The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2158: Don't mess here

Chapter 2158 Don't mess here

Xu Feng entered the Iron Heart City.

He found that Iron Heart City was really lively.

There are a lot of refiners.

"This big brother, I don't know where the Iron Heart City is screening the refiners?"

Xu Feng went to a middle-aged man to ask.

The middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng.

"You are also going to watch the fun like me. Let me go."

The middle-aged man thinks that Xu Feng looks so young. Of course he goes to see other competitions.

Xu Feng did not talk, just followed the middle-aged man.

About half an hour.

The two came to a crowded square, above the huge high platform in the center, and there were many refiners sitting at the moment.

Those refiners are obviously controlling the Dan furnace opposite to them, and are refining the medicinal herbs, but most of them are refiners from six to seven.

"Look at you, there are seven refiners on the other side."

Someone cheered.

On the edge of the high platform, a seven-smelter, with a strong smile on his face.

"What is the product of the seven products?"

Xu Feng found that the level of the ironsmiths in the Iron City is not very high. It seems that so many people participate, and there are only those seven products.

Finally, Xu Feng's eyes shifted to a place not far away.

There should be a place where the refining guild will let the refiners take charge of the registration.

Xu Feng smiled at the middle-aged man who led the way: "This big brother, thank you for taking the lead, I will go there and see."

The middle-aged man looked at the side that Xu Feng pointed at. He was a little surprised: "Brother, there is a place where the refiner can go."

Xu Feng nodded, "I know!"

"You are a refiner?"

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and he was the first to see such a young trainer.

Xu Feng smiled and did not speak, but walked over there.

After Xu Feng walked away, some middle-aged men looked at Xu Feng.

"This brother, do you know that kid?"

"I don't know, I meet."

"He really is too ignorant of the heights, but there are more than six refiners, who are qualified to pass."

"Maybe, is he really a refiner?"

"You bragging, such a young six-productor, I cut my head down as a urinal."

The eyes of the person are not convinced.

Xu Feng came to the place where the refiner was specifically registered.

When an old man came forward, he looked at Xu Feng and said: "Where are the children's family, don't mess around here."

"Don't mess around here, look at the tester's test, go there, here is the place to sign up, not you should come."

The few refining trainers standing next to me couldn’t help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Yes, kids, hurry and play."

"This is not your place."

"Your site is over there to watch the fun."


However, Xu Feng did not mean to leave. He walked on the road and said: "I am not looking at the excitement. I heard your refining guild hold a refining contest, so I came to the refining contest, you are afraid of me. ?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were calm, he said faintly.

"Ha ha ha..."

The refiners immediately laughed and laughed, and even the old man who was responsible for the registration was amused by Xu Feng.

He couldn't help but say: "What is it that we are afraid of you? Do you think you are a second product or a three-productor?"

Xu Feng rolled his eyes and said: "Don't worry that I am a few refiners, anyway, than the old man who looks down at your dog's eyes."

Xu Feng’s words came out, and the refiners who signed up next to them were all eyes wide open.

They are very clear, Xu Feng is the old man, but the seven products are under the train.

The old man did not expect to meet such a snarling boy, he was impatient now: "Hurry away, or I am welcome."

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, disdainful: “You are welcome, you are not my opponent?”

The breath of the six-character emperor on the old man emerged, and his hands slammed toward Xu Feng’s chest.

Xu Feng’s eyes condensed and said: “Since you want to do it, I will let you suffer a bit, lest you see the dog in the future.”


Xu Feng's golden fist, suddenly punched out, the punch directly with the collision of the old man's palm.

However, everyone heard the sound of broken bones coming out, and the old man’s face with a painful expression was directly shaken out.

After the old man was shaken off, his arm bones broke. He quickly swallowed some of the medicinal herbs, and the pain was relieved.

He looked at Xu Feng with his eyes fixed and said: "Boy, you are deliberately messing up, don't you know that this is the refining contest held by the Refining Association."

Xu Feng heard the words and said directly: "I think you are coming to trouble, I obviously came to participate in the refining contest."

The old man's heart is a little depressed, and his heart said: "Since this kid is saying that he is participating in the refining contest, I will let him participate. When he is horrified, he can blame me."

The old man did not continue to say more.

"Well, since you are here to participate in the refining contest, then where to go to queue up for registration."

When the old man finished, he turned and walked to the front.

Xu Feng stood behind the refiners.

Some refiners looked at Xu Feng and smiled: "Little guy, your martial arts talent is very good, but the refiner is not a martial art. It is impossible to have talent."

"When I will be there, I feel that you will not be alchemy at all. It is not very shameful."

"Go over there and have a look at the excitement. It’s not good, why bother to find trouble?"

Xu Feng heard the words, his face was calm and incomparable.

He is even too lazy to pay attention to the words of these people.

Those refiners can't think of Xu Feng's ignorance, and he and others are obviously admonishing him, lest he be embarrassed when he arrives.

I know, Xu Feng actually chose to ignore them directly.

"Forget it, it's a guy who doesn't know how to be good."

Those people watched Xu Feng lazy to talk, and they did not continue to say more.

With a short time, it is the turn of Xu Feng to sign up.

"Name, grade!"

When Xu Feng went to the place where he signed up, the old man looked at Xu Feng and asked.

"Xu Feng, seven best products."

When Xu Feng finished the last few words, the former refiners almost didn't spurt blood.

They concluded that this young man is simply doing things.

The old man’s eyes are also unpleasant, saying: “I said kid, can you not brag, if you are the best of the seven, I will give you a mount.”

"This is what you said!"

Xu Feng looked at the old man and smiled.

The old man looked at Xu Feng’s confident face and said: “But it’s all right, you have to be shameful anyway. I will fill out the six best products for you.”

Xu Feng did not care too much about this grade.

The old man said to Xu Feng.

"go quickly!"

Xu Feng went forward, turned and cracked his mouth.

"Don't forget, if I want to be the best of the seven, you give me a mount."

After that, Xu Feng walked toward the high platform.

(A lot of people here apologize to everyone, the system is always a big aunt attack, whether it is repeated chapters or repeated deductions, and really do not matter. Today at noon has been afraid to update the fear of update errors, I hope you understand, but also thank you Everyone's support!)

(End of this chapter)

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