The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2149: North District

Chapter 2149 North District

Wanyu Shenzong.

The main hall of the proceedings.

Xu Feng sits at the top, and the people sitting below are the core figures of the Wanshen Shenzong.

Xu Feng looked at these people.

"Everyone, I may have to leave the Wanshen Shenzong for a while. During this time, the things of the Wanshen Shenzong will depend on you."

He slowly said: "As long as I leave the Wanxiang Shenzong, I believe that those people will not come to the troubles of the Wanshen."

"And I am going to the North District, where the Dark Temple and the Dragon House are the names of the Emperor, who dare not appear at will."

"Of course, if there is a real name for the Emperor to come to our territory, to the critical juncture, you can seek help from the Emperor."

"He has a touch of soul in our universal gods, and as long as the soul mark is touched, he will come to help the gods."

The Seven Killing Emperor took the lead to open the door: "The Sovereign, you may be very dangerous to go, or I will walk with you."

Xu Feng shook his head and he looked at the Seven Heroes.

"Seven kills the elders, and Wanxiang Shenzong will rely on you later. I hope that you can return to the peak strength as soon as possible."

"In that case, we are not afraid of the Wansong Shenzong. What resources do you need, even though you want to mention Yuelu."

The Seven Killing Emperor knew Xu Feng’s character. Since the other party decided to leave such a person, he did not continue to insist.

After all, the strength of Xu Feng, as long as it is not the title of the Emperor, is not too dangerous.

Finally, Xu Feng looked at the blue wing and the snake.

"The two deputy lords, Wanxiang Shenzong, will bother you more trouble."

The Blue Wing and the Snake War said to Xu Feng.

"Lord, be careful!"

In this way, everyone has left the hall, and Xu Feng also went after the farewell with Ning Lele and Xue Ying.

He did not disturb anyone's situation and left the area outside the gods.


"The Promise of the Promise, it seems that you are very valued to my granddaughter."

The Oriental Ba Tian looked at the white-haired old man not far away.

When he appeared in the sky above the gods of Wanxiang, he felt a very hidden atmosphere.

At that time, Xu Feng was in danger and he couldn't think too much.

So I shot directly.

The Promise Emperor looked at the Dominion in the East and snorted: "Are you not the same idea as me?"

"That is not, he will be my granddaughter in the future." The Eastern Bawang is somewhat proud, and the old face is full of smiles.

The Promise Emperor rolled his eyes and said: "There is nothing to be proud of, time is coming, we are all waiting."

The Eastern Ba Tian sighed, "Oh... the years are not forgiving, I hope he can succeed, so that we can also see a little hope."

"After all, in the southern continent, it is the only chance to continue to break through."

The Promise of the Promise said.

"Don't chat with you, I have to go back."

The Eastern Ba Tian said to the Promise, and disappeared in place.

The Promise of the Promise did not retain the Eastern hegemony.

"Oh, I haven't been to the North District for many years. It's also a time to visit the old friends. It's been a long time."


Of course, Xu Feng did not know the dialogue between the Eastern Ba Tian and the Promise, and there was a map of the whole Shenzhou territory in his mind.

He is now starting from the Wanshen Shenzong and crossing the Western District all the way, you can go to the North District.

Of course, the area of ​​the North District is also vast and innocent.

There is also the intricacies of the forces there. Of course, the two biggest forces are the Genesis Academy and the Association of Reformers.

However, neither of these forces will be in charge of the struggle of other forces. They only need other strengths to send outstanding young talents to them.

Xu Feng did not pass through many cities. His path was rugged, and the kittens around him were extremely excited.

This little guy, but when he comes to the continuous forest, he will be extremely excited.

Xu Feng felt that he was restrained by the freedom of the kitten, and asked the kitten to stay in the big forest, but the kitten himself was not happy.

In a blink of an eye.

Five days passed.

Xu Feng has been continually moving from the West End. He looks at the mountains in front of him. This is a rolling mountain range.

"Kitten, is there a monster in this mountain?" Xu Feng asked the kitten around him.

The kitten's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Brother, they are all small monsters. As long as I am there, they dare not approach."

Xu Feng came down this road. He constantly refining and refining the spirit liquid that the Eastern Ba Tian gave him. His cultivation was unconsciously broke through to the late stage of Wu Pinling.

"That's it!"

Xu Feng heard the words and nodded.

He knows the kitten's ability to perceive the monster, but it is very powerful.

"When we walked through this mountain range, we really reached the site of the North District. I don't know what the legendary North District would look like?"

Xu Feng’s face was with a look of anticipation.

In this way, in this vast forest of hopelessness, Xu Feng and the kitten, one cat and one cat continued to pass through.

When you meet some monsters, you are afraid to avoid them.


Xu Feng walked in this forest, he has crossed most of the forest, getting closer and closer to the North District.

In the distance, it is a blue sky.

And, at this time...

A burst of sound in the forest sounded.


Some miserable voices rang between the forests.

Xu Feng quietly passed.

He suddenly found out that more than a dozen black-clothed people turned out to be middle-class spirits, and they went to the siege of two people.

The two men, the old one is the five-character emperor's peak, he is now blood, his eyes are with a firm color.

By his side, stood a young man, the young man's eyes with anger, his biting his teeth, but also a little bit stubborn.

"Young master, you run!"

The old man’s spiritual power was violently violent, and he immediately screamed at the young people around him.

"Clouds are old, we are going to die and we will die together."

The voice of the youth is firm.

The youngsters looked at the group of black people who were opposite, saying: "Who are you, why are you killing us?"

"Hey, you don't need to know so much, today you will die in this endless forest."

The spiritual power of those black people is stirring.

"Don't continue to talk nonsense, so as not to have a long night dream, kill both of them directly, and our mission is complete."

Someone urged the road impatiently.

"Young master, run!"

The old man spurted out a blood, grabbed the youth around him, and his body suddenly disappeared, and he fled in the distance.

"Want to run, it is simply an idiot to say a dream." The group of black people looked at the old man and the young man and wanted to escape.

Can not help but with a mocking look.

More than a dozen people rushed out at the same time, only for a moment, the old man was hit again, fell to the ground, blood flowing from his mouth.

The angry face of the youth, said: "You are really despicable and shameless, you will die very badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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