The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2156: Sun Jiazhi

Chapter 2156, Sun Jiazhi

"Father and father, can you know the cause and effect?"

Leibo is very clear that he is definitely not the opponent of the old things opposite.

There are many old and old daughters, and there is no shortage of this one.

This time, such an impetuous coming, it was entirely from the ancestral treasures of their Lei family, not at all to avenge revenge.

Otherwise, if the other party is really revenge, then I am afraid that if I can’t help but say it, I will start killing the Lei family.

"Hey, the elders of your Lei family have told me."

Sun Jiazhu looked at the pale elders who were not far away.

Leibo said slowly: "The father-in-law once knew that just the night before, he was ready to defect and prepare to take my homeowner?"


Sun Jiazhu’s eyes are all condensed.

The elders stood not far away, and there was anger in his eyes.

"Leebo, you don't want to squirt blood."

"Oh, my blood is spurting, can you dare to say all the things?"

Leibo’s face was full of anger.

He was the owner of the famous Lei family, but he was wearing a green hat on his head. Now he feels depressed inside.

The Sun family did not continue to talk nonsense with Leibo.

He said directly: "I don't care about your Lei family, I just ask you, is my daughter killed?"

Leibo bit his teeth.

"Yes, she **** it!"

The eyes of the old master of Sun’s family showed a sense of killing. Although his son and daughter were many, he could not remember how many.

However, now he is said that his daughter is damned, of course he will be very angry.

He looked at Lei Bo and said: "And, I heard that Xu Feng of your Lei family, let him come out to die, and your Lei family handed over a treasure compensation, I can not go anywhere."

"Oh, this old thing, it really came to the ancestral treasures of my Lei family."

Lei Bo said: "Father, Xu Feng has left my home, I am afraid that I have no treasures in Lei family, you can enter your eyes."

The Sun family owner shook his head.

"I have heard that you have a ancestral treasure, I am very interested, you just give it to me."

"I don't just care about your things, but I can still get a daughter to marry you."

Leibo heard that he almost didn't bleed.

Is it necessary to add another daughter to him, and then he will bring a green hat again?

"What? Don't you want to?"

Sun’s master looked at Leibo’s hesitant face.

The momentum of his seven spirits broke out.

The entire Snow City, at this moment is completely boiling.

"Isn't that the owner of the Sun family? How did he suddenly come to the trouble of Lei Family? Isn't the home of the Lei family not his son-in-law?"

An old man from Snowflake City looked at Sun’s owner, and his eyes were surprised. He could not help but ask with some surprise.

However, the person standing next to him smiled and said: "You don't know, the daughter of this grandson is so numerous."

"This person is just an old hooligan. His daughter may not even know how much he is. He is really very lascivious."

"It is also a fact. I really don't know where he came from so much energy, and he can find so many women."

"You may not have heard of it yet."

"It is said that his daughter wore a green hat to the Lei family. Leibo was very angry and killed Sun Xia Ge on the spot."

"And, the night before, I heard people say that there was a major earthquake in Leijia."

"You didn't find out, the big elders of Lei family are still seriously injured now?"


"Five Pinling Emperor Peak!"

Xu Feng felt that his cultivation had been upgraded to the peak of the Wupinling Emperor, and the spiritual power from the silver-white beads was becoming less and less.

He heard the sound of footsteps coming from the passage. His eyes suddenly picked up and he said: "It seems that the trouble of Lei family is coming."

He jumped directly from the altar at the moment, and he did not have a sly thought about the ancestral beads of the Lei family.

"Xu Big Brother, is your cultivation finished?"

Lei Jun did not expect that he had just entered the channel and saw Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded: "Is it trouble?"

Lei Jun nodded, silently said: "Xu Big Brother, you help us a lot of Lei family, that grandson dog is very powerful..."


Xu Feng knows that Lei Jun wants to persuade him. If it is not an opponent, let him leave.

He knows that Lei Jun is a good heart.

Seeing Xu Feng walking towards the outside.

Lei Jun can only keep up.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Just at this time……

A big laugh came out from Xu Feng's mouth. There was ridicule in his eyes, and his body appeared in the thunder's house.

He looked at the opposite grandson and said: "You are the father of Sun Xia. You have a face to take revenge. It is really powerful."

"Boy, are you Xu Feng?"

Sun Jiazhu’s eyes swept through Xu Feng and his face changed slightly.

He felt that Xu Feng’s body was very strong.

"If I have such a daughter, I can't wait to find a place to sneak in. You actually squint at the trouble of finding a home."

"Don't you, the old man not far away, he didn't tell you, is his relationship with your daughter very close?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Where does the Sun family still do not understand what it means.

His eyes are like a sword, looking at the elders.

The elders are all shy in their eyes.

"You **** it!"

Sun Jiazhu knows that this time he was really shameful and lost.

Nowadays, everyone in Snowflake City knows his daughter, watery poplar, which is a shame for him.


The elders themselves were seriously injured. At this moment, they were directly killed by Sun’s master, and they fell heavily toward Snow City.

"Kid, I killed you!"

Sun Jiazhu was furious and angry, and the current spiritual power surging, toward Xu Fengchong will come over.

The dry palm, as if it were a sword, would kill Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng’s third-day killing field broke out, and suddenly his blood-red fists slammed out with a punch.

Xu Feng’s cultivation has broken through to the peak of Wupinling Emperor, and now the strength is even stronger.

When you punch out.

Two waves of air spread out to the surroundings.

However, the Sun Jiazhu actually stepped back a few steps, and his old eyes were full of horror.

"Kid, who are you?"

The Sun family is not a person who has never seen the world. He is very clear that the young man opposite is definitely a talented disciple of a big force.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fight at a level.

"You have so much nonsense, die!"

Xu Feng was too lazy to talk to the Sun family, and the spiritual power of his body gathered toward his fist.

"God kill!"

The last form of killing the fist is displayed, as the sky covers the whole.

That huge fist seems to be the epitome of the entire sky.

The horrible fist has become fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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