The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2118: Dragon to kill

Chapter 2118 Longteng Kill

"Oh... then you have a post-three style of soul nine in your creation school?"

Xu Feng is facing the middle-aged Confucian scholar, but he is also welcome.

Some of the strongest people who know this middle-aged Confucian scholar are shocking at the moment.

This Xu Feng really did not know who is not afraid, even so talking to the other side.

You should know that this middle-aged Confucian student is one of the three chiefs of the Genesis Academy, and it is also the strongman of the title.

"Do you cultivate a soul secret?"

Middle-aged Confucian students looked at Xu Feng with some surprise.

Immediately under investigation, it was even more stunned.


Middle-aged Confucian students couldn't help but spit out two words from their mouths.

Xu Feng almost did not spurt blood, what is called a monster.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar discovered that he had some spoofs and quickly smiled: "I am not jealous of you. I feel that your talent is incredible."

"That way, as long as you come to Genesis College in the future, I will give you a promise, the last three styles of the soul nine, I will give it to you for free."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder, his small head lifted up, his eyes turned and slid.

He looked at the middle-aged Confucian student across the street and smiled: "Brother, this guy seems to be a good person, just feels a bit big."

When middle-aged Confucian students look at the kitten, their eyes are also bright.

He can see at a glance that this kitten is a strange animal and has a promising future.

He couldn't help but sigh inside, this Xu Feng is really a person who gathers the atmosphere.

Xu Feng knocked on the kitten's small head and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

At this time, Xu Feng respected the middle-aged Confucian scholar: "Thank you for the generosity of the predecessors, I will definitely come to the Genesis Academy in the future."

Looking at the performance of Xu Feng at this moment, middle-aged Confucian students feel that they have just been fooled.

If you use the conditions of joining the Genesis Academy to give the other three souls the last three styles, then it is not successful.

"Oh... you kid is treacherous!"

Middle-aged Confucian students suddenly took a shot.

"It’s really a generation of talented people on the rivers and mountains. I’ve been in the air for hundreds of years. I don’t think I’m going to be pitted.”

Middle-aged Confucian students couldn't help but sigh, but they didn't have any anger, but looked at Xu Feng and said, "Then I will leave.... You can come to Genesis College later and you can always find me."

Middle-aged Confucian scholars have turned around after saying all this.

He suddenly turned back and said: "That is too much to be loaned to you for a time. You will come to Genesis College later. If you have the ability, it will be yours. If it is not the ability, then it is too I have to come back."


After that, the middle-aged Confucian student suddenly disappeared.


The scene was completely boiling, and no one had thought that the title of the imperial concubine was so good to speak.

They couldn't help but look at Xu Feng with envy, I am afraid that only such a young genius can get such a privilege.

Xu Feng returned to the place just now, and Nangong Temple and others looked at Xu Feng like a monster.

"Three brothers, did you know the Confucian spirits before?" Nangong was the first to ask questions, but he was very clear.

This Confucian spirit is the youngest and the most talented of the three enemies of the Creation Academy.

"Russian spirit emperor?"

Xu Feng was a bit surprised, he was the first to hear about this title.

But he rang, the middle-aged man was really refined.

Nangong and others, almost did not vomit blood.

The first time I met Xu Feng, I met with the Emperor of Confucius, but the Emperor of Confucius was so friendly to Xu Feng.


Xu Feng thought of something, suddenly shocked, said: "Second brother, you are talking about the middle-aged Confucian students, is the title of the powerful Emperor?"

For Xu Feng, who knows what to do, Nangong can't help but want to beat people.

"You... I don't know who is not afraid!"

Xu Feng is also afraid after a while, if the other side wants to kill himself, then it is not a matter of thought.

"Big brother is out!"

Nangong Temple looked at the void, where the Oriental Qiankun seemed to have some strange changes, coming out of the ruins of the ruins.

The eyes of the Oriental Kun Kun also swept Xu Feng and Nangong Temple. He smiled and walked directly. "Two brothers, three younger brothers, are you all right?"

"Big brother, we are still worried about you!"

Nangong said with a smile.

The sound of the oriental Qiankun sounds heartily: "Haha, big brother this harvest is not small, to ensure that you are all shocked."


Oriental Qiankun looked at the Oriental Lingyue not far away, and found that the other side's face was a bit shy, he suddenly understood.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Three brothers, it seems that I will kiss you later, haha..."

"I can warn you, we are one yardyard. If you dare to bully my sister, don't blame the big brother, I don't recognize people!"

The sound of the Oriental Qiankun sounded, and the Oriental Lingyue, not far away, suddenly looked at the oriental Qiankun and said: "Brother, you don't talk, no one is when you are dumb."

Although Oriental Lingyue and Oriental Qiankun are not brothers and sisters, they grew up together and their relationship has long surpassed their brothers and sisters.

"Ha ha..."

The oriental Qiankun haha ​​smiled.

Not far from where the mind is taught, where Jin Wennan’s mouth is filled with a gloomy smile.

"Oh, still here, the old gods, I am afraid that it is almost finished!"

After Jin Wennan’s words were finished, he left in the distance.

Xu Feng heard that his face suddenly changed.

Mu Mu and the snake war were all safely coming out of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins. He suddenly said: "No, we rushed back."


At this time, a middle-aged man's figure, his body is slightly burly, and his powerful momentum makes people feel breathless.

In his eyes, he was constantly rising and killing. He stared at Xu Feng below.

"Small beast, I have to look at it today, can you still leave alive?"

It turned out that this middle-aged man turned out to be the father of Long Hao, Long Teng!

The Eastern Qiankun took a step and the momentum of his body broke out.

The Oriental Qiankun was awarded the inheritance of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. His cultivation was a breakthrough to the peak of the Wupinling Emperor. His current strength is very powerful.

Longteng felt the momentum of the oriental Qiankun, saying: "The kid of the oriental family, it seems that your harvest at the ruins of the ruins is not small."

"However, since you are not my opponent, I advise you to get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me."

The Oriental Qiankun looked at Longteng, but there was no fear. He said: "Dragon, you are also the strongest of the older generation. So come to oppress us, don't you feel shameful?"

The Oriental Qiankun naturally does not retreat.

He and Xu Feng bowed to become brothers. If today is a retreat, does it mean that he is in the East, is he afraid of death?

The dragon's face is full of killing, he stares at Xu Feng.

"Kid, if you are interested, you will die and die. I can let other people, including those around you."

"Otherwise, I will let all the people around you give you a funeral."

(End of this chapter)

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