The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2194: Ben Leitian

Chapter 2194 Ben Lei Tianyin


Xu Feng is also a burst of violent momentum.

The blood red glow swept out in an instant.

The whole void is like the sound of a smashing collision.

The collision of the two momentums is undoubtedly the first confrontation between two people.

The void around it is like being swept by the wind.

The violent momentum of the white-browed man was filled with it. It was a burst of silver-white lightning that began to criss-cross in the sky.

"The white-browed son is the first of the three sons of Genesis College, and his field of mine has reached the fifth realm."

"It’s incredible. Did he only rebuild the six spirits?"

"No, the white-browed son broke through to the seven spirits."

Some people feel the breath of the seven-character spirits on the white-browed son, and they can't help but stunned. At the same time, they worried about Xu Feng.

"The Seven Spirits Emperor?"

Xu Feng also frowned. Before he knew the three sons of Genesis College, Bai Meigong had the strongest strength.

However, the rumors of the white-browed son are only the six peaks of the Emperor of the Emperor, but did not expect to have broken through the seven spirits.

Liu Pinling Emperor Peak and Qipin Lingdi seem to be a step away, but the strength of the two outbreaks is really different.

"Xu Feng, I will let you know today, my white-browed son is amazing."

The white-browed son finished.

The silver-white lightning on the body is constantly gathering.

Suddenly, the stormy general momentum began to gather from his body.

His spiritual power flowed throughout his body.

Many people are shocked. It is really the momentum that the white-browed son broke out. It is really too strong.

In the moment when the white-browed son stepped out, his hands were as if there were endless thunder and lightning gathering.

Those silver-white lightnings, criss-crossing, seem to condense into a palm print with a condensed lightning.

Ben Lei Tianyin!

Many people looked at the palm prints displayed by the white-browed son, and they all exclaimed.

You must know that this Ben Lei Tian Yin is the top quality inheritance.

Nowadays, in the field of Lei, the fifth heaven of the white-browed son, this palm print is unstoppable.

The most important thing is that the silver-white palm print is like a thunder and lightning gathering, and the whole void is shaking.

"This white-browed son is really very powerful, and his spiritual practice is also very high." Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested.

Seeing the palm prints of the white-browed son, like the thundering thunder, it’s terrible.

The thunder of the thunder and lightning came towards the suppression of Xu Fengqi.

"Kill the boxing."

Among the two angry seas and the fourteen spiritual veins, the spiritual power is rolling, and the fourth-day killing field of Xu Feng is filled.

The **** red light covers the sky.

Nangong Temple is full of eyes, he clearly remembers that Xu Feng is the third-day killing field.

How long has it been, Xu Feng’s field of killing has broken through to the fourth heaven.

"The three brothers are really talented."

Nan Gongyi looked at this scene, all of them were stunned and could not help but sigh in the heart.

"The second heavy gravity field."

"The first heavy space field."

Xu Feng’s body, when the three fields broke out, the scene was really boiling.

It is an incredible thing that such a young warrior has condensed three areas, which is simply shocking.

"Three areas?"

"This Xu Feng is really abnormal."

"Is he a human being, why do I feel that he is a enchanting?"

Feel the mixed momentum of the three fields in Xu Feng, many people are surprised at the face, they think Xu Feng is too abnormal.

Even the white-browed son is a glimpse, saying: "It's no wonder that the moon is not your opponent, you really have something extraordinary."

In the distance, the Mochizuki of the Genesis College, he heard the words are also gloomy, his eyes are not afraid and angry.

"No, this Xu Feng last time was only the third-day killing field. How can it break through to the fourth-day killing field?"


The golden fist is accompanied by a dark eight-star glove.

The fist and the palm of the hand collide together.

It seems to be quiet throughout the world.

Countless people's eyes are watching the two figures.


Immediately afterwards, the two figures quit at the same time and continually slide in the void, as if their bodies were rubbing the flames with the void.

"Xu Feng really resisted the attack of the white-browed son, as if the white-browed son did not take any advantage."

Someone looked at this scene, and both eyes were incredible.

He used to think that Xu Feng was afraid to be crushed by the white-browed son, but he did not expect the two to be so evenly matched.

The white-browed son is also a glimpse, saying: "It turns out that your soul is cultivated to the realm of getting better, no wonder you are so confident."

"However, it was just a tentative attack. The real battle has just begun."

The words of the white-browed son, so that the onlookers are shouting.

After all, the attack just like this is only tentative, and the next attack will become even more exciting.

Xu Feng looked calmly at the opposite white-browed son and said, "I hope you don't let me down?"

The white-browed son heard the words and suddenly became angry.

Xu Feng means that his white-browed son is weak.

The field of the fifth heaven of his body is directly condensed between his hands.

As he stepped out, the palm prints of the previous ones became more fierce.

However, Xu Feng’s killing punch is also unstoppable.

In this way, the palm prints and the fists constantly touch each other, as if there were only two people in the world.

"That Xu Feng is really amazing, it is incredible."

Seeing that Xu Feng and Bai Meigong were fighting for half an hour, there was still no victory or defeat. The people on the scene were surprised.

From the beginning, many people were not optimistic about Xu Feng, and felt that Xu Feng could not be the opponent of Bai Meigong.

By now, they have changed their minds.

They think that Xu Feng is also a powerful existence.

He is qualified to fight the real battle with the white-browed son. Whoever will finally win the final victory, I am afraid no one knows the answer.

The white-browed son didn't expect Xu Feng's strength to be so powerful. His whole body's spiritual power was unreserved, and the current thunder and lightning broke out.

Above the palm of the hand, a burst of lightning, it seems like a storm.

The fierce palm, the lightning gathered.

The entire void was trembled a little, and a powerful attack broke out.


The two figures began a new round of offensive.

However, this time everyone can see that the momentum and palm of the white-browed son are clearly prevailing.

Moreover, the advantage of the white-browed son is relatively large.

Looking at this scene, many people seem to breathe a sigh of relief, they think this is the normal rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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