The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2151: Sick woman

Chapter 2151, Poisoning Woman

Not much time.

The three came outside a luxurious mansion.

This Lei family is the largest family of this Snow City, and naturally it is impossible to be out of style.

"Hey, is Master Lei Jun coming back?"

Several guards at the gate were surprised to see Lei Jun.

Among them, one person quietly turned and entered the mansion.

Xu Feng’s eyes are secretly said: “It seems that it’s Lei’s own person. If you want to kill this Lei Jun, this is a bit interesting.”

Not long after, a thin old man, from the yard, seems to be full of joy and ran out.

"Oh, Jun is coming back, why don't you say hello in advance!" said the old man's words.

Lei Jun is cold and cold: "The elders, don't you really know that I am coming back?"

"Young Master, what are you talking about?"

The old man gave a slight glimpse.

"Hey, you know it yourself, my father?"

Lei Jun went straight inside the mansion.

The old man followed, and the depths of his eyes showed his killing.

Xu Feng felt it out, this old man was the six peaks of the Emperor.

His heart is also shocking, and the North District is really not simple.

Such a small family in a fringe city has the existence of the six-character emperor.

Not long after, Lei Jun three came to a huge yard.

There was a man with a gray hair, and his look was not angry.

He is the leader of Lei family.

Xu Feng felt that this Leibo was only cultivated by the Six Spirits.

Inside the yard, a middle-aged woman, wearing a Chinese costume, followed suit.

However, the killing of her eyes is also a flash.

Xu Feng is a glimpse, just because this middle-aged woman is not simple, it turned out to be the peak of Wu Pinling Emperor.

"Jun, come back?"

Lei Bo looked at his younger son. Since he was a child, his wife was dead, so he was very fond of his younger son.

Lei Jun came to Leibo and smiled and said: "Father!"

Lei Bo felt that Lei Jun’s body was already a repair of the four spirits, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the hope of Lei family is on your body."

"Xiao Jun, your father often recites you?"

Middle-aged women came to Xia Jun's body.

Lei Jun is too lazy to pay attention to middle-aged women.

Middle-aged women seem to care less.

"Jun, this is?"

Lei Jun’s gaze fell on Xu Feng’s body, only because the other side looked young, and it was actually the late stage of Wu Pinling.

Lei Jun heard the words, suddenly said: "Father, you may not know, I almost died on the way back."

Leibo's face is a change.

"Thank you for the help of Xu Da Ge."

Lei Bo immediately went forward and greeted Xu Feng, saying: "In the next Leibo, dare to ask your name?"

"Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng also smiled at Lei Bo.

"Thank you for your help to my son."

Leibo said.

Xu Feng didn't care, saying: "It's just a matter of raising your hand!"

Leibo said: "Let's go down, Juner is coming back, we will hold a large banquet tonight at Leijia, and thank the benefactor, for the help of Juner."


The woman next to her suddenly walked outside the yard.

Lei Jun looked at the middle-aged woman and left. He suddenly said: "Father, don't you really know, who wants to kill me?"

Leibo was a little surprised, he looked at Lei Jun.

"Jun, do you know who started?"

"Father, is this still used? It must be Sun Xia! Hey! People!" Lei Jun’s face screamed, “Why did my mother’s inexplicable poisoning in the past?”

Leibo’s eyes were serious, and he looked at Lei Jun.

"Jun, do you have evidence?"


Lei Jun snorted coldly. Since those people are going to kill him, how can there be evidence?

Moreover, those people are obviously employed by people.

"Those who have no evidence, it is best not to speculate, you should know that this will affect the unity of the family."

Leibo nodded and said.

"I am not a family with them. I said that my big brother, I am idle all day, how many women are harmed by him?"

"Now, I think they still want to harm our Lei family. Sun Xia definitely wants to kill me. Then many elders have to choose his son to be the heir."

Lei Jun’s angry face.

Leibo smiled: "Jun, don't continue to guess."

After that, he smiled on his face and said: "Xu Feng, please here."

In this way, Xu Feng stayed at Lei Family.

Lei Bo is indeed very polite, and many spirits are sent to him.


"Great elder, don't you say that the little beast will die?"

Sun Xia looked at the old man opposite, her face was angry.

Now, when Lei Jun returns, how can her son get the identity of the heir to the Lei family.

She is very clear about her son, a few pounds.

"Xiao Xia, this is really an accident. No one thought that the Xu Feng appeared, just saved them."

I don’t know the other people in Lei’s family. If I know the elders, how can I feel so close to the wife of the family of Lei’s family?

"Hey, that little animal can't live." Sun Xia's eyes are killing, she said coldly: "Leebo really thought I didn't know, he wants to hold a big party tonight, I am afraid The identity of the heir."

The elders’ eyes were also dignified with a touch of dignity.

"Then we have no way, we must know that the other elders of the Lei family can support Leibo." Although the elders are the six peaks of the Emperor.

However, he could not do it at Leijia.

Sun Xia's face was gloomy and said: "Hey, don't do it all night, we will kill Leibo together tonight."


The old man’s eyes are all condensed, saying: “What do you want to do?”

"Hey, I have arranged people on the other side of the wine. When I get poisoned in the drinks, this Lei family is me and your world."

Sun Xia said here, with a charming smile on his face, he also reached out and touched the old man's body.

"Mother...the mother...the big thing is not good..."

There was a panicking sound outside, and I saw a man, about thirty years old.

However, there is no masculinity in the whole body. The whole person looks pale and his body is extremely thin.

Perennial lingering in the Fengyue place, it is obviously hollowed out.

Sun Xia and the elders quickly returned to normal.

"Hey, what are you doing in a panic?"

Sun Xia’s eyes, with a trace of disgust, looked at the son of this wine bag.

If he is a bit of a skill, where is it necessary to make so many moths.

"Mother, Xia Jun is back... He is back, how can I manage the Lei family in the future?"

Ray's face is full of anger.

Sun Xia said indignantly: "You still know that you want to take charge of the Lei family, and you will die on the woman all day and night!"

(End of this chapter)

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