The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2185: The book of the white-browed son

Chapter 2185 The Battle of the White-browed Son

"Predecessors, can you stay?"

Xu Feng looked at each other, he spoke.

Nan Gongyu heard the words, he turned his head.

"Do you have anything to do with me? I don't catch you today, it's because I am not their opponent, and I can't catch you."

"But, you don't ask me too much, I won't agree." Nan Gongyu said very carefully.

However, the people around do not understand, and the love of Nan Gong Yu does not want to be difficult Xu Feng.

The people around him are just excuses for Nangong Yu, and that is an excuse for him to go back and report to Nangongyuan.

Xu Feng looked at Nangong Yu and said: "Predecessors, I want to ask, is my mother at risk?"

Inside Xu Feng’s voice, it was a son’s thoughts on his mother, a kind of son’s concern for his mother.

He knew that his mother was being held in the Fuchu Palace by the Nangong family, but he was always worried about him.

Nan Gongyu heard the words, he could not help but blink.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Your mother should say that there is no danger for the time being, but I will not know it later."

"In the recent period, Jian Gu and Nan Gong Yuan have met frequently, as if they are discussing anything."

"I am not very clear about the specifics, but as far as I know, Nangongyuan is very optimistic about your mother."

"Of course, the premise is that your mother is willing to help him kill you, or that your mother and you broke off the mother-child relationship."

Nan Gongyu said here that Xu Feng’s face was full of anger.

He did not expect that Nangongyuan was so mean and shameless.

Xu Feng bit his teeth.

Nan Gong Yu looked at Xu Feng and said: "I think that you are angry, not much useful, and there is not much time left for you."

"You have to understand that if Nangongyuan really wants to kill you, the entire southern continent, I am afraid that few people can stop him."

"The Nangong family has been so declining in these years, but it is still the four ancient families, the four major families, largely because of Nangongyuan."

"His strength, at least in the title of the Southern Continent, can be ranked in the top five."

The words of Nangong Yu, many people's breathing have become dignified, they know that Nangong Yu is definitely not talking nonsense.

The strength of Nangongyuan is really terrifying.

“Thank you for reminding my seniors.”

Xu Feng expressed his gratitude to Nan Gongyu.

"The younger generation has an ulterior motive, hope that the seniors can promise?"

Xu Feng took out the four eight-paste medicinal herbs that he had refined before.

"Predecessors, can you help me bring these four medicinal herbs to my mother? She is in the Futuo Palace and suffers all kinds of tempering throughout the day."

"This red blood can help her to recuperate her body so that she won't feel bad."

Xu Feng’s words rang and the people around him were silent.

Nan Gong Yu is also silent.

He does not kill Xu Feng so much, it is already against the will of Nangongyuan.

Now, if you give Xu Feng a medicinal herb, it is very likely to anger Nangongyuan.

"Predecessors, I will give you your knees!"

Xu Feng looked at Nan Gong Yu’s silence, and he did not have resentment. He said that he would kneel down to Nangong.

Nan Gong Yu appeared in front of Xu Feng. He pulled Xu Feng to kneel down and collected the four medicinal herbs.

"I dare not say that I can definitely send it to your mother. I can only say that I try my best." Nan Gongyuan said.

“Thank you for your predecessors, the kindness of your predecessors, and you will definitely repay in the future.”

Inside Xu Feng's eyes, the tears flickered.

Nan Gongyu shook his head and sighed.

The old look is also helpless.

In fact, many people in the Nangong family are helpless. They really hope that Xu Feng can become a family of Nangong family.

After all, in these years, the Nangong family has become more and more powerful, if Xu Feng is a member of the Nangong family.

In the future, there is no doubt that for the Nangong family, it is a huge improvement, and it has great benefits.

Unfortunately, the entire Nangong family, who dares to violate the idea of ​​Nangongyuan?

What's more, some villains don't want to watch Xu Feng return to the Nangong family.

at this time……

Another figure flew toward the refining guild. It was a young figure, and many people looked at the youth.

"Xu Feng?"

The youth's breath is very strong, looks very young, but it is already cultivated by the seven spirits.

Xu Feng looked at each other and said: "Who is you, I don't seem to know you?"

"You really don't know me."

The young man said a little high-spirited.

"Get down and talk."

Inside the voice of the wine idiot, with a touch of anger.

As he screamed, the young man's face changed dramatically and almost fell from midair.

The young man appeared on the ground, looking angry at the wine idiot, but did not dare to say a few nonsense.

The young man turned his head and looked at Xu Feng. He said: "Xu Feng, in the next Chen Hao, I was ordered by the son of the son, and came to you to write a gauntlet."

"The son?"

Xu Feng is a bit strange, he does not know what the son.

"My son is the white-browed son, the first of the three sons of the Genesis College. He heard that you defeated the moon-mooner before you."

"Now I hear that you have come to the North District. He feels that he is the host. If you don't welcome you, some can't say it."

"So, he asked me to bring his gauntlet, I don't know if you can take his gauntlet."

Chen Yu’s voice seemed very arrogant. He said, “Of course, you dare not accept the gauntlet, and it is a matter of course.”

"However, the son said, if you don't take the essay, please return the Taiyi Emperor's clock, and he will not care about you."

There was a sigh of anger in Xu Feng’s eyes.

However, Ouyangke looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, don't be impulsive, the strength of the white-browed son is terrible, even if it is the eight-pronged emperor, it may not be his opponent."

Xu Feng heard that his inner war is even stronger.

He is now a breakthrough to the six-character emperor, but also realizes the last three styles of the soul nine.

He felt that with the battle of Bai Meigong, he had to fight anyway.

He is very clear that this battle is of great significance to him.

"What about the gauntlet?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Chen Hao and asked directly.

Chen Hao suddenly flew out of the cuff.

Xu Feng felt the violent momentum above the scroll. His eyes were calm and he grabbed the scroll directly.

The moment he opened the scroll, it seemed to be an endless thunder and lightning, spreading from all directions.

The thunder can seem to tear the void, and the whole earth is shaking.

Xu Feng allowed the lightning to pass through him.

He didn't even wrinkle his brow, but his face was calm.

The people around are shocked. Many people look at Xu Feng and they are all admired.

"This Xu Feng is so powerful that it can really resist the violent thunder electric potential."

Chen Hao is also somewhat surprised. He said in his heart: "It seems that Xu Feng is really a bit of a skill, no wonder he can defeat the Moon God."

(End of this chapter)

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