The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2180: Red blood

Chapter 2180 Red Blood

"Don't you dare?"

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled, and he looked at Yu Da.

"Since you have brought out the soul of the jade soul, then I will take a piece of the nine-faced Dan Dan and bet you?"

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, the people around him were full of horror, and all of them were dumbfounded.

It is important to know that the reason why Jiu Ding Emperor is so few, and so powerful, is that the Jiu Pin Di Dan, which is controlled by each of the nine masters, is different.

That is to say, Xu Feng is now going to take out the Danfang of Jiu Pin Di Dan, which is even more precious than the soul of the Jade Soul.

Yu Yu looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng kid, you really have the Dan Fang of Jiu Pin Di Dan, is it better to give it to me?"

"This jade soul is precious, but there is no precious treasure of your nine-story emperor. How about?"

Hearing the words of Yu Yu, the other nine priests are all contemptuous.

"Rain, are you going to robbery by fire?"

The president of the refining guild suddenly said.

Xu Feng’s eyes are condensed, saying: “The Danfang of Jiu Pin Di Dan is not useful to me for the time being. I use it to bet with the other party, and I will not necessarily lose.”

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Yu Can, said: "How?"

Yu can have a slight look at his eyes.

"Then how do I know if you lied to me, do you really have the Danfang of Jiu Pin Di Dan?"

Yu Can’s words rang, and others looked at Xu Feng with suspicion.

After all, the Dan Fang of Jiu Pin Di Dan is really precious.

"Lie to you?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised.

He couldn't help but frown and look at the rain, saying: "The rainy predecessor, since he thinks I might lie to him, then the Danfang of the nine-disciplinary Dan, please ask you to be a witness, how?"

In fact, Xu Feng received inheritance from the Emperor Lingwu, including many of the Danfang of Jiu Pin Di Dan.

Although the number is small, it is not difficult to take it out.

"Of course that's fine."

Rainy old faces are smiling.

He did not expect that he did not pay anything, and he exchanged a Dan Fang of the nine-character emperor. His face was full of excitement.

Yu Yu looked at Yu Can: "Yu Da, the old man can not lick his own sign for your business."

"So, you can rest assured that I will not favor Xu Feng. If he really loses, I will not use the Danfang of the nine products."

Subsequently, Xu Feng began to describe the rain.

In fact, the two are using the method of sound transmission.

After listening to the rain, his face was shocked and said: "It is really wonderful. It is really a good Dan Fang of the Jiu Pin Di Dan."

"Yu Da, it is indeed the Dan Fang of Jiu Pin Di Dan, no problem, the old man can be guaranteed by my reputation."

The words of Yu Yu sounded, and there were a touch of worry in the lush old eyes.

I don't know why, he always thinks this Xu Feng is not simple.

Yu can and the other party bet is probably not a wise choice.

"That's good, deal!"

Yu can hear the words and nod.

He did not believe that Xu Feng was able to refine the eight-product Chinese medicine.

Just kidding, he has so many resources that he can only refine in front of him.

Xu Feng didn't have so many resources at all, and he was chased everywhere. He didn't have so much time to refine the medicinal herbs.

He thinks that Xu Feng is at most a product of eight products, refining some simple eight products.

Just at this time……

Xu Feng went to a place not far away, he began to select herbs from the shelves of the herbs prepared by the refining guild.

Xu Feng is also dignified at the moment, he does not dare to have any care.

After all, he is really the first time to refine eight products.

In fact, he has no grasp of his heart, and he also wants to see where his limits are.

I saw Xu Feng began to choose herbs, and he flew out an alchemy furnace in front of him, which is Xuan Ming Wang Ding.

The spiritual power of the road flowed toward the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, and Xu Feng controlled the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, giving a rotating atmosphere.

The strong light broke out from Xuan Ming Wang Ding, and many people looked at the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, they were all amazed.

“The quality of this alchemy furnace is very good.”

Some refiners have felt that the spirit of Xuan Ming Wang Ding is very stable, and the momentum is extremely stable.

A glimpse of the flame is burning.

The Xuan Ming Wang Ding began to absorb the temperature of the flame, and Xu Feng began to send those herbs quickly into the Xuan Ming Wang Ding.

"This kid is simply too arrogant. He even refines the eight-piece Zundan, and chooses such a refining method?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and refining the eight medicinal herbs. It is also such a hodgepodge of alchemy, which is undoubtedly the difficulty of increasing alchemy.

"Everyone, don't you want to learn my alchemy techniques? How much can you learn? Look at your own level of perception."

I saw Xu Feng’s hands suddenly flying, and Xuan Ming Wang Ding’s moment of rotation, the blossoming plum blossoms suddenly flew out.

The whole Xu Feng seems to be a dance, and in the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, the medicinal materials are constantly melting under the flame.

Xu Feng's face changed slightly. He felt that inside the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, the smelting of the medicinal material was obviously not enough.

These herbs are precious and the most important thing is that it is difficult to smelt the herbs of the eight products.

"It seems that we must use the fire of heaven and earth."


With the horror of horror in the eyes of countless people, many people are staring at the flames controlled by Xu Feng.

"The Promise Flame?"

Alcoholic idiots are all over the face, knowing that the heavens and the earth are very precious for any refiner.

Even if it is such a presence, I hope that I can get a world of fire.

The refining guild has a kind of heaven and earth, and the fire is powerful, which is of great help to the refiner.

"Flowers are scattered."

"Mei is raining."


Xu Feng constantly displayed the Tianhua Folding Mei 19 style, and everyone around him looked stunned.

At this moment, Xu Feng seems to be not refining the medicinal herbs, but a wonderful woman who seems to be dancing.

However, Xu Feng's Xuan Ming Wang Ding, the violent momentum continues to spread toward the surrounding.

"What do you say about Xu Feng's refining?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng's refining medicinal herbs with doubts.

"Can't see it, but the drug should be unusual."

The eight-product medicinal herbs of Xu Feng's refining are the Red Blood Promise Dan, which can enhance the blood strength of the Emperor.

It’s like Xu Feng’s refining and red blood, which has a great effect on his body.

It can be said that this medicinal herb is more difficult to refine and more precious than the eight-paste medicinal herbs that can be refining.

Xu Feng manipulated the technique of Xuan Ming Wang Ding and became more and more skilled.

However, the red blood is not a good thing, it is really difficult to refine.

(End of this chapter)

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