded, and it seemed to be arrogant.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and said: “Being a man, don’t make a decision too early.”

"Hey, is it that you can still resist my red lotus confined Dafa?" The white-browed son looked at Xu Feng's red lotus, and wrapped it up.

The horrible atmosphere is unfathomable.

His white-browed son is not vegetarian.

"What do you think?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

I saw him, and there was a majestic illusion.

The illusion is extremely strange, as if it were three heads and six arms.

The most important thing is that the virtual shadow seems to be able to stir the world.

Then, the virtual shadow suddenly broke out, as if it was a roar from an ancient beast.

The roar of the roars shook the earth, and the whole void broke out.

"Heaven and earth."

With Xu Feng's three-headed and six-armed moments in an instant, he once again displayed the moments of the world's boxing, as if there were countless heaven and earth boxings.

The powerful and horrible momentum made countless people feel that their pores were erected.


The blossoming red lotus flower was so smashed by the direct bombardment of the life.


The whole person of the white-browed son was bombarded by the punches on the chest, and he spurted out his blood.

His face is unbelievable. He can't believe it. He said, "How is it possible? What kind of spiritual skill is this so powerful?"

The white-browed son didn't believe it. He didn't think that he had lost.

Moreover, it is still lost to a young man who is not as good as himself.

Bai Meigong’s eyes stared at Xu Feng and said, “Who are you, why are you able to display such powerful skills?”

Xu Feng looked calmly at the white-browed son, his voice was calm.

"There is nothing that is impossible. I don't know if this is a spiritual skill. I also obtained it unintentionally."

When I heard Xu Feng’s words, many people almost did not vomit blood.

This is really a person who is more than a popular person, and it is actually inadvertently acquired such a powerful spiritual skill.

It is simply shocking.

All the people on the scene are silent at the moment.

No one thought of it.

White-browed son lost!

Xu Feng won!

(End of this chapter)

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