The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2065: Break through

Chapter 2065 Breakthrough


Zhou Tong felt the horrible temperature of the Promise Flame. He finally understood why many people want to have the fire of heaven and earth.

The power of this world's strange fire is really terrible. Such a world of fire, even if it is such a person, is also very taboo.

Xu Feng's soul power is very strong. He constantly controls the fires of heaven and earth, and begins to constantly move toward the toxins that squirm like ants.


With the infinite flames appearing on the edge of Zhou Tong's sea of ​​anger, the red flame touched the moments of those dark toxins.

Actually, a squeaking voice, the sound is like the flameless flame, burning the dark toxins.

In the past, Xu Feng felt the flames of the endless refining of the dark toxins from the beginning.

Zhou Tong’s eyes sparkled with surprises. He could feel the dark toxins in his body.

For so many years, his cultivation has been reduced by the dark toxins. If there is no way to restrain the toxins, he knows that his life is not long.

At this moment, I feel that the dark toxin is constantly being refining, and his inner excitement is really beyond words.

He knows very well that since this infinite flame can help him refine the black toxin, it is only a matter of time.

Xu Feng felt the infinite flames refining the dark toxins, and even a trace of pure spiritual power, surging toward his body.

"Good pure spiritual power, is this toxin actually transformed from spiritual power?" Xu Feng felt the pure spiritual power pouring into his body, and his face was filled with joy.

In this way, Xu Feng constantly refining the dark toxins, and constantly running "chaos and chaos" to help them integrate the pure spiritual power.


"Serre... er, what's wrong with you?"

Inside the ruins of the ruins of the ruins, there was a rush of voice in the void not far away.

There was a middle-aged man standing there. His eyes were like a torch. He looked very handsome and looked very handsome.

However, from the breath of his eyes, he felt that this person was very sinister.

He is Jiannanchun.

The existence of the Seven Spirits Emperor.

Jian Nanchun looked at the shadow in front of him, and he could feel that the situation of Jian Li was really bad.

"Father... father... I hate..."

The sound of Jian Li’s voice is extremely embarrassing, and it looks very miserable.

"Right, what the **** is going on? What happened to your right eye? And how is your air sea destroyed?"

Jian Nanchun’s voice became extremely anxious. He was worried in his eyes. He knew that he should not let the sword go to the site.

"Father, that Xu Feng, he is still alive, he is not only alive, but his strength has become terrible. He destroyed my eyes and destroyed my sea of ​​anger."

The sound of Jian Li was extremely miserable. When he spoke, his face was full of anger and anger. It was pain.

Jiannanchun heard the words, the face was gloomy.

He suddenly said: "Is it not rumored that Xu Feng was chased by you and entered the ancient comet? How could he live alive?"

Jian Nanchun is very clear, the entire ancient comet, that is the Jedi, and all the people who entered it did not leave alive.

When Xu Feng entered, it was only after the cultivation of the Emperor of the Spirit, how did he survive from the ancient star, and the strength was greatly increased?

"Father, I didn't believe that he was still alive at first, and he later seized the pharmacy that we occupied."

"Then, I met him, I thought that his strength will not be great, I know, I am not his opponent at all."

The sound of Jian Li was extremely painful, and he was annoyed and regretted inside.

If he was not arrogant, if he was not at the beginning, he felt that he had defeated Xu Feng. That was a certain thing.

He waited for a few people around him to arrive, and then shot Xu Feng, even if he could not kill Xu Feng, he would not suffer such a big blow.

"Right, how do you feel about the situation now?"

Jian Nanchun looked at the sword and looked worried.

"Father, I feel that my situation is really bad. I am now ruined and my heart is broken. I am a waste."

When the sword spoke, blood and tears flowed out of his eyes.

Jian Nanchun hurriedly confronted the sword and comforted him: "Lee, don't worry, I will go to your grandfather."

"We will take you out of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins, and then help you find the nine masters."

Jian Nanchun immediately informed his father that he was a sword.

Not long after, the sword is appearing beside Jiannanchun.

His old face is gloomy. When he looks at the sword, his old eyes burst into a crazy killing.

"Xu Feng...Xu Feng...If I don't kill you, I won't kill you." Sword alone thought that many years ago, his son Jiannanchun was almost destroyed by Xu Feng's father Xu Pang, now His grandson was ruined by Xu Pang's son. His inner anger is really irrepressible.

"Father, let's take Li Er out first, and go to the Jiu Di Emperor to treat it." Jian Nanchun said to the sword.

The sword nodded nodded, and his powerful momentum burst out madly, only to see his hands waving constantly.

In a short while, the void madly tore apart, and all the screams were bursts of squally winds. On the sword's body, a dark glow emerged.

With the darkness of the sword, the sword can connect Jian Li and his obstacles.


In a short time, the body of Jian Li disappeared from the site of the founding sect.

"You, go all out to kill Xu Feng, pass on orders, but whoever kills Xu Feng, rewards the three third-day dark field fragments."

Inside the ruins of the ruins, the five people were full of horror, and if they could get the third heaven and darkness.

The field will inevitably go further and the strength will also increase tremendously.



In the past few days, the toxins in Zhou Tong’s body were completely refining by Xu Feng.

However, the breath of Xu Feng's body, from the middle of the Sanpinling Emperor, actually rose to the late stage of the Sanpinling Emperor.

Even Xu Feng was unpredictable. He did not expect Zhou Tong’s dark toxins to contain such pure spiritual power.

At this time, Xu Feng felt that Zhou Tong’s breath became very majestic, and the cultivation became the peak of Liu Pinling.

Xu Feng stared at Zhou Tong and said: "Zhou Lao Ge, are you a high-ranking spiritual emperor during your peak period?"

Zhou Tong heard the words, nodded and said: "Little brother, you don't know, I was the master of the Seven Spirits."

"Later, the three halls of the Dark Temple are solitary, I want to let me follow him. I don't want to be hurt after him, and this toxin is also left at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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