Chapter 2134 shows the scale

"Zhou Lao, I will tell you about this, this is a two-winged old demon."

Xu Feng came to the front of the two-winged old demon with Zhou Lao.

He smiled at the two-winged old demon.

Zhou Laowen said, some strange words: "I have heard of your name, but it is said that you rely on the blood of the martial arts to maintain life, I would like to remind you, this is not a good thing, the pain will be more serious in the future. ”

The old-fashioned demon heard the words, but did not care about anything.

He looked at Zhou Tong with a smile on his face and said: "Haha... Thank you for your advice. I don't need to take the blood of the warrior in the future."


At this time, Zhou Lao looked at Xu Feng suddenly. His face was smiling and said: "Haha, it seems that you are also the boy to save... then we are really sick."

"Oh, you are also poisonous in the body, did the Sovereign save you?"

The old-fashioned demon looks at Zhou Tong and asks.

Zhou Tong went straight up. He took the two-winged old demon and said: "In the next week, Tong is also troubled by toxins. After so many years of suffering, he saw that he was about to die. He did not expect to meet Xu Feng. He saved. my life."

"Then I am too!"

The wild elf directly exclaimed.

In this way, the two actually talked directly.

Finally, the two-winged old demon knows that Zhou Tong is older than himself. He directly pulls Zhou Tong and says: "Zhou Xiong, it’s better for us to come to a brother who is going to worship, and then we will be the home of Wanxiang Shenzong, our world. For generations to protect the universe of the gods."

Both of them thanked Xu Feng for giving them a second life.

Nowadays, they are good friends with each other. When it comes to the emotional situation, they suddenly pull together.

When Zhou Tong heard it, he suddenly said: "That is good, then we will be brothers, and we will be brothers!"

"Big brother!"


In this way, the two-winged old demon and Zhou Tong can be said to be the same, the two directly under the witness of Xu Feng, began to worship.

"Congratulations to you two!"

Xu Feng looked at the two, with a smile on his face, and he was happy to replace the two.

Arriving at their age, in addition to the pursuit of cultivation, it may have passed the age of love.

Two people can do this, become the turn of the year, in the last years of each other, become a good brother, companionship with each other, is also a very good thing.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Both the old-fashioned demon and Zhou Tong are deeply impressed by Xu Feng, expressing their gratitude.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Let's go in."

"Otherwise, I am afraid that people inside still think that there is an enemy attack?"

After all, Zhou Tong touched the formation, and those who are sure of the Wanxiang Shenzong will be extremely vigilant.


The three of them all walked with the laughter and walked toward the Wanshen Shenzong.

Seeing that Xu Feng came with Zhou Tong.

Those who originally manipulated the array method stopped.

"The sovereign is back!"

Just when Yue Lu and others were extremely worried, the voice of Wanxiang Shenzong spread.

Many people have come out to meet Xu Feng.

And Xu Feng walked with Zhou Tong, which also caused many people to be shocked.

"It seems that we have added a strong person to the Wanshen Shenzong. The sovereign is really powerful."

Some young people look at Xu Feng with an unparalleled worship.

"It is obviously two good, you see that the old man is also very powerful."

"Well, it seems to be, I feel the breath of the old man, and it is terrible."

After a short time, Xu Feng came to the core area of ​​the Wanshen Shenzong.

Yue Lu and others have come to the front.

"The Sovereign, this predecessor really came to join us in the territory of the gods, it is a misunderstanding!" Yue Lu looked at Zhou Tong, the first to apologize.

Zhou Tong was also a faint smile. He did not expect that there would be a spiritual respect in the Wanxiang Shenzong, and he could directly talk to Xu Feng.

Moreover, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is still very good.

Those who are next to the peaks of the Six Spirits are also very respectful of this spiritual respect.

Zhou Tong also knows that this Yuelu status is not simple.

He smiled and said: "This is also my impulse. If I don't touch the array directly from the sky, if I really meet from the mountain gate, it will not happen."

Xu Feng looked at Yue Hao and others and smiled and said: "Come, let me introduce to you, are they two?"

Shadowless thief and other people are all aware of the two-winged old demon, knowing that the strength of the other side is very strong, I did not expect Xu Feng to go out and bring back such two strong players.

"This is called Zhou Tong."

Xu Feng pointed to Zhou Tong.

Immediately look at the two-winged old demon, said: "You know someone, he is nicknamed the two-winged old demon, welcome them to join us in the Wanxiang Shenzong."


Suddenly, the shadowless thief and others all applauded.

The Seven Killing Emperor also came out, and he came to Xu Feng with a smile.

"Haha... Xu Feng kid, thank you!"

Many people were shocked when they watched the Seven Heroes.

The old-fashioned demon and Zhou Tong are both eyes, only because of this old man, let them feel instinct is very dangerous.

Xu Feng looked at the Seven Killing Emperor and said: "Seven killing seniors, you have been pointing to me for so many years, my help to you, but it is a hand-to-hand effort... It is waiting for you for so long, congratulations on regaining your life."

"In this case, then I don't have much temperament. You have arranged for me to be a sect of the 10,000-dollar god. I will be the person of the Wanshen sect."

The seven killing spirits directly opened the way.

Xu Feng’s eyes widened and his face was full of joy. He actually thought of the Seven Killing Emperors before, and he should join the Wanxiang Shenzong.

I did not expect that the Seven Killing Emperor was so refreshing.

"Seven killing seniors, what you said will not make me happy?" Xu Feng looked at the seven killing spirits, with a smile asked.

Seven killing spirits suddenly said: "What? You kid is not enough to abandon me, not enough to join the Wanshen Shenzong?"

"How is it possible, I thought that the seven killing predecessors might leave the Wanxiang Shenzong..."

Xu Feng actually thought about it before, in the event of the death of the Emperor, he could not stop.

Seven killing the eyes of the Emperor, looking at the sky in the distance.

In fact, the people he knows are also almost dead.

What's more, since he was around Xu Feng, he has already treated Xu Feng as a disciple.

"The world is big, what do you think I can go to?"

In the voice of the Seven Killing Emperor, there is an inexplicable helplessness.

Yes, when calculating the time, he is actually a person of more than a thousand years.

Xu Feng’s smile on his face, the people of Wanxiang Shenzong, are also smiles.

They know that with the addition of so many powerful people, the future Wanshen Shenzong, in this vast land of China, must have a certain world.

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and said: "If this is the case, then we will hold the first real conference of the Wanshen Shenzong tomorrow, and then thoroughly divide the discussion of the division of labor."

(End of this chapter)

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