The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2072: Strong gathering

Chapter 2072 Strong Convergence

Chapter 2070 Stronger Convergence

"As for the cultivation of the celestial grass, I don't know where it is. When I was seriously injured, I lost control of the genus."

"And, the world does not know, I control the cultivation of the Amakusa, the benefits are great. But compared with the creation of the Amakusa, it is really small."

"If you can get the heavenly grass, you can develop all the secrets of the heavenly grass, and it is also a good thing for you to go to the spiritual land in the future."

After the creation of the Emperor, he did not continue to chat with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng also returned from the illusory scene.

He looked at the hall in front of him, and he looked at the sculpture again, only to find that the sculpture was very ordinary.

He knew that the spirit of the emperor and he had already said what he said, maybe their fate would stop here.

Xu Feng did not have much emotion. He learned a lot about the mainland of Lingshen from the mouth of the spiritualist.

For Xu Feng, it is even more surprising than the fact that his killing field has broken through to the third day.

He pushed the door of the hall.


The kitten immediately screamed and slammed out of his place and landed on Xu Feng’s shoulder. He said, "Brother, are you okay?"

Xu Feng’s relatives touched the kitten’s small head with a smile in his eyes.

Nangong Temple came forward and said: "Three brothers, how?"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "The harvest is great, and I have seen the spirit of the emperor, but unfortunately I am not suitable for his inheritance."

"You actually met the emperor of the spirit of the spirit?" Nangong 琛 言言, are envious of the face.

Xu Feng sighed and said: "It is useless to see him. I am not suitable for his inheritance."

"I have been chatting with him for a while. He told me about the cultivation of the sect."

"Two brothers, are you going with me?"

Xu Feng said to Nangong.


Nangong Temple is very different, he does not know how the cultivation of the sect.

"Yes, according to the meaning of the spirit of the spirit of the emperor, the cultivation of the sect of the sect of the sect has accumulated for thousands of years. If we can enter the cultivation, we will certainly be able to achieve great improvement."

Xu Feng did not conceal Nangong Temple. After all, Nangong Temple brought him here before, and he could not be selfish.

"That's good, let's go."

Nangong said directly.

"I don't know where my big brother is. It seems that we are in these palaces, I am afraid it is impossible to meet him."

Both of them have some regrets. After all, the three people entered the palace together. Now they can only leave two people.

"The strength of Big Brother is very good, it should not be dangerous, let's go." Xu Feng said.

The two walked toward the outside of the Endless Palace. According to the address of the Emperor, the cultivation site was not in this endless palace.


Oriental Qiankun.

He stood at the moment of some confused void, with a hearty smile in his eyes, saying: "I don't know where I am now, anyway, if you come, then settle down, slowly."

The eyes of the East Kun Kun looked around and found that the void was wonderful, and there were many other warriors around.

He did not fear these people, and those people did not seem to provoke him. After all, no one found any treasures.

No one will take the lead in fighting before there is no interest. That is the most stupid decision.

Everyone comes for treasures and resources. No one wants extra troubles, and there are many strong people in this ruins.

Nothing is a last resort, no one will provoke others for no reason.



With Nangong Temple and Xu Feng, I came to a spacious and flat square, and I saw a place not far away.

Where the spiritual power is constantly gathering from all sides, what is actually formed is a practice site.

Xu Feng felt the strong spiritual fluctuations, and both eyes were full of smiles. "Two brothers, it seems that we are coming."

Nangong Emei is a smile, said: "Three brothers, but we must be careful, there are other strong people here."

Xu Feng swept his eyes and there were dozens of people around him. Most of them were repaired by Liu Pinling.

However, the number of cultivation sites is not much.

"Ha ha ha... I can't think of this as the cultivation field of the old ruins of the past, and the old man will take up a cultivation field."

At this time, a white-haired old man rushed out in a step, wearing a blue robe.

When the wind blew, his robes slammed, and many people looked at the old man, and they were all eyes.

Just because this old man is the elder of the black blood sect, the six-character emperor's peak is repaired, Yan Qingrong, the strength is not simple.

"Yan brother, don't come innocent."

An old man not far away came out too. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his body and Yan Qingrong were similar.

Liu Pinling Emperor Peak.

"Fan Zhen, I can't think of you coming. I just didn't see you, and I was rude and rude." Yan Qingrong said.

Fan Zhen smiled faintly and said: "So many people, Yan brother did not see me is normal."

"Since you and I are here, what about us, why are we going to take it?"

Fan Zhen’s eyes were slightly concealed, and the look was a hegemonic breath. His eyes swept through the crowd with a killing effect.

Yan Qingrong heard the words and said, "I don't know what you mean by Fan Xiong. Do we both occupy these cultivation sites?"

"Yan brother, my meaning is very obvious, you are the elder of the black blood sect. I am the elder of the mind."

"These cultivation sites can only make you black blood sects, and those who cut my mind into it to practice."

Fan Zhen’s meaning is obvious, that is, to completely occupy these training grounds, so that others can not cultivate.

Xu Feng and Nangong Temple stood not far away, and their eyes were slightly congested.

You know, the two are coming to this training ground.

Now, these two people have to occupy the cultivation field. Wouldn’t they not let them practice?

Nan Gongyan looked at Xu Feng with his eyes and asked Xu Feng what he meant.

Xu Feng shook his head and signaled that Nangong was not in a hurry.

"Ha ha ha... That's really good," Yan Qingrong heard, and he looked at a few people around him.

"Several of you are elders of our black blood sect. Can you guard the cultivation field? When I am finished, I will turn to practice."

In fact, everyone understands that Yan Qingrong and Fan Zhen are trying to find some people and protect them.

"We are willing, we are willing to..."

Those people nod their heads, and the fools are not willing.

If you don't want to, who can do it with Yan Qingrong and Fan Zhen?

Even if they all add together, it is not the opponent of these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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