The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2115: The power of array

Chapter 2115 The Power of the Array

"Well, I will do my best!"

Yuelu did not continue to talk nonsense. At this moment, he was slightly inadvertent, and Wanshen Shenzong would be completely annihilated. He certainly did not dare to have any imaginary and arrogant snakes.

He looked at the giant Taishan Mountain and said: "Captain, your guard, is the most powerful force in the universe."

"You have to shoulder the task of resisting the enemy."

The giant Taishan patted his chest and his voice was loud: "My giant Taishan is alive, and Wanxiang Shenzong is alive!"

"it is good!"

Yuelu screamed.

He looked at the Qingyi, saying: "The elders of the Qingyi commanded us to protect the mountains of the sacred gods, and the six-six-six-six-thunder fires were fired and opened immediately."

"Over the past year, I have been storing so many supreme liquids in the Wanshen Shenzong. At the moment of life and death, all of them are used."

"All the supreme liquids are invested in the six-six-six-six-thunder fire, and the first use of the law is to attack the enemy."

"it is good!"

After the blue wing left the hall directly, about half an hour later, he appeared again in the main hall.

However, over the sky above the Shenzong Emperor, the flames and thunder and lightning began to converge, and the six-six-six-six-lei fire broke out and opened completely.

The twelve people responsible for the formation of the law, at this moment also know that the entire Wanxiang Shenzong, they get resources, even the elders are better than nothing.

At this moment, the time when the gods of Wanxiang are living and dying is the time when they have to give their lives and everything.

Each one is a death-seeking, and the body is full of heroic atmosphere. In just one year, they have received countless immortals and countless supreme liquids.

Now, all the repairs of the color have reached the realm of the three spirits, and the control of the six-six-six-lei fire is even more handy.

However, the disciples of Wanxiang Shenzong are excited at this moment, and some of them join the time of Wanxiang Shenzong.

It may not be long, but in such a united environment, they have no idea of ​​escape.

"The land of the gods is here, we are!"

"The land of the gods is dead, we are dead!"

As the master of these disciples, Qing Yi smiles in white, and his cultivation is promoted to the peak of Sanpinling Emperor.

Snake Red Sky and others have also stood in it. The voice of Qing Yixiao sounded, and the young disciples behind him also clashed in the mountains.

"The land of the gods is here, we are!"

"The land of the gods is dead, we are dead!"

The heavens and the earth are discolored, and the entire Wanxiang Shenzong sky, the boundless sound waves, tumbling in all directions.

Yuelu sat in the hall. He heard the voices of the disciples of the Wanxiang Emperor. He knew that he had transferred all his resources to the Wanshen, and it was worthwhile to cultivate the hopes of the future of these gods. .

"Today, I am a **** of the Ten Thousands, even if it is a half-monthly patriarch, I want to easily destroy our universal gods, but also to break his teeth!"

Yuelu’s voice is majestic, red-faced, and the meridians of his face are inflated.

"The young children of my ancestral gods have such ambitions, and we as elders, as deacons."

"Today, my Yuelu can promise to everyone here that when the Wanshen Emperor dies, it is the day of my death."

Said, Yue Lu strode outside the hall of the House of Representatives.

Everyone knows that Yue Lu’s cultivation is very weak, and even worse than some disciples.

However, at this moment, Yuelu never thought about his life and death. He has already walked outside the hall of the House of Representatives.

Yue Lu’s emotions naturally affect other people.

The giant Taishan turned around, the burly body, he swept the guards in front of him.

"You, Wanshen Shenzong to take us, raise us, resources give priority to us, and now powerful enemies."

"We naturally have to bear the brunt. Today, even if we are killed for the War of the World, we are dead, what fear?"

The sound of the giant Taishan is spread like a thunder.

There are more than 30 guards.

These people are all four spirits emperor to the above, five spirits emperor.

Zhao Long and others are members of the **** team. They used to be on the island and never knew what it means to be a sense of belonging.

However, since they joined the Wansong Shenzong, they understand that this feeling is really good.

At this moment, all the members of the **** were biting their teeth and roaring.


Four words spread throughout the sky.

In the distance, Lin Zhi took the people of the half-moon sect, and they came to the tens of thousands of ancestral temples not far away.

As the sound of the waves seemed to be like a thunder, they almost did not quit in the void.

Lin Zhi’s eyes were shocked and his heart said: “The cohesiveness of horror, this 10,000-domain **** is afraid of being simple.”

Lin Zhi, with all the people of the half-moon sect, came to the sky above the Shenzong of Wanxiang. He floated there and looked at the crowds with excitement.

His eyes sparkled with a strange look, saying: "Wanyu Shenzong, I am the deputy lord Lin Zhi of the Half Moon."

"Today, the 10,000-day gods are not going to destroy your 10,000-day gods, but want us to cooperate with each other."

"You, as long as you start today, become the subordinate force of my half-moon sect, and you can go sideways in the entire Western District."

Lin Zhi’s words rang, and Yue Yue’s eyes were filled with anger.

"Hey, if you want to fight without destroying, I will kill you." You are really dreaming."

Yuelu’s eyes sparkled.

He said directly: "Lin Zhi is right, you can only get out of the sky above the gods in three minutes, otherwise... don't blame me, the gods are not welcome."

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

The sound is soaring, like the waves are rolling.

Twelve people who controlled the six-six-six-six-throw fire, their eyes were staring at the void.

As long as those people in the half-monthly sect continue to move closer to the bottom, they will immediately start the squadron.

Lin Zhicang’s old face was full of anger and said: “You are so arrogant and recalcitrant, isn’t it a self-seeking dead road?”

"Don't you, can you resist the attack of the old man?"

Lin Zhi left, the momentum of the seven spirits emperor broke out.

Yuelu directly ridiculed, said: "There is the ability, you will try it down!"

Lin Zhi did not expect that Wanxiang Shenzong was so arrogant.

"Then I will let you know that my half-monthly sect is not vegetarian."

Lin Zhi screamed and said: "Offensive!"

Just a few dozen people want to attack under the Wanxiang Shenzong, they have just come down not far.

Throughout the sky, thunderous thunder and lightning, as if it were a spider web, the sky fell from the sky.

The endless flames, like the Hell Furnace, turned into a raging fireball.

Lightning and flames, coming to the dozens of people in the half-moon, the impact of the embarrassment.

"Damn, a terrible battle!"

Lin Zhi’s eyes are condensed. It’s no wonder that this Wanxiang Shenzong is so arrogant.

(A lot of people really want everyone to come to QQ to read a lot of support, every day is just a few dimes, what can a few dimes now? I really know that Mu knows that wood knows, then only reading books is so cheap... Thank you a lot of good people who have been supporting a lot!)

(End of this chapter)

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