The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2189: Killing field

Chapter 2189 Crystallization of the Killing Field

"The ground killing."

Xu Feng’s third-day killing field emerged.

Surprise on the opposite side of Su Yunping.

He did not expect that a young man of the Six Spirits could realize the killing field of the third heaven.

The most important thing is that the momentum of Xu Feng’s body broke out again, which is the second gravitational field.

"Two areas?"

Su Yunping felt that his eyes were wrong, and he blinked quickly.

However, the powerful momentum instantly shocked.

The storm is generally sweeping.

Xu Feng’s fist, unstoppable toward the opposite of Su Yunping, smashed out and the spiritual flow continued.


Su Yunping’s inner secret voice, suddenly appeared in the field of the third heavenly fire, the sword above the hands.

Just as the flame is burning, it seems to be two fierce fire swords, falling towards Xu Feng's.


Unfortunately, that punch is really amazing.

Su Yunping felt his body being suppressed by Xu Feng’s gravity field, as if his body was heavy.

And, followed by a burst of violent winds and waves.

"The genius."

Not giving Su Yunping any time, Xu Feng showed the third style of killing the fist, and the whole world seemed to cover it.

The blood-red fist is filled with spiritual power, like the boundless waves of the waves are surging, and the embarrassing sweeps out.


Su Yunping madly resisted Xu Feng’s fist, but found that Xu Feng’s fist was extremely horrible, and the whole person spurted out blood.

He was stunned on the wall not far away, and his face was shocked. "Who are you, why are you so strong?"

"I didn't tell you, my name is Xu Feng?"

After Xu Feng finished, he was sheltered and he was a fist.

Su Yunping couldn't resist Xu Feng's fist, and his eyes turned out to be defeated by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s face sneered with a smile: “You didn’t say it just now. Is it a self-seeking way to enter here?”

"Now, trouble telling me who is looking for a dead end?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Su Yunping suddenly said: "I beg you, don't kill me, it's my mouth, my mouth..."

"If you don't kill me, I can tell you a secret about the secret of this treasure."

Xu Feng stared at Su Yunping and nodded. "You can say, I can spare you a life, and I can't help it."

"you swear."

Su Yunping looked at Xu Feng and opened the road directly.

"You love it or not."

Xu Feng has a killing in his eyes, and he is going to shoot now.

"Slowly... I tell you..."

Su Yunping quickly let Xu Feng stop, and immediately said: "This treasure is a treasure left by a strong man. I know that there is a secret in this hall. Only when you go out from that secret passage can you find the treasure."

"Oh, where is the secret passage?"

Xu Feng asked Su Yunping.

He did find that the passages in this hall extend in all directions, and they are also looking for one by one. I don't know if I want to find the Year of the Monkey.

"The secret passage is the second one on the left hand side."

Su Yunping said to Xu Feng.

"How are you so sure?"

Xu Feng asked.

Su Yunping said: "When Zhang Wei invited you, I certainly didn't tell you, do we all have a map of this treasure?"

Xu Feng heard the words, his face changed slightly, and surely Zhang Wei would not be kind, the other party did not tell him the map.

"Let's hand over the map."

Su Yunping shook his head and said: "The map was destroyed by our four people and destroyed directly."

"In any case, you are moving along the second passage, where you should be the treasure."

"Can you let me go?"

When Su Yunping finished, he stood up and said palely.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Yes!"

At this time, the kitten suddenly smashed out, and the sharp claws directly smashed the neck of Su Yunping.

Su Yunping did not expect the kitten to be so powerful. He did not have any precautions at all. He felt his life was over in an instant.


Xu Feng said: "I promised you won't kill you, but the kitten didn't promise not to kill you?"

"Ha ha ha... It’s an idiot."

The kitten takes out the debris from the other side of the field and eats it directly.

Su Yunping’s face was terrified, and after all, he was killed.

Xu Feng took all of Su Yunping's storage rings and he began to look for it and found that there was no map.

It seems that as Su Yunping said, after they read the map, they have been completely burned.

Su Yunping really did not pay attention to it. He did not expect that he would die in the hands of a young man.

"let's go."

Xu Feng and the kitten continued to advance in the depths according to the passage that Su Yunping said.


With the speed of Xu Feng and the kittens, one person and one cat came to a somewhat gloomy hall.

Xu Feng felt the horrible killing momentum in the air, and the hall seemed to be completely shrouded in killing.

"Brother, look at that over there!"

The kitten's claws pointed to a place not far away, only to see the crystallization of a **** red killing field.

"The crystallization of these areas of killing should be the abduction of the abyss, and I can't think of it."

"It seems that my killing field has broken through to the fourth heaven, and it is just around the corner." Xu Feng went on to collect the crystals of those areas of killing.

He spoke to the kitten: "Kit, you help me protect the law, I began to refine the crystallization of the killing field."

The kitten took a fear of the chest and said: "Brother, you can rest assured."

Xu Feng began to refine the killing crystals.

The spiritual power of his body began to float, and the pure killing scent moved in his body.

The field of killing and killing of the killing spirits began to spread, and the blood-red light of Xu Feng became more intense.

The whole world is trembled a little, and when Xu Feng refines the crystallization of killing, the heart is really killing the sky.

However, Xu Feng’s current mind is already rock solid, and he will not be in a situation of ignorance.

"The method of killing the Emperor is really correct. I only have such a little progress, and the foundation can be more solid."

Xu Feng knew that it was a great advantage for him to kill the spirit of the emperor and seal it all in his body.

If the killing spirit emperor gave him all the inheritance in an instant, he would probably become the top powerhouse of the southern continent in a short time.

However, the consequence is that he is very likely to be in the same realm in this life and cannot continue to progress.

The kitten is not far away, looking bored at the surroundings, and the smart eyes are spinning.

(End of this chapter)

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