The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2154: Lei family's compensation

Chapter 2154 Remuneration of Lei Family

Sun Xia’s eyes are all in awe, she did not expect that this Xu Feng turned out to be so powerful.

Just three, five, and two, they will kill the two six-character emperors they have found.


Not far from the great elders, there was an angry killing in his eyes.

He swept his eyes around the people and said: "You should not continue to struggle without unnecessary trouble, otherwise, don't blame me for killing you."

There is also an elder who followed the great elders. He also said: "Hey, everyone listens to me. This thunder is very weak. He is not suitable for the home of Lei family."

"When I kill this kid first!"

Inside the eyes of the elders, there is a sense of killing.

Before he waited for Xu Feng to go to him, he took the initiative to kill him.

"Is there still someone who died like this?"

Xu Feng looked at the elders and killed them. His mouth was slightly raised, and the spiritual power of his body suddenly flowed.

The squally whistling past, the third-day killing field on his body, directly spread out, the horrible killing, so many people feel the blood.

"People kill!"

Xu Feng looked at the elders and attacked him. He did not hesitate any more. He killed his fists and showed his power.

His killing fist has now been cultivated to the realm of fire, and once it breaks out, the power is simply unstoppable.


The elders were once again ousted by Xu Feng.

There was a slap in the eyes of the elders. He looked at Xu Feng and said, "Hello, don't interfere with my thunder."

"Sure enough, not a family, don't go into a house, you are like your sly woman, but I want to talk about it?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the elders suddenly looked awkward.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

Xu Feng has a slight rise in his mouth.

"It's an idiot. Don't you know that the unique woman's fragrance on your body is a poisonous thing?"

The words of Xu Feng sounded, and the elders in the elders were all killing. He suddenly looked at Sun Xia not far away.

Sun Xia heard the words, she was shocked. Her face was angry and said: "The elders, you are being heard by this kid. How can I poison you? Is it just a very common fragrance?"

The elders understood this and they were fooled.


Not far from Leibo, suddenly a spurt of blood, his eyes are angry, are desperate.

"贱人...贱人, I am so good to you, you are carrying me, doing such a thing!"

Leibo is the head of the family, but his woman, even carrying him and communicating with others, is a shameful shame for him.

At the moment, Leibo desperately went to Sun Xia to kill him. The wounds on his shoulders were scattered and he was too lazy to control.

"Great elders, save me..."

Sun Xia knew that she could not be the opponent of Leibo, and gave a loud snoring to the elders.

Xu Feng went to the opposite elder, stepping out in one step, the second form of killing the boxing, the blood-red fist, the power is endless.


The elders were once again ousted by Xu Feng.

The existence of Liu Pinling’s emperor’s peak is now not Xu Feng’s opponent.

"God kill!"

Then, with the third style of Xu Feng's killing fist, along with the second heavy gravity field.


The elders spurted out a blood, and the old body was squatting on the ground not far away, and suddenly there were cracks on the ground.


Not far away, Lei Bo's eyes are red at this moment, holding Sun Xia is like holding a chicken, crazy palm print, and constantly falling on Sun Xia's face.

At the end of the day, the palm of the hand was not playing Sun Xia’s face, but even her head, but also shattered.

The elders did not expect Xu Feng’s strength to be so strong. He knew at the moment that he would continue to stay, and he was sure to die.

At the moment, he rushed out of the Lei family.

"Want to run!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body surging, catching up with a fist.

However, in the hands of the elders, a space-like scroll appeared, which was also a tearing space.


However, the punch of Xu Feng, but also the bombardment of the big elders back, the sound of the broken bones came out.

The elders made a miserable snoring and disappeared into the sky above the Lei family.

The elder who just followed the big elders, the face is full of fear.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me..."

"I am forced to..."

Said, the elder also wants to run.

But they were killed by other elders of the Lei family.

Lei looked at his mother being killed.

He rushed toward Leibo, and he angered: "Mother...mother..."

"You swear, **** it!"

After that, Lei Bo took a shot in the face of Lei Heng, and Lei Heng also directly killed.

Xu Feng looked at this scene and shook his head in secret.

This Leibo actually knows some things about Sun Xia, but he closes one eye and his character is weak.

However, as such things are exposed, he naturally cannot continue to be forbearing, and he is completely irritated.

The pain and anger that is suppressed inside will completely erupt.

This is like a mountain torrent. When you block it, the torrents become very small.

However, when the stone that was blocked, it was completely shattered.

The outbreak of the flash flood is unstoppable.

Leibo has grief in his eyes.

He was ashamed of his face and looked at a few elders.

"Several elders, I am Leibo to the Lei family, and to the ancestors, I am asking to resign from the home of the Lei family!"

Finally, under the discourage of several elders, Lei Bo continued to be the owner.

Xu Feng did not continue to attend the banquet and was not on the scene.

He returned to his yard.

He knows the next thing and has nothing to do with him.


the next day.

Leibo's face has become much better.

He came to the courtyard of Xu Feng.

"Xu Shaoxia, you saved my son's life first. Last night, if it weren't for you, my Lei family might really be dead."

"I have nothing to repay you. I have a thing left by my ancestors, which can help you improve your training."

Lei Bo’s words rang, and Xu Feng was a glimpse.

"Improved repair?"

Leibo nodded.

"However, every treasure can only be used once in a lifetime, and the promotion that everyone gets is not the same."

Xu Feng followed Leibo and kept walking towards the outside.

I came to a somewhat old courtyard in Leijia.

Xu Feng can see that there should be an altar of Lei family.

With the door open the altar.

After Leibo began a respectful salute, he walked over to open a button and suddenly there was a door.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, still followed Leibo toward the front.

This is an underground passage.

Xu Feng walked around and felt the air become violent.

(End of this chapter)

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