The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2172: Sixth Spirit Light

Chapter 2172 Sixth Spirit Light

"Old Chen, you said Xu Feng can ignite a few soul lights?"

Lin Chang looked at Xu Feng sitting cross-legged, he could not help but ask.

Look between the look.

Chen Changla heard the words and said: "Xu Feng is the most horrible genius I have ever seen in my life. I guess he will ignite at least seven soul lights."

Lin Elder also nodded in deep thought.

Undoubtedly, in the hearts of two people, Xu Feng is definitely the genius that is second to none.

Such a genius, you never know what kind of limit he has.

Ouyang Ke's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Shen Jianhao, do you think he can ignite a few soul lights?"

The relationship between Shen Jianhao and Ouyang Ke is very good.

The two are the two best people in the relationship between the North and the Four.

Moreover, these two people are also the best of the four characters in the North.

I have never heard of their indiscriminate killings.

Shen Jianhao heard Ouyang Ke’s inquiry.

He was a little indulgent for a moment.

"The seven soul lights are fine!"

However, Ouyangke spoke directly, saying: "I actually look forward to it, he lit the nine soul lights!"

"Impossible, no one has been able to ignite the nine soul lights since ancient times, if he can really ignite the nine soul lights."

"That means that his future will be infinite, and even if he walks out of the land of China, he will be able to shine."

Ouyang Ke is full of confidence.

"Do not believe you look!"

The depths of the lush old eyes were shocked.


Just because, as Xu Feng didn't have much time, the first soul light of the Soul Tower was already lit.

Xu Feng actually feels wonderful, he just feels his soul, as if with the attraction of the soul tower.

It appeared in the hollow of the sky, and he did not know what strange place there was in the void.

All in all, it is a wonderful feeling.

He looked at the stars in the distance, and the stars continued to flash, appearing to be an endless stream of stars.

"It’s a weird feeling!"

When many people watched the first soul light illuminate, they couldn’t help but have big eyes.

The shock of the face.

Just because the light of the first soul lamp is just like the sun, it seems unfathomable.

The light of the soul lamp is much brighter than all the people who participated in the soul tower, and the light is extremely stable.

"Heaven, who is this young man, how could it be so horrible?"

"I feel that the first soul light he lit is even brighter than yesterday's Yu Can."

"It’s much brighter than Yu, but the little girl in the past few days is just like his light.”


Xu Feng felt his soul in a chaos.

He took a step and walked toward the front.

He did not know why he had to go ahead.

However, he found that the first soul light in the distance was already bright.

If anyone knows that Xu Feng, who is in the tower of the soul of the soul, can see the light of the soul bright, will they scare off the chin.

His soul seems to be in the tower of the soul, and it seems to be very free.

His eyes fell on the empty sky not far away.

Sit down and sit down.

He began to feel the fluctuations of the surrounding void.

Time passes by one minute.

Many people have horror in their eyes.

"What happened? Why didn't the second soul light still shine?"

Time passed for a long time, but Xu Feng did not have any movements except the first soul light.

Many people can't help but be curious.

Ouyang Ke and others are also very surprised.

They know very well that when their souls are towed, they will gradually ignite each soul light.

Now, Xu Feng has ignited the first soul light for half an hour, how is the second soul light still not moving?

Some people can't help but say: "Is it true that Xu Feng's soul talent is not very strong?"

"This is possible. If his soul talent is not strong, I am afraid that Ouyang Ke and Shen Jianhao will give up the idea of ​​accepting him as a disciple?"

Yu Kemin’s ridiculous face, he spoke directly.

"Oh, I said that this guy can't use it, and he can't ignite the second soul light."

However, Yu Kemin’s words have just been finished.

Those soul lights are like igniting, just like slamming his face.

Just below the soul tower, it was very quiet. His words made many people hear very clearly.


But at the moment.

Those soul lights are not lit by a glimpse, but are instantly lit.

The second soul lamp.

The third soul light.

The fourth soul light.

After three consecutive smashing, the three soul lights are ignited at the same time, that is to say, Xu Feng is simultaneously lighting the soul lamp.

Ouyangke couldn't help but look at the old Xu, saying: "Old Xu, you are not responsible for the time of this soul tower, has there been such a situation?"

Lao Xu shook his head directly.

"I don't know what this is."

However, the old man who drank alcohol in the crowd, his eyes were all condensed, and he said: "It is really a peerless genius... The peerless genius appears, and the pattern of the vast land of China is probably going to change!"

"Ha ha ha... It seems that the old thing in the sky is good, and the southern continent is going to change dramatically."

The old man was surprised at the heart, laughing and laughing while drinking.

Someone heard the old man’s laughter and couldn’t help but be dissatisfied.

"Old drunk, can you go over there and laugh?"

The old man heard the voice from his ear, and he was not angry.

While walking, go towards the other side.

Yufu looked at Xu Feng and ignited the three soul lights at the same time.

He couldn't help but look at Yu Kemin and smiled directly: "Yu Kemin, I advise you not to talk nonsense, lest you hit your own face, it hurts really..."

Yu Kemin's face is depressed.

Where does he know that when he just said it, the soul light will light up.

He couldn't help but feel irritated in his heart, and said: "This guy must be deliberately against me!"

Xu Feng is very helpless in the vast void of the sky.

He felt his own soul power, as if there was a big feeling, but there was no huge improvement.

However, he did not feel discouraged, but continued to move forward, following the traction of the soul tower.

The fifth soul light!

Then, the fifth soul light is on.

Many people outside are wide-eyed.

Before they could react, the sixth soul lamp had burned.

They are all stunned.

Both Lin and Chen are old and wrong. They want to ignite the fifth soul light. It is already very difficult.

Now, Xu Feng directly ignited the fifth soul light at such a fast speed, and then the sixth soul light also followed.

Ouyang Ke is also a big eye, he really did not expect that Xu Feng ignited the speed of the soul lamp, can be so fast.

This speed is simply unheard of.

(End of this chapter)

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