The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2033: Pharmacological Garden

Chapter 2033, the Pharmacy Garden

"Hey, my brother, let's go killing." After the kitten swallowed the pieces of the dark field, it was extremely exciting.

Xu Feng heard the words, turned his eyes and thought that killing was a family.

However, he is very clear that it seems that the medicinal garden of the sect of the sect should be in this area, and he is now walking towards the front.


Xu Feng took the kitten with him and kneeled on the ground. From the gap between the grass, he saw two figures there.

"The **** dark temple, they actually controlled the medicinal garden, not letting the rest of us close, it is really deceiving."

"But there is no way to do things. Whoever makes the people in the Dark Temple is a lot of people, and the guardian of the garden, but the six spirits are repaired."

"Oh, it seems that we have to go through the medicinal garden of the sacred sect. It is really a pity. Otherwise, those medicinal materials, our cultivation can definitely break through."

The two people, only the five spirits emperor, they complained in their voices, and they were very dissatisfied.

"Do you guys really want to live? Let you hurry and roll away, still be here, believe it or not, we killed you."

Not far away, there were two figures of the dark temples, who had fierce eyes and stared at the men of the five five spirits.

The two men dared to speak out, and now they are constantly fleeing behind them. Who knows where they fled is actually the place where Xu Feng avoided.


Xu Feng looked at the two men and fled over. He had no choice but to stand up. The two men looked at Xu Feng with a sullen look.

"We know it is wrong, let's go, don't kill us..." The two thought that Xu Feng was the dark temple.

One of them, continually pleading with Xu Feng.

The man next to him pulled his arm and said: "You have mistaken the person. He is not a person in the dark hall. He wears a cloak. The dark temple is a black robe."

"Who is here sneaking?"

Those who just chased the two Wulingling emperors, they rushed straight out and saw Xu Feng wearing a cloak, his eyes were not good.

"Remove your cloak."

Lei He pointed to Xu Feng and said.

"Kitten, one person, kill!"

I know, Xu Feng didn't even talk nonsense. He said to the kitten on his shoulder, and suddenly he and a cat went out.

Lei He and so on, did not expect the other party to be so courageous, to know this area, people everywhere are dark temples.

"I really get impatient, this is to find a way out." Lei He screamed and watched Xu Feng hit him. He felt that Xu Feng was only after the repair of the three spirits, with mockery: "Sanpinling Emperor I dare to do it, I will send you to die."


Lei He originally thought that the Emperor of the Three Kinds of Spirits could not have been strong. His attack did not even go all out.

Just as his attack touched Xu Feng’s fist, the sound of the cymbal emerged. It was the sound of broken bones.

Lei He’s eyes were shocked inside, and he only felt the power of the majestic, coming towards his body.

When he didn't respond, Xu Feng's fist became more fierce. He didn't even have time to make a cry for help.

Just being, Xu Feng directly killed, his eyes widened, apparently dead.


Not far from the kitten, but also the claws from the neck of the person, the black robe is crushed into countless pieces.

With a bang, the black robe was all scattered on the ground, the man in the dark temple, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

However, he found that blood was constantly flowing in his throat. He could not speak at all. He could only slam and fall to the ground.

It’s awkward...

The kittens are holding the pieces of the dark field of each other, and it is a pleasure to eat them with sorrow.

Xu Feng looked at the two Wupinling emperors not far away. The two men looked at Xu Feng like a monster, and some feared to step back.

Xu Feng directly said: "You two, know the medicinal garden of the sacred sect, where is it?"

Hearing Xu Feng’s question, both of them shook their heads.

Xu Feng raised his mouth slightly and said: "It seems that the two of you really want to die, then I don't mind to fulfill you."

"Know... know, don't kill us..." The two looked at Xu Feng's eyes, and the smell of killing made them feel creepy.

"I am too lazy to kill you. You only need to lead the way. When I reach the medicine garden of the sacred sect, you can leave."

Xu Feng looked at the two and said directly.

The two swallowed, and one of them said: "This brother, not that we don't take you, but now the dark hall, there are many strong people, they are their people along the way."

"It’s almost impossible to go to the medicine garden quietly. We can give you directions, how?"

Both of them had fear in their eyes. They had just escaped from the life of nine lives, although they also wanted to compete for the herbs of the medicinal herbs.

However, they are more aware that even this person in front of him and his monsters can instantly kill the peak of the Five Spirits.

However, on this road, there are several of the six spirits, and if they are discovered, it is really a dead end.

"Lead the way."

Xu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the two. He didn't waste his tongue. The breath of his body emerged. The meaning was obvious. He either led the way or died.

Xu Feng did not believe the two men at all. In case the two men pointed him to a dead end, when he went to meet the people in the dark hall.

The two faces were incomparably ugly, and they looked at Xu Feng’s tremulous eyes and could only nod and walked toward the front.

"Don't give me any tricks, otherwise I will make you die very badly." Xu Feng looked at the back of the two people and said: "At that time, if I find the medicine garden, I can give you some of me. The medicine you need."

"Of course, if you want to die, I don't mind."

"Do not worry, we will not make fun of our lives."

The two people in front are very aware of the strength of Xu Feng and the monster. The distance is so close, they simply do not dare to have a little thought.

The speed of the two is not very fast, they are staring at the surroundings with vigilance.


Xu Feng said to the two people in front, and at the same time pulled the two people directly to the side, only to see his hand, the gathering of Lingshi constantly emerged.


In just a few dozen breaths, those polylites are integrated into the void and directly built into a small magical array.

At this time, there were a few figures close to the distance, all of them were the warriors of the Dark Temple, and they were full of mistakes.

"Strange, I just felt that there is breath in this place?" One of the dark temples had doubts on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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