The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2120: Longteng injured

Chapter 2120 Longteng was injured

"Heaven and Earth!"

Above Xu Feng’s hands, he suddenly condensed a terrible punch.

In the mid-term of the five-character emperor in his body, the spiritual power of the whole body is extremely terrifying.

It is not like the atmosphere of the Five Spirits.

However, the three areas of his body at the moment are completely condensed on the punch.

He felt his own double angry sea, as if the spiritual power had been drained by a third, and the squally showers roared.

The world is changing color.

"A terrible punch, a terrible magic!"

Some of the warriors who watched and felt Xu Feng’s body, the horrible momentum broke out.

Can't help but scream.

Especially looking at Xu Feng's palm, the powerful punches, the punches seem to suppress the void, change the sky.

Long Teng looked at Xu Feng's exhibition of the best inheritance of spiritual skills. His eyes were cold and killing. He said: "This child must be killed as soon as possible. Otherwise, this talent will be a tiger in the future, and there will be endless troubles."

"The arrogant boy, I will let you know today, how big is the gap between the Eight Spirits and the Five Spirits."

Longteng’s sleeves swayed, and suddenly the whole void was shaking, and the boundless wind screamed.

“Is this the strength of the real Eight Spirits Emperor?”

Xu Feng felt the violent oppression and his heart was a little dignified.

"The strength of this dragon is really terrible. I am afraid that Xu Feng and other three people are not his opponents."

On the hands of Longteng, the fists condensed as if they were a mountain peak. The body's spiritual power, like the waves, gathered on the fist.

Above that punch, there is a devastating force, as if the void is torn apart, and the hurricane is constantly bursting.

Xu Feng did not retreat, he knew that he could not retreat at this moment.

Stepping out, he has no fear in his eyes.

"How about the eight-character emperor, if I am an eight-character emperor, I can easily kill you."

Xu Feng’s voice was calm and there was no fear. The fierce punches condensed and fell from the sky.

The powerful punches tear everything, as if you can suppress everything.

Long Teng heard the words, but did not speak.

He knows the fact that Xu Feng said that if Xu Feng is an eight-pronged emperor, he is not the opponent of the other party.

It is a pity that the current Xu Feng is only a mid-term revision of the Wu Pinling Emperor.

In this world of defeated kings, as long as he can kill the dragon, no one else cares about everything else.

"Unfortunately, after all, you are not the Eight Spirits Emperor!"

Longteng’s fist suddenly vibrated, and spiritual power flowed from his body, and the huge fist seemed to destroy everything.

Countless people feel this powerful fist, they are replacing Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

It’s really an attack from the Eight Senses, it’s really horrible.


Xu Feng’s fistprint is covered like heaven and earth.

The boxing contains all the rules, including killing, gravity, space, and three areas of complete outbreak.

This fist print can be said to be Xu Feng’s most powerful attack, and his most ferocious spiritual attack.

That punch is boundless, as if it can suppress everything.

Everyone has a big mouth at the moment, watching the collision between the fist and the fist, they don't know what the result is.

Just on the occasion of this millennium.

Both the Oriental Qiankun and the Nangong Temple have moved.

The breath of the two people is raised to the extreme. They know that they don’t go all out at the moment, but when?

"Do not kill the dragon at this moment, but when to wait!"

The oriental Qiankun roared, and the spiritual power of his body continually stirred up, just like the long river.

Long Teng's face became extremely embarrassing, he almost forgot, not far from the East Qiankun and Nangong 琛 琛 眈眈.

The space field of Nangong Temple broke out directly, and the void was completely integrated with his body.

Both of them showed the most powerful spiritual skills, desperately tearing away from the dragon.


With the fierce punches, the moments of the collision of the scorpions into the fists, the whole world seems to be destroyed in an instant.

Countless people felt the powerful attack, but felt that the blood of the whole body was flowing, as if the whole world was covering.

The fierce temper was swiftly swept out in all directions, and the whole earth was shaking.

In the void, the cracks constantly rushed out, and the boundless air waves could swallow the whole world.


Xu Feng's entire body flew straight out into the distance, and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

Nangong Temple and Dongfang Qiankun were also flew out by the dragon's tremors, but everyone also saw that it was the body of Longteng, and there was a trace of blood.

"Longteng is hurt!"

No one had thought that the strong man of the eight-character spirit of Longteng was actually injured by three people at this time.

Many people are shocked. These three young people are simply boundless. If they can survive today.

In the future, the entire southern continent is afraid of the world of these three people.

Longteng’s eyes are all stunned, and he stares at the opposite Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, if you didn't kill my son, I really don't want to kill you. You can't have a peerless genius like this."

Long Teng invisibly gave a feeling of emotion, he was very clear, if not for his own cultivation with the eight spirits. ’

As well as his own experience for so many years, if he is also a mid-term revision of the five-character emperor, he is afraid that he will not qualify for Xu Feng.

Such a genius is really a pity after the killing. He is even willing to watch Xu Feng grow up, and there are some inexplicable expectations.

However, Xu Feng killed his son. If he did not kill each other, he would have a face in the future.

Longteng is very clear, even if it is the entire southern continent, now recognized as the first day, Long Aotian.

His talent is not comparable to Xu Feng, and the most important thing is that Xu Feng is relying on himself.

Since the birth of Long Aotian, I don’t know how much resources I have received from the Dragon family. How much support, his achievements are great.

But if there is no huge resource support from the Dragon family, he may not be able to achieve today's achievements.

"Come on!"

Xu Feng was expressionless, he looked at the opposite dragon, his mouth slightly raised, said: "Today, our three brothers, do not kill you, do not give up!"

The three changes in the spirit of Xu Feng’s body have emerged again. His preparation for this time is to directly display the third change of the three changes in the burning spirit.

After the battle, he was very clear that if they did not show the third change, the three of them could not defeat Longteng.

Since it is impossible to defeat the dragon, let alone kill the dragon.

The spiritual power in him is stirring again.

(End of this chapter)

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