The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2164: Compensation for heartache

Chapter 2164 Compensation for Heartache

"Ground killing!"

Xu Feng’s third-day killing field is accompanied by the second-day gravity field.

The **** red light filled the sky.

Du Qing and others are wide-eyed at the moment.

They did not expect it at all.

Xu Feng is not only the talent of the refiner, but now even the martial arts talent is so horrible.

They all felt very clear that the momentum of the field that broke out in Xu Feng was very scary.

The most important thing is that while Xu Feng kicked out, the eight-star boxing set emits a dark glow, falling like a blood-red mountain peak.

Wan Jian did not expect that the existence of the Wupinling Emperor's peak in a district was so powerful that it was so powerful.

Seeing Xu Feng’s **** red punch, he did not dare to have any care. He knew that this young man was very tricky.

I saw that Wan Jian’s long gun fluttered, and suddenly the long gun became a myriad of virtual shadows, which came to Xu Feng’s bombardment.


The fist and the long gun collided together, and a powerful wave of air erupted, sweeping across the sky and spreading out in all directions.

The whole void is shaking, and the whole earth seems to be shaking in infinite bounds, and countless waves of waves are spreading in all directions.

"God kill!"

Xu Feng did not have any back, and the third form of killing the box was displayed. The blood-red fist was covered like a sky.

"What the **** is this, this is the case, how?"

Wan Jian’s words rang.

Those onlookers are all wrong.

Everyone can see that the meaning of Wan Jian’s discourse is obvious, that is, Wan Jian has admitted that he is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

Or, he does not want to be an opponent with Xu Feng.

"You can give up, but not now."

Xu Feng’s fist is unstoppable, and the powerful punches are smashing out.


Wan Jian’s rifle suddenly quits and his body flies out.

"Heaven and earth."

Xu Feng's double angry sea and fourteen spiritual veins, while madly surging, the spiritual power inside the body, as if the endless sea is flowing.

The mighty momentum made the whole world tremble.

Wan Jian’s face was shocked, and his eyes were suddenly shrinking.

“How is it possible to pass on the best skills?”

Wan Jian regrets at the moment.

He did not expect this Xu Feng to be so powerful.

Even the best inherited spiritual skills.

You must know that the best inherited spiritual skills are not only precious, but also difficult to cultivate.

Xu Feng was able to cultivate successfully, which is enough to explain the greatness of Xu Feng.


As the pike floats, it collides with the punch.

The whole void seems to be breaking, making a squeaky voice, constantly ringing through the clouds, and it becomes extremely shocking.

Countless people have a gaze on their eyes. They look at the young man and they are shocked.

"Where is this young man, the five-character emperor's peak is repaired, and he can actually fight Wan Jian."

"And, Wan Jian is obviously not his opponent. It is an incredible thing to fight across so many levels."

"It’s a great genius, I’m afraid it’s the three sons of our creation school, and that’s all.”

"I bet the identity of this young man is absolutely not ordinary. It seems that this time the family is kicking the iron plate."

"You are not nonsense. Who doesn't know that this young man is not simple. He can cultivate such a young genius. Naturally, he cannot be a family of ordinary people."



Many people’s arguments sounded.

Wan Jian's face was pale, and when a blood spurted out, the whole person fell directly on the ground.

Wan Feng stood not far away, watching Xu Feng defeat Wan Jian, defeating his grandfather, his heart is shaking.

"how is this possible?"

Wan Feng’s heart is envious and hateful, and there is fear at the moment.

Wan Jian’s old eyes were shocked.

"Now, do you understand why I didn't talk to you?"

Xu Feng's eyes swept over the ground, and Wan Jian, whose mouth was still hanging with blood.

Wan Jian looked at Du Qing, not far away, and said: "Du Qing, I used to have a life-saving grace for you. Do you want to see death?"

Du Qing heard that his old eyes sparkled.

Xu Feng said directly: "In fact, you don't have to ask him to plead for me. I don't have much friendship with him."

"It is not difficult for you to live. I am only a one-sided relationship with you. If you can take out my tempting treasures, it is not impossible to spare your life."

Having said that, Xu Feng looks at the 10,000 seals not far away.

Road: "Of course, I can tell you very clearly, this thing, I am afraid you are being pitted by your grandson."

"Actually, I just taught him a little. As for how he told you, I probably don't know."

Wan Jian’s old eyes had a remorse in his eyes, and his eyes fell on his son.

It was a middle-aged man, his face was angry and said: "You are a blind man, you have done evil in these years, you have framed your grandfather!"

Wan Jian is an idiot, and understands it at the moment.

The grandson who is so clever in front of himself, I am afraid that in the eyes of outsiders, there is no evil.

Wan Jian stood up and said: "The things of today are indeed my fault. I am willing to give you one billion yuan to compensate for the liquid."

I know that Xu Feng slowly shook his head and said: "I am not interested in the Supreme Liquid. Of course, if you have a piece of the field of improvement, or a treasure that is improved, of course, if there is a cherished medicine. ,it is also fine."

"Where do I have such treasures in my family?"

Wan Jian's face is bitter.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "That's a shame, I am afraid I will only send you to death today."


Wanfeng’s father, the middle-aged man, came over suddenly. He said: “Father, what about the treasures of our family?”

Wan Jian suddenly expressed his shame and said: "That is the ancestral treasure of our family. How can I be willing to let people know?"

"But, father, once you die, don't say the ancestral treasure, even if it is a million, I am afraid it will not exist."

The middle-aged man suddenly opened his mouth.


Wan Jian sighed helplessly.

He looked at Xu Feng with his eyes and said: "I have a treasure of ancestral home. I have known how to use it for so many years, but I know it is precious."

"Please go with me to the Wanjia."

"Please lead the way!"

Xu Feng has a smile on his face.

Mind: "It seems that this luck will be very good, you should find a good treasure."

In fact, Xu Feng does not want to kill Wan Jian.

This Wan Jian is not a fierce person.

In fact, he just said it casually. He didn't expect to extort money into treasures. It was naturally a very happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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