The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2140: Yu Hanchao's death (on)

Chapter 2140, Death of Han Hanchao (I)

"To the lord, don't panic, the old man took the order of the lord and brought everyone to support!"

At this time, the figure of ten people in the sky appeared.

Among them, the person who spoke is a gray-haired old man.

His eyebrows have turned white.

His voice sounded, and many people in the half moon were full of surprises.

Yu Hanchao is also very happy, said: "It turned out to be the 10,000-year-old lord of the black blood sect. It is really a long-awaited name. If it can help a certain kind of martial arts in the future, it will definitely be a thick report in the future."

Yu Hanchao also appeared in the sky above the half moon.

There are a few six-character emperors around him, and there are still no escapers.

Seeing the deputy sect of the black blood sect brought people to support, and there was no thought of escaping.

Wan deputy lord sweeps over Han Chao.

He asked a little strangely: "Where is the lord, the deputy chief of Jiang?"

Yu Hanchao heard the words, suddenly screaming: "Don't mention the greedy and fearful of death, he has already fled."

The old man frowned slightly and said: "But there is not much problem. Wanshen Shenzong is just a seven-character emperor."

"We are united on both sides to deal with the Wanshen."

The old man chose to ignore Xu Feng directly.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Han Hanchao and said: "This is a bit interesting. Otherwise, we haven't shot yet. Your half-moon sect has already died. This is boring."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Yu Hanchao was full of faces.

"Kid, don't be too big."

Yu Hanchao stared at Xu Feng.

"Today, as long as I am accompanying me to resist the gods of Wanxiang, if we can survive, I swear by Han Chao, and I will treat you like a brother in the future."

Yu Hanchao’s voice has a lyrical effect. After all, there are only five people left by the six spirits left by him.

Xu Feng looked at the Seven Killing Emperor and said: "Seven kills the elders, do you want to deal with the peak of the Seven Spirits, or another person?"

Xu Feng’s inquiry sounded, many people were shocked. I don’t know what the significance of Xu Feng’s inquiry is.

The seven killing spirits swept across the opposite side of Yu Hanchao and the black blood sect, and he said faintly: "I will deal with the Han Chao."

"It is not difficult to kill the 10,000 deputies with your strength."

The Seven Killing Emperors are very clear.

The lineup brought by his own ancestral gods is completely enough to destroy all the opposites.

The old-fashioned demon and others are already infinitely close to the existence of the seven-character emperor.


Wan Lin did not expect that he was so small, let a five-character emperor deal with himself in the medium term, it is not to humiliate himself.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes fixed and said: "Boy, you dare to be so arrogant, the old man will not kill you today, and he will not be a man."

Wanlin’s eyes were filled with crazy killings, and the whole man suddenly rushed out, and the windy field of his body opened, as if the whirlwind was floating.

On his old hands, he became an endless hurricane.

Shooting toward Xu Fengqi.

The hurricane seems to be able to tear everything, to break the void.

Many people are watching Xu Feng.

I saw him punching abruptly, and the golden light slammed out.

However, Wan Lin originally thought that Xu Feng could not resist his attack. He knew that he would understand when the fist collided.

This young man is not arrogant at all, but has the true ability.

"Haha... If you are the sect of your black blood sect, you should not send you to join in this matter. Don't you know that the white-faced bamboo scorpion of your black blood sect is dead by my hand?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, and Wan Lin across the face was full of changes.

He just knew that the white-faced bamboo scorpion went out to kill the two-winged old demon and was killed, but he did not know who was killed by the white-faced bamboo raft.

Yu Hanchao screamed and said: "Wan deputy lord, don't be influenced by this kid's heart attack. With the mid-term cultivation of his five-character emperor, how can he kill the seven spirits?"

Wan Lin Cang's old face suddenly with Ming Wu, he suddenly realized that Xu Feng must be deliberately bluffing.

"Hey, kid, do you really think I am a three-year-old?"

Wan Lin suddenly filled the field of squally winds and continued to attack toward Xu Feng.

The field of violent killings of the Seven Killing Emperors emerged, and it turned out to be the fifth killing field.

Yu Hanchao’s face was shocked, and he felt the suppression of the killing atmosphere around him.

His eyes are all contracted, saying: "How is it possible? The seven spirits are repaired, and the fifth day is killing the field. Why didn't you know that you were so powerful?"

"You have a lot of nonsense."

The seven killing spirits are too lazy to talk nonsense with Han.

However, the two-winged old demon and others have also rushed out.

The elders of the black blood sect and the elders of the half-moon sect all joined the battle.

The young disciples of Wanxiang Shenzong, including the snake red sky, Qing Yixiao and others, are standing in it.

They are full of complex faces.

When Xu Feng was in the wild, he could still have a battle with the other side.

However, now they know that they don’t want to say that they are fighting against Xu Feng. Even if they want to help Xu Feng, it is impossible.

"Xu Zongzhu, come half a step late, please forgive me!"

The sound of Xia Zhen is not far away.

A seven-character emperor around him also appeared, one of the assistants of the Rising Sun Gate.

That person looked at Xu Feng against Wan Lin, could not help but be a glimpse.

"Summer elders, you are coming very timely."

Xu Feng’s face was smiling, and his spiritual power surged.

He looked at Wan Lin across the street and said, "I am sorry, I didn't go all out. I hope you can resist my fist."

After all, the third-day killing field, along with the gravity field of the first heaven, completely condensed, and the violent waves continued to surge.

"Kill the box!"

Xu Feng continued to bombard his fists, and Wan Lin continued to regress.

As the battle time with Xu Feng became longer, Wan Lin’s eyes were all vibrating.

He did not understand why the young people in the mid-term of the Five Spirits were so powerful.

"Heaven and earth."

Xu Feng is not prepared to delay the time. With the participation of the people of Xurimen, the battle is almost one-sided.

The elders of the half-moon sect and the black blood sect, even if they deal with the people of the Wansong sect, are very big problems.

What's more, now I have to deal with the support of the Sun Rimen, especially the assistant of the Sun Rimen Gate, which is the strongman of the Seven Spirits.

The spirit of Yu Hanchao's body is stirring, and the ice field on his body wants to freeze the void around him and protect himself from the powerful killing field.

However, he found that no matter how he fought, the opposite seven killing spirits were able to retract freely, almost completely crushing him.

Yu Hanchao discovered for the first time that he was so junk.

(End of this chapter)

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