The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2110: Eastern Lingyue crisis

Chapter 2110, the crisis of Dongfang Lingyue

"come here!"

Inside the sacred grass, the crisp sound came out.

Xu Feng was slightly stunned and walked over to the sacred heaven.

Xu Feng actually saw it faintly. It was a woman like a fairy. It was beautiful.

He looked at the opposite side of the heavenly grass.

I saw that the sacred grass was flying.

There was a glimmer of surprise in Xu Feng’s eyes.

"Remember, the branches and leaves of the genus Asparagus are the meridians of your body. You must combine the genus and the body of your body to be truly effective."

“The Acacia can help you, improve your understanding of the heavens and the earth, and also improve your cultivation speed.”

"Of course, it is a huge improvement for your body."

The crisp voice said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that he asked the sacred Tiantiancao: "Predecessors, what do you call?"

"You are a predecessor, your family is a senior!"

I know, inside the sacred grass, the voice of anger suddenly came out.

Obviously, the owner of the voice was very angry and Xu Feng called her predecessor.

Xu Feng’s touching head, “That girl, what do I call you?”

The creation of the ginseng grass only came out this time.


Xu Feng heard the words and smiled: "Lolo, it is a very good name."

Xu Feng couldn't help but think of "Luo Shen".

If you are stunned, if you are a dragon, you will be married, and you will be married. It seems as if the light clouds cover the moon, and if the wind is flowing back to the snow.

And the sacred celestial grass flew over Xu Feng's body, and Lolo said: "Next, you need to use blood and scented asparagus."

Xu Feng did not have much thought, and directly used blood and scented asparagus.

With the creation of the celestial grass flying into his body, he suddenly saw a shadow.

"Looking far and far, if the sun rises into the morning glow, it’s hard to see it, and if it’s a smashing wave, it’s a good thing, and it’s a short fit.”

"If the shoulder is cut into, the waist is like a prime. The neck is a show, the enamel is exposed, the Fangze is not added, and the lead is inferior. The cloud 髻峨峨, the eyebrows are lianjuan, the red lips are outside, the fangs are fresh."

Xu Feng’s heart was shocking. He didn’t expect the woman to be so beautiful.

The sound of falling cold and cold came out, saying: "Is it enough?"

Xu Feng suddenly returned to God.


As Xu Feng finished, he took back his mind.

However, the fortification of Asparagus has already entered his body.

Originally, he thought that the fusion of the heavenly grass would definitely have no feeling, but he did not expect that it was just a painful heartbreak.

"Ah... so painful?"

There was a glimpse of Xu Feng’s eyes.

"You didn't ask me!"

Lolo’s voice rang coldly.

Xu Feng finally understood, said the most poisonous woman's heart, and sure enough, don't provoke a woman.

He did not know that this Lolo was not a woman, and the other party should be a spiritual creature derived from the cultivation of the Amakusa.


With the continuous integration of the body and the body of Xu Feng, a little bit blends with his body.

The severe pain caused Xu Feng's cheeks to be somewhat distorted, and his eyes were shocked.

I have to say that even if there is such a strong ability to endure such as Xu Feng, there is some support at the moment.

"If you can't support it, then you will be walking away from the dead." Lolo's voice sounded, making Xu Feng a spirit.

He rushed to his teeth and insisted that the blood of the body continued to penetrate and then was absorbed.

His clothes were completely reddish with blood.

The kitten stood not far away. He looked at Da Yan Xian Lu, saying: "What happened? Why is my brother so painful?"

Da Yan Xian Liu said: "Your brother refining, but the spirit grass born between heaven and earth, that the heavenly grass is a treasure, he certainly has pain."

Time passes by one minute.

Since Lolo reminded Xu Feng, he did not dare to have the slightest meaning.

After the insistence of death.

There was a glimpse of surprise in his eyes. It was because, with the fusion of the heavens, he felt that the body's ability to perceive was much finer.


Oriental Lingyue eyes condensed, her face became ugly, she stared at the group of black people around.

The voice is cold and cold: "Hey, your dark temple is really shameless, so many people besieged me."

"Hey, Dongfang Lingyue, today you can't escape." A black man staring at the Oriental Lingyue, said.

Since Dongfang Lingyue entered the site of the ruling sect, she is the one who constantly kills the dark temple. As long as she meets the dark temple, she will kill it.

However, her constant practice of encircling the dark temple warriors finally led to the warriors of the Dark Temple.

At the beginning of the dark temple, a large number of warriors began to kill the Oriental Lingyue. At this moment, the eyes of the people around the East Lingyue looked around and the spiritual power was still flowing.

Her water spirit filled out, and the rivers of her body were criss-crossed, and her mouth was slightly raised.

"However, just relying on your waste and wanting to kill me is really an idiotic dream."

When the Oriental Lingyue finished, he suddenly moved to the front and rushed out to the front, and the powerful waves suddenly surged.

The gust of wind tumbling in an instant, and the boundless wind slammed into it, like a huge whirlpool floating.


The darkness of the dark temples, the dark areas of the body also emerged, and they went toward the Eastern Lingyue.

Oriental Lingyue is the first genius of the Eastern family in history. Her body is so dexterous that she constantly avoids these people's attacks.

From time to time, she is able to attack each other. At the same time, her body is already like a bird, fleeing in the distance.

"Damn, this Oriental Lingyue is really amazing, chase!"

The people in the dark halls watched the Oriental Lingyue fleeing in front, and suddenly there was a cold killing in their eyes.

There was a sigh of anger in the eyes of Dongfang Lingyue. "Is it really a group of shameless people, and we must continue to chase?"

Those who felt the darkness behind them chased and killed, and there was a madness in the eyes of the Oriental Lingyue.

After she suddenly stopped her body, the water flow in her body condensed into a water dragon, and she rushed out.


Suddenly, a dark temple warrior of the Six Spirits Emperor, was born and swallowed directly by the huge water dragon.

In the eyes of Dongfang Lingyue, they all kill themselves. "Since you really want to come and look for death, then I will fulfill you."

The Eastern Lingyue was completely angry and the attack became more fierce.

Suddenly, those six spirits were defeated by the Eastern Lingyue.

"It’s awesome to be the Oriental Lingyue."

Just at this time……

An old voice sounded, and it was the dark temple of the Six Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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