The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2132: Zhou Laolai

Chapter 2132, Zhou Laolaitou


The two attacks collided together, as if the whole world was shaking.

The boundless air waves spread in all directions.

However, immediately, the whole person of the white-faced bamboo raft was directly shaken out by Xu Feng, and his blood was rolling.

The white-faced bamboo pole stands firm and the face is wrong. "How is it possible? Is the Wupinling Emperor so powerful?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite white bamboo pole, and his mouth slightly raised. "There is nothing impossible. It is because you are too rubbish."


While speaking, the spiritual power of Xu Feng has begun to flow wildly, as if the endless waves are surging.

The field of killing in his body instantly merges, and the genius of the boxing fist has been cultivated to the realm of perfection.


A fist punched out, as if the world was discolored.

The tribes of the old demon, at this moment, watching the young people who are killing the Quartet are all stunned, and each one only feels dry and dry.

“Is this really human?”

They even suspect that Xu Feng is not a human being, otherwise how could such a powerful attack erupt, after all, so young.

"I have lived this for decades, have they been eaten by dogs?" Someone and Xu Feng are almost the same age, can't help but sigh.

Even the middle-aged man was shocked. He said to himself: "There are such young people in the world, and people of the same age are really sad."

He is very clear, but the emergence of such a peerless genius must be the age of genius.

However, under such genius, other geniuses will become a foil.

With such a person, for some people, that is sad.

For example, your talent is already very powerful, but it is always shrouded by one person, to live in the shadow of such a person.


Xu Feng was directly broken, and the space of the road was surging.

The white bamboo raft on the opposite side, a blood spouted out.

It is really Xu Feng's fists one after another, successive bombardments, such a majestic impact, but also let him feel the incomparable shock.

The old-fashioned demon is also wide-eyed at the moment, and can’t help but sigh, saying: “I don’t think Xu Feng’s strength seems to have improved.”

"He is really a peerless genius. It’s incredible how long it took to improve so much."

The old-fashioned demon knows Xu Feng’s talent, and his shock at this moment is very strong.

However, the heart of the white-faced bamboo pole is really extremely depressed.

The seven strong spirits of their own imperial powers were instead suppressed by the other youth.

He wanted to circulate with Xu Feng’s fist, but he discovered that the body of Xu Feng was the body of the Emperor, and he also cultivated into the realm of getting better.

How does he resist the body of such a spirit?

On the other hand, every punch seems to be a mountain falling down. Every time his body falls, it is like a shell.

In the continuous forest, a mountain peak was smashed by the aftermath of two people fighting.

The mountain peak collapsed in an instant, and the sound of the dragonfly continued to spread from the forest, and the meridians of the white-faced bamboo body trembled even more.

Above his pale cheeks, with a touch of sorrow and depression.

The spiritual power of his body began to surge, like a whirlpool.

However, Xu Feng’s strength is really strong.

The white-faced bamboo pole stood firm, and he looked at Xu Feng and said: "Let's stop, I will leave, you will leave with the two-winged old demon."

Xu Feng’s mouth slightly raised and said: “If I let you go now, those tribes who died in the wings of the old demon, how do they pay attention?”

Xu Feng’s heart is full of incomparable killings. He thinks that this white-faced bamboo raft, you come to kill the two-winged old demon, it is a matter of righteousness.

However, even the tribes of the two-winged old demon have not let go. Among the people who have just been killed, there are old and weak women and children.

The white face is full of anger, and he has already said such words. Xu Feng is still so vocal. Does the other person really think that he is afraid of it?

"You don't want to be too aggressive, I am desperate with you, and it is not necessarily impossible?" White-faced bamboo poles are somewhat angry.

Xu Feng smiled faintly and said: "Since you want to work hard with me, you have to see if you have the desperate capital."

"Heaven and Earth!"

After that, Xu Feng’s best inheritance of spiritual skills broke out, and it was instantly subverted on that day, as if it had directly become a fierce punch.

The fist print was born from the heavens and the earth. This is the best product of the spiritual world, and Xu Feng is now practicing in the realm of Dacheng.

It is enough to explain that the best spirits can be cultivated into the realm of Dacheng. Xu Feng’s understanding of the world’s fists is deep.

"Damn, the best inherited spiritual skills?"

The pupils of the white-faced bamboo scorpion suddenly contracted.

Seeing the shadow of the palm of the hand, he screamed and fought.


However, the intensity of the punches on that day, like some unexpected beyond the white bamboo shoots, he suddenly spurted out blood.

The fist of the fist fell on his body, and his internal organs were scattered and scattered.

The face of the white-faced bamboo raft became paler.


When the white-faced bamboo raft fights to this time, he also knows that he is not the opponent of Xu Feng opposite, and he is physically moving and wants to escape.

"Want to run!?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and the space of his body floated directly, and his body suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, the opposite side of the white-faced bamboo raft escaped, followed by Xu Feng’s unstoppable fist.

"Damn... space field?"

The pupils of the white-faced bamboo scorpion almost did not rupture. He stared at the opposite Xu Feng and said, "Are you a Nangong family?"


Xu Feng spit out two words, and his fist continued to greet him toward the white bamboo pole.

I have to say that it is still very difficult to kill the Seven Spirits Emperor.

The white-faced bamboo raft is constantly madly counter-attacking. Since he knows that he can't escape, he definitely wants to pull Xu Feng to give him a back.


Xu Feng fell down with a fist, and the body of the white-faced bamboo pole was like a broken kite. The dragonfly fell and the mountain peak shattered directly.

Xu Feng stayed up and did not pay attention to his injuries. The fist continued to bombard the white bamboo poles.

Finally, until the white-faced bamboo simmered, Xu Feng was also panting, and said: "It seems that my cultivation is still too weak... If I upgraded to the Six Pinling Emperor, it would be easier to kill this white-faced bamboo raft."

If other Wulingling emperors know Xu Feng’s inner thoughts, I am afraid that they will actually vomit blood.

This is not satisfied, they are difficult to kill even the six spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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