The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2078: Mysterious forest

Chapter 2078 Mystery Forest

"See the Lord!"

Chen Jiwen quickly went to the front of Xu Feng, and he respectfully bowed to Xu Fengxing.

The Nangong Temple next to it is wide-eyed. He does not know that Xu Feng is the lord of the Wanshen Emperor.

"Three brothers, what is your sovereign?"

Nangong could not help but ask Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The second brother doesn't know. I created a force in the Western District. It is called Wanxiang Shenzong. It is still a bit of scale."

"Ah! You are so powerful!"

Nan Gongyi looked at Xu Feng and said sincerely.

He knows that Xu Feng is much younger than him, and now he is stronger than him, and he can also create power.

"Chen Chen does not have to be polite."

Xu Feng said to Chen Jiwen.

"Chen Chang, how many elders in our territory have entered the ruins of the ruins, have you met other people?"

Xu Feng immediately asked Chen Jiwen, after all, he was the first to leave the Wanxiang Shenzong.

I am sure that the guy who wants to come to the shadows is sure to come.

As for some other elders, he is really not sure if he comes or not.

"It seems like five people."

Chen Jiwen said: "There is no shadow, I am Jing Baobing, there is a snake fight, and there is a Mu elder."

Xu Feng heard the words and nodded.

Among the six people, he was somewhat worried about the safety of Jing Baobing.

As for the shadowless thief and the emperor, these two people are all old and refined, and they are the strongest of the six peaks.

They should not be too dangerous. The snake war has the blood power of the three-legged snakes, and it is also very powerful.

Chen Jiwen continued: "After we entered the ruins of the ruins, we separated them, but we never met."

Xu Feng is not surprised. The site of the sacred sect is vast and vast, and there are many warriors entering it.

Sometimes, if you are not careful, you will pass each other.

"Chen Elder, this is your remedy."

Xu Feng handed the eight-piece Zun Dan that he had just received to Chen Jiwen on the opposite side.

"The lord, this remedy should be yours."

Chen Jiwen looked at Xu Feng and handed over the medicinal herbs. His face was grateful.

If it weren't for Xu Feng, he might have been killed by Fan Zhen, let alone this drug. Of course, he didn't want the drug at the moment.

"Chen Chen is not ignorant that I am a refiner. This eight-piece Zun Dan is of little use to me. Hold it."

Xu Feng said to Chen Jiwen.

Chen Jiwen naturally knows that Xu Feng is a refiner. At the moment, he said: "The lord, I am really welcome, I will take these medicinal herbs."

"That is natural." Xu Feng said.

Just after Chen Jiwen’s medicinal medicine, he said: “The lord, are you looking for a sacred grass?”

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly his eyes rounded up, looking at Chen Jiwen: "Chen Chang, is it true that the sacred Tiancao has already appeared?"

Chen Jiwen suddenly stunned his face and said: "The lord, you don't even know that the ginseng grass has appeared?"

Xu Feng and Nangong squatted along the way, all of them are looking to improve their cultivation and strength, and rarely to inquire about these news.

I don't know the news of the creation of the Amakusa, it is also a normal thing.

I saw that Chen Jiwen did not sell the Guanzi, but said: "The Sovereign, you don't know, there is a mysterious forest in the site of the ruins."

"It is said that the forest is the hiding place of the sacred grass. Now many big forces are gathering there."

Chen Jiwen constantly told Xu Feng about the news of the construction of the Amakusa, almost he knew that he all told Xu Feng.

After listening to Chen Jiwen’s explanation, Xu Feng said: “Chen Chang, it’s not too late, you lead the way, let’s go to the mysterious forest.”

"Okay then!"

Chen Jiwen walked in front of him. There were many warriors on the way, and these people also walked over there.

Obviously, these people are also hearing the news of the creation of the Amakusa, and constantly converge toward the so-called mysterious forest.


When Xu Feng walked in this area, he found that as he continued to advance, it became wet everywhere.

Moreover, the air has a very oppressive atmosphere, as if it is this sky, it must fall down.

"Three brothers, this area is really weird?" Nan Gongyi stood on the side, he looked at the pitted site, some taboo.


At this time, a burst of gusts of wind blew, and the void in the distance made a squeaky voice.

"The Sovereign is careful, there will always be wind and lightning in this area. Once it is hit, it is extremely dangerous." Chen Jiwen said to Xu Feng.

The spiritual power in him suddenly stirred up and resisted the wind blowing.

Chen Jiwen and Nangong Temple both operated with spiritual strength, and they found Xu Feng's body, the golden light floated slightly, and the wind could not leave a mark.

"Almost forgot, this metamorphosis is the body of the Emperor."

Even if it is Nangong, I can’t help but sigh at the moment.

It is really Xu Feng’s talent, it’s really enchanting.


Some people not far away, but not so lucky, when the hurricane swept in an instant, made a miserable snoring.

As the miserable snoring became weaker and weaker, many people had their eyes fixed, and the martial arts in the hurricane naturally had no bones.

Chen Jiwen looked at Xu Feng and said: "The sovereign, we have to go slower. This area is very strange. I came here before I left."

When Chen Jiwen came, he felt that it was too dangerous. He returned on the same path.

I didn't expect to go back to the way, just met the eight-piece Zun Dan, they were stared at by those people.

"Well, you are careful, I am fine."

Xu Feng reminded Chen Jiwen.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation and strength, his body of the Emperor’s spirit has also been cultivated to the point where it is getting better and better, and the usual fire and thunder and lightning will not cause any harm to him.


The wind blew, and the wind was like a knife, knocking on the towering trees.

However, those towering trees, like steel, let those windy knives fall on the towering trees.


In the end, the sound of this collision is formed, as if the two squadrons are colliding with each other, which is extremely strange.

Xu Feng found that the leaves of the heavenly grass in his body, with the constant advancement, became more and more inspiring.

There was a strange feeling in his heart, and he said: "It seems that the sacred grass is really in the forest in front."

Xu Feng looked up and looked at the dark yellow sky in the distance. The dense trees were extremely strange.

In addition, the figure of the warriors is everywhere, and the six spirits are in groups, and his heart sighs secretly.

"It seems that there is bound to be a storm in this forest."

(End of this chapter)

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